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[미국특허] Heat pump system utilizable for air conditioner, water supply apparatus and the like 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25B-013/00
  • F25B-027/02
출원번호 US-0683649 (1984-12-19)
우선권정보 JP-0000283 (1984-01-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kinoshita, Teruo
출원인 / 주소
  • Misawa Homes Co., Ltd.
대리인 / 주소
    Lowe, King, Price & Becker
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 45  인용 특허 : 4


In a heat pump system according to the present invention, a plurality of heat exchangers are arranged in sequence in the vertical direction in a tank for storing a heat medium therein, and these heat exchangers are connected in series to a heat exchanger arranged outside the tank to construct a cool


1. A heat medium temperature controlling heat pump system which comprises a tank for storing a heat medium therein, a plurality of first heat exchange means arranged in sequence from the upper portion to the lower portion in the tank, second heat exchange means arranged outside said tank, a cooling

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Smith Derrick A. (1180 S. Seabreeze Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale FL 33316), Apparatus for the recovery of useful heat from refrigeration gases.
  2. Teagan W. Peter (Acton MA), Heat pump system for production of domestic hot water.
  3. Derosier Gregory S. (Holmen WI), Heat pump water heater circuit.
  4. Dearling Roy P. (Worcester Park GB2), Reversible-cycle closed-circuit refrigeration systems.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (45) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kates, Lawrence, Air filter monitoring system.
  2. DeVit Martin B. (30 Marian Ave. Glens Falls NY 12803) Shannon Jeffrey C. (Gansevoort NY), Combined heat pump and domestic water heating circuit.
  3. Pham, Hung M.; Jayanth, Nagaraj, Compressor data module.
  4. Pham, Hung M., Compressor diagnostic and protection system and method.
  5. Pham, Hung M., Compressor diagnostic and protection system and method.
  6. Pham, Hung M., Compressor diagnostic and protection system and method.
  7. Pham, Hung M., Compressor diagnostic and protection system and method.
  8. Pham, Hung M.; Alsaleem, Fadi M., Compressor having a control and diagnostic module.
  9. Pham, Hung M.; Alsaleem, Fadi M., Compressor having a control and diagnostic module.
  10. Jayanth, Nagaraj, Compressor protection and diagnostic system.
  11. Trudeau, Edward J.; Barnett, Kenneth R.; Shelgaonkar, Yogesh; Khairnar, Manoj Pralhad, Compressor protection module.
  12. Trudeau, Jr., Edward J.; Barnett, Kenneth Ray, Compressor protection module.
  13. Jayanth, Nagaraj; Renken, Troy W., Compressor sensor module.
  14. Jayanth, Nagaraj; Renken, Troy W., Compressor sensor module.
  15. Jayanth, Nagaraj; Renken, Troy W., Compressor sensor module.
  16. Jayanth, Nagaraj; Renken, Troy W., Compressor sensor module.
  17. Ringer, Maurice; Barrett, Michael P.; Jeffryes, Benjamin P.; Aldred, Walter David; Johnson, Ashley; Tunc, Gokturk; Cook, John, Drilling optimization with a downhole motor.
  18. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N.; Hemmelgarn, Gregg M.; Alsaleem, Fadi M.; Abiprojo, Priotomo, HVAC system remote monitoring and diagnosis.
  19. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N.; Hemmelgarn, Gregg M.; Alsaleem, Fadi M.; Abiprojo, Priotomo, HVAC system remote monitoring and diagnosis.
  20. Alsaleem, Fadi M.; Hemmelgarn, Gregg M., Heat pump system with refrigerant charge diagnostics.
  21. Fujitsuka, Masashi; Enomoto, Hiroshi; Kawagishi, Motohiko; Kawajiri, Kazuhiko; Sato, Minoru; Suzuki, Shunkei, Heat-accumulating hot-water-supplying air conditioner.
  22. Alsaleem, Fadi M.; Hemmelgarn, Gregg M., Heat-pump system with refrigerant charge diagnostics.
  23. Johnson, Ashley; Barrett, Michael P.; Jeffryes, Benjamin P.; Aldred, Walter David; Ringer, Maurice, Measuring speed of rotation of a downhole motor.
  24. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  25. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  26. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  27. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  28. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  29. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring a refrigeration-cycle system.
  30. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring refrigeration-cycle systems.
  31. Kates, Lawrence, Method and apparatus for monitoring refrigeration-cycle systems.
  32. Ringer, Maurice; Barrett, Michael P.; Jeffryes, Benjamin P.; Aldred, Walter David; Johnson, Ashley, Optimized drilling.
  33. Kates, Lawrence, Portable method and apparatus for monitoring refrigerant-cycle systems.
  34. Pham, Hung M., Protection and diagnostic module for a refrigeration system.
  35. Pham, Hung M., Protection and diagnostic module for a refrigeration system.
  36. Dean William J. (Oklahoma City OK), Refrigerant management control and method for a thermal energy storage system.
  37. Pham, Hung M., Refrigeration monitoring system and method.
  38. Pham, Hung M., Refrigeration monitoring system and method.
  39. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N., Remote HVAC monitoring and diagnosis.
  40. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N., Remote HVAC monitoring and diagnosis.
  41. Arensmeier, Jeffrey N., Residential solutions HVAC monitoring and diagnosis.
  42. Wallis, Frank S.; Rozsnaki, Joseph James, System and method for compressor motor protection.
  43. Wallis, Frank S.; Rozsnaki, Joseph James, System and method for compressor motor protection.
  44. Wallis, Frank S.; Rozsnaki, Joseph James, System and method for compressor motor protection.
  45. Anderson,R. David, Thermal energy transfer unit and method.

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