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[미국특허] FET Oscillator exhibiting negative resistance due to high impedance at the source of an FET thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03B-005/04
  • H03B-005/18
출원번호 US-0458940 (1983-01-18)
우선권정보 JP-0005886 (1982-01-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Torizuka, Hideki
  • Soejima, Tomohide
  • Hori, Shigekazu
출원인 / 주소
  • Tokyo Shibaura Denki Kabushiki Kaisha
대리인 / 주소
    Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 5


An FET oscillator wherein a bias circuit is connected to a drain of a field-effect transistor and a source circuit including a transmission line and a self-bias circuit is connected to a source of the transistor, so that the source is substantially open-circuited at an oscillation frequency and the


1. An FET oscillator exhibiting negative resistance due to a high impedance at the source of the FET thereof, comprising: a negative resistance circuit including a strip line of predetermined length, a biasing circuit, a resistor and a field effect transistor, said field effect transistor having

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Murakami Yoshikazu (Tokyo JPX) Komatsu Yasutoshi (Kanagawa JPX), Dielectric resonator stabilized micro-strip oscillators.
  2. Shinkawa Keiro (Yokohama JPX) Noda Masaki (Yokohama JPX) Sodeyama Chuichi (Yokohama JPX), FET Microwave oscillator being frequency stabilized by capacitive reactance micro-strip stub line.
  3. Godart Jean-Jacques (Paris FRX) Le Clerc Bernard (Paris FRX), Microstrip transistor oscillator with dielectric resonator stabilization.
  4. Sechi Franco N. (Lawrenceville NJ) Camisa Raymond L. (East Windsor NJ), Microwave FET power oscillator.
  5. Shinkawa Keiro (Yokohama JPX) Shoyama Hiroji (Yokohama JPX) Sodeyama Chuichi (Yokohama JPX), SHF band oscillator circuit using FET.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Kirkpatrick, Douglas A.; Gitsevich, Aleksandr, High frequency inductive lamp and power oscillator.
  2. MacLennan Donald A. ; Dymond ; Jr. Lauren E. ; Gitsevich Aleksandr ; Grimm William G. ; Kipling Kent ; Kirkpatrick Douglas A. ; Ola Samuel A. ; Simpson James E. ; Trimble William C. ; Tsai Peter ; Tu, High frequency inductive lamp and power oscillator.
  3. MacLennan Donald A. ; Turner Brian P. ; Dolan James T. ; Kirkpatrick Douglas A. ; Leng Yongzhang, High frequency inductive lamp and power oscillator.
  4. Jenkins, Keith A.; Lin, Yu-ming, High frequency oscillator circuit.
  5. Jenkins, Keith A.; Lin, Yu-ming, High frequency oscillator circuit and method to operate same.
  6. MacLennan Donald A. ; Turner Brian P. ; Gitsevich Aleksandr ; Bass Gary K. ; Dolan James T. ; Kipling Kent ; Kirkpatrick Douglas A. ; Leng Yongzhang ; Levin Izrail ; Roy Robert J. ; Shanks Bruce ; Sm, Jacketed lamp bulb envelope.
  7. Turner Brian P. ; Kipling Kent ; Shanks Bruce ; Smith Malcolm, Metal matrix composite integrated lamp head.
  8. Gitsevich Aleksandr, Power oscillator.
  9. Matsuzuka,Takayuki, Semiconductor integrated circuit device.
  10. MacLennan Donald A. ; Tsai Peter, Wedding ring shaped excitation coil.

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