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Hammer drill 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B25D-009/00
출원번호 US-0560425 (1983-12-12)
우선권정보 DE-3304916 (1983-02-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fehrle Siegfried (Leinfelden-Echterdingen DEX) Meixner Gerhard (Leinfelden-Echterdingen DEX) Wanner Karl (Leinfelden-Echterdingen DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Robert Bosch GmbH (Stuttgart DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 2


In a drill hammer a motor driven striking mechanism is provided with two air cushions of changeable volumes, through which impact energy is transmitted from the motor to a reciprocating striker which in turn transmits the energy to a tool of the drill hammer. When the striker moves in the direction


In a hammer drill comprising a tool, and a motor-driven striking mechanism including an axially reciprocable actuating member driven by the motor, said actuating member being a main piston having an axis, and a striker actuated by said actuating member via an air cushion for movements towards and ba

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Wanner Karl (Leinfelden DEX) Thome Ludwig (Leinfelden-Echterdingen DEX) Felche Joerg (Bempflingen DEX) Lehmann Werner (Leinfelden DEX), Percussion hammer with a one piece striker.
  2. Schmid Wolfgang (Plattenhardt DEX) Wanner Karl (Echterdingen DEX) Flchle Jorg (Bempflinge DEX) Bleicher Manfred (Leinfelden DEX) Mller Frank (Leinfelden DEX), Power-driven hand tool.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34)

  1. Torigai,Yukio; Kushida,Toshihiko; Fujimoto,Katsuhiro, Bolt and nut tightening device.
  2. Frenzel Jens,DEX ; Nussrainer Helmut,DEX ; Bongers-Ambrosius Hans-Werner,DEX, Drilling and/or chiselling tool.
  3. Soika, Martin; Arich, Klaus-Dieter, Drive mechanism for a power tool.
  4. Elger, William A., Gear assembly for a power tool.
  5. Plietsch, Reinhard, Hammer.
  6. Schmid, Wolfgang; Berger, Rudolf; Weyl, Peter, Hammer drill and/or paving breaker with a handle.
  7. Shinma Yasutoshi,JPX, Hammer drill with an idling strike prevention mechanism.
  8. F체nfer,Josef, Hand-held power tool.
  9. Wiedner, Aaron; Hartmann, Markus, Hand-held power tool.
  10. Hartmann, Markus; Dorner, Stefan; Sternberger, Peter, Hand-held power tool with a pneumatic percussion mechanism.
  11. Myrhum, Jr., James O.; Thorson, Troy C.; Ebner, Jeremy R.; Kehoe, Sean T.; Ellice, Joseph H.; Holly, Jeffrey S., Hydraulic hand-held knockout punch driver.
  12. Myrhum, Jr., James O.; Thorson, Troy C.; Ebner, Jeremy R.; Kehoe, Sean T.; Ellice, Joseph H.; Holly, Jeffrey S., Hydraulic hand-held knockout punch driver.
  13. Aoki,Yonosuke, Impact power tool.
  14. Aoki, Yonosuke, Impact tool.
  15. Hashimoto, Koichi; Tsubakimoto, Hiroyuki; Oda, Hisashi, Impact tool.
  16. Myrhum, Jr., James O., Multi-operational valve.
  17. Brian M. White ; Charles W. Hewitt ; Robert D. Olmstead, Multi-stroke fastening device.
  18. Arakawa Takuo,JPX ; Sakuragi Masaki,JPX, Percussive tool having a reduced impact at the start of percussive operation.
  19. John, Alexander; Schulz, Reinhard; Pfeiffer, Eduard, Pneumatic hammer mechanism and control method.
  20. Berger, Rudolf; Lysek, Mirko; Schmid, Wolfgang, Pneumatic percussive tool with a movement frequency controlled idling position.
  21. Schmid, Wolfgang; Lysek, Mirko; Berger, Rudolf, Pneumatic piston percussive mechanism with a hollow percussion piston.
  22. Aoki,Yonosuke, Power tool.
  23. Pusateri,Daniel S.; Zikowski,Thomas J., Power tool with detachable drive end.
  24. Pusateri,Daniel S.; Zikowski,Thomas J., Power tool with detachable drive end.
  25. Henke Andreas Werner,DEX ; Lauterwald Martin,DEX ; Ruethers Bruno Meinholf,DEX ; Stanke Thomas Michael,DEX, Rotary hammer.
  26. Stirm Michael,DEX ; Fordon Alfred,DEX, Rotary hammer.
  27. Bauer David R., Rotary hammer with improved pneumatic drive system.
  28. Meixner, Gerhard; Baumann, Otto; Koalick, Jan, Striking mechanism for a handheld power tool.
  29. Arakawa Takuo,JPX ; Hyodo Koki,JPX, Striking tool with an improved cooling mechanism.
  30. Frenzel Jens,DEX ; Nussrainer Helmut,DEX ; Schulz Reinhard,DEX ; Bongers-Ambrosius Hans-Werner,DEX, Tool for drilling and/or chiseling.
  31. Stirm, Michael; Faatz, Heinz Werner, Vibration reduction apparatus for power tool and power tool incorporating such apparatus.
  32. Stirm, Michael; Faatz, Heinz Werner, Vibration reduction apparatus for power tool and power tool incorporating such apparatus.
  33. Stirm,Michael; Faatz,Heinz Werner, Vibration reduction apparatus for power tool and power tool incorporating such apparatus.
  34. Stirm,Michael; Faatz,Heinz Werner, Vibration reduction apparatus for power tool and power tool incorporating such apparatus.
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