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Alumina compositions useful as catalyst supports for ethylene oxidation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01J-020/04
출원번호 US-0578256 (1984-02-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Young
  • Jr. Harold W. (Baton Rouge LA) Ainsworth
  • Jr. Oliver C. (Baton Rouge LA) Fry William E. (Angleton TX) Neil Lawrence E. (Angleton TX)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Dow Chemical Company (Midland MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 19


An alumina support which contains cesium is prepared by adding a fusible compound of cesium to alumina along with known binders and porosity control agents. The cesium compound should be fusible below the temperature at which the alumina fuses. Such a support is especially useful as a support for a


In the process of making an alumina support material by heating at an elevated temperature of >1000°C. a mixture of alumina, porosity control agents and binders, the improvement which comprises adding a cesium compound to said mixture to provide in the finished support an amount of cesium of from ab

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (19)

  1. Cull Neville L. (Baker LA), Alumina treatment.
  2. Kimura Sadahiro (Toyota JA) Uchida Kiyoshi (Toyota JA) Akizuki Hiroyuki (Toyota JA), Catalyst carrier and method of manufacturing same.
  3. Itoh Takuji (Kawagoe Sayama JPX) Sakurada Satoshi (Kawagoe Omiya JPX) Okano Shohei (Kawagoe Tokorozawa JPX) Obayashi Takashi (Kawagoe Ohi JPX) Toyoizumi Takeo (Ohi JPX) Iwata Osami (Kawagoe JPX), Catalyst for hydrofining petroleum wax.
  4. Nielsen Robert P. (Houston TX) La Rochelle John H. (Baton Rouge LA), Catalyst for the oxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide.
  5. Nielsen Robert P. (Houston TX) La Rochelle John H. (Baton Rouge LA), Ethylene oxide process.
  6. Ziegenhain William C. (Ponca City OK), High-porosity, high-surface area, low-bulk density alumina.
  7. Ball William J. (Capel GB2) Palmer Keith W. (Weybridge GB2) Stewart David G. (Epsom GB2), Method for preparing aluminosilicates, their use as catalyst supports and catalysts, and method for producing catalysts.
  8. Boussert Anne S. (Baton Rouge LA), Method of making catalysts for the production of ethylene oxide.
  9. Wernli Walter L. (Angleton TX) Fry William E. (Angleton TX) Janda Steve F. (Brazoria TX), Method of making catalysts for the production of ethylene oxide.
  10. Mitsche ; Roy T. ; Pope ; George N., Method of preparation of alumina catalyst support or carrier material.
  11. Bornfriend Robert Alan (Ridgefield CT), Process for catalyst materials of increased pore volume and pore diameter.
  12. Rebsdat ; Siegfried ; Mayer ; Sigmund ; Alfranseder ; Josef ; Riedl ; Jo sef, Process for improving the activity of used supported silver catalysts.
  13. Pearson Michael J. (Pleasanton CA) Rigge Ronald J. (Pleasanton CA) Carniglia Stephen C. (Byron CA), Process for modifying the pore volume distribution of alumina base catalyst supports.
  14. Kilty Peter A. (Houston TX), Process for preparing an ethylene oxide catalyst.
  15. Mitsuhata Masashi (Yokohama JA) Kumazawa Toshihiko (Yokohama JA) Kiguchi Isamu (Zushi JA), Process for preparing ethylene oxide.
  16. Winnick ; Charles Nathan, Process for the preparation of a supported silver catalyst.
  17. Hart Donald W. (Houston TX) Slaugh Lynn H. (Houston TX), Process for the preparation of ethylbenzene from 4-vinylcyclohexene-1.
  18. Vangermain Erwin (Marl DEX) Brauckmann Willi (Marl DEX) Erberich Hans-Jrgen (Marl DEX) Ueberschaer Horst (Marl DEX), Process for the preparation of silver catalysts for the production of ethylene oxide.
  19. Barrett Michael G. (Laurel MD) Vaughan David E. W. (Flemington NJ), Synthesis of cesium-containing zeolite, CSZ-1.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Bhasin, Madan M.; Brayden, Mark K.; Dupius, Foppe; Groenendijk, Peter E.; Seyedmonir, Seyed R.; Smith, Michael C.; Vance, Fredrick W., Method for removal of mercury from hydrocarbon feedstocks.
  2. Allen, Timothy L.; Bryden, Todd R.; Howard, Kevin E.; Lakso, Steven R.; Lebaron, Peter C.; Lovelace, Jamie L.; Serafin, Juliana G.; Wallin, Sten A., Porous body precursors, shaped porous bodies, processes for making them, and end-use products based upon the same.
  3. Bryden, Todd R.; Howard, Kevin E.; LeBaron, Peter C.; Wallin, Sten A., Porous body precursors, shaped porous bodies, processes for making them, and end-use products based upon the same.
  4. Bryden, Todd R.; Howard, Kevin E.; Lebaron, Peter C.; Wallin, Sten A., Porous body precursors, shaped porous bodies, processes for making them, and end-use products based upon the same.
  5. Boxhoorn Gosse (Amsterdam NLX) Schoenmakers Peter J. (Amsterdam NLX) Velthuis Otto M. (Amsterdam NLX), Process for the preparation of a silver-containing ethylene oxide catalyst and the catalyst prepared by the process.
  6. Monnier John R. (Fairport NY) Muehlbauer Peter J. (Spencerport NY), Selective monoepoxidation of olefins.
  7. Shima Masahide,JPX ; Takada Hitoshi,JPX, Silver catalyst for production of ethylene oxide, method for production thereof, and method for production of ethylene oxide.
  8. Shima Masahide,JPX ; Takada Hitoshi,JPX, Silver catalyst for production of ethylene oxide, method for production thereof, and method for production of ethylene oxide.
  9. Boxhoorn Gosse (Amsterdam NLX), Silver-containing catalyst, process for the preparation of the catalyst and the catalyst prepared by the process.
  10. Boxhoorn Gosse (Amsterdam NLX), Silver-containing ethylene oxide catalyst and a process for its preparation.
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