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[미국특허] Nonwoven sheet having improved heat deterioration resistance and high elongation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • D04H-003/10
  • D04H-003/14
  • D04H-003/16
출원번호 US-0712243 (1985-03-15)
우선권정보 JP-0050184 (1984-03-17); JP-0050185 (1984-03-17); JP-0050186 (1984-03-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Niki Akira (Osaka JPX) Iwasaki Hirofumi (Ashiya JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Asahi Kasei Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha (JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 3


Disclosed is a nonwoven sheet consisting of undrawn polyethylene terephthalate filaments of which an outer layer portion of a filament section has a higher orientation and higher crystallization than a center of the filament section, and nonwoven sheets produced by using the above-mentioned nonwoven


A nonwoven sheet composed of polyethylene terephthalate filaments, wherein the filaments have an elongation at breakage of at least 100%, a shrinkage in boiling water of at least 15%, the filament section is a circular section having a radius R, and the average refractive index n�0) of the central p

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sabee Reinhardt N. (Appleton WI) Schwarz Eckhard C. (Neenah WI), Spun bonded fabric, and articles made therefrom.
  2. Hartmann Ludwig (Kaiserslautern DEX) Ruzek Ivo (Kaiserslautern DEX), Spun nonwoven fabric of polyester filaments for use as backing material for a deep-drawable tufted carpet.
  3. Hartman Ludwig (Kaiserslautern DEX) Ruzek Ivo (Kaiserslautern DEX) Lcher Engelbert (Kaiserslautern DEX), Spun-bonded fabric of partially drawn polypropylene with a low draping coefficient.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. McCormack Ann Louise, Breathable, cloth-like film/nonwoven composite.
  2. Mathis Michael Peter ; McCormack Ann Louise ; Schiffer Daniel Kenneth, Cloth-like, liquid-impervious, breathable composite barrier fabric.
  3. Morman Michael T. (Alpharetta GA), Composite elastic material including a reversibly necked material.
  4. McCormack Ann L. ; Haffner William B., Elastomeric film and method for making the same.
  5. O'Donnell, Hugh Joseph; Bond, Eric Bryan; Hoying, Jody Lynn, Fibers and webs capable of high speed solid state deformation.
  6. Iwasaki Hirofumi (Ashiya JPX), Formable nonwoven sheet.
  7. Suzuki Fumio (Kanagawa JPX) Akasaka Nobuhiro (Kanagawa JPX) Honjo Makoto (Kanagawa JPX), Highly oriented resin-made reinforcing member.
  8. Block, Thomas L.; Staelgraeve, Lee A.; Tilton, Jeffrey A.; Poole, Paul W., Hood, dash, firewall or engine cover liner.
  9. Morman, Michael T.; Van Gompel, Paul Theodore; Marvin, Jennifer; Roessler, Thomas Harold; Carr, James M.; Huang, Yung Hsiang; Meyer, Mary Jo; Johnson, Eric Donald, Machine and cross-machine direction elastic materials and methods of making same.
  10. McCormack Ann L. ; Haffner William B., Microporous elastomeric film/nonwoven breathable laminate and method for making the same.
  11. Groh,Werner; Sch?ps,Michael; Lehnert,J?rg, Non-woven laminate composite.
  12. Levy, Ruth L.; Morman, Michael T., Particle barrier nonwoven material.
  13. Suzuki Fumio (Kanagawa JPX) Akasaka Nobuhiro (Kanagawa JPX) Honjo Makoto (Kanagawa JPX), Process for producing highly oriented resin-made reinforcing member.
  14. James Richard Neely ; Darryl Franklin Clark ; Ty Jackson Stokes ; Chad Michael Freese ; Rebecca Willey Griffin, Process of making a crimped multicomponent fiber web.
  15. Morman Michael T. (Alpharetta GA), Reversibly necked material.
  16. Sennett, Michael; Welsh, Elizabeth A.; Herbert, Jean M.; Cunniff, Phillip M., Transparent, reinforced, composite fiber and articles made therefrom.
  17. Schwarz Eckhard C. A. (Neenah WI), Tube of oriented, heat shrunk, melt blown fibers.

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