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Inertial spin welding of thermoplastic and thermoplastic coated container parts 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B23K-027/00
  • B29C-027/08
  • B29D-023/03
  • B28C-001/08
출원번호 US-0465142 (1983-02-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fortuna Vincent E. (Huntington Beach CA) MacLaughlin Donald N. (Midland MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • Cosden Technology, Inc. (Dallas TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 12


A thermoplastic container bottom is inertially spin welded into the interior of a cylindrical container body of paperboard internally lined with a layer of thermoplastic material. A body supporting mandrel has an expansible body engaging portion which is inserted into the body and subsequently expan


A method of inertial spinwelding of a thermoplastic container bottom having an axially extending peripheral surface receivable with a press fit within one end of an open-ended cylindrical container body, said method comprising: releasably mounting a thermoplastic container bottom having an axially p

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Hoffmann Wolfgang (Turlock CA), Base cup applying apparatus and method.
  2. Norlin ; Stig Ivar, Bumper attachment.
  3. Maehara Kazuo (Yokohama JPX) Sato Isao (Yokohama JPX), Friction welding apparatus.
  4. Jodrey Robert M. (Westboro MA) Young Kenneth (Groton MA), High speed decoration.
  5. Hecker Michael F. (Santa Barbara CA), Internal gripper apparatus having positive container alignment.
  6. Murai ; Sadao ; Goto ; Nobuo ; Tanioka ; Katsuhiko ; Matsunaga ; Masaaki ; Isayama ; Riyoiti, Method for forming an annular groove in a thermoplastic pipe.
  7. Aidlin Samuel S. (214 Beaumont St. Brooklyn NY 11235) Aidlin Stephen H. (934 Glenwood Rd. W. Hempstead NY 11552), Method for manufacturing flat-bottomed plastic bottles.
  8. Woerz Stephen E. (Florissant MO) Canup Travis K. (Ferguson MO), Method for spin bonding ends for composite containers.
  9. Tuskos ; Michael E., Methods and apparatus for spin welding thermoplastic workpieces.
  10. Friedericy Johan A. (Palos Verdes Estates CA) Towgood Dennis A. (Huntington Beach CA), Multi-rim flywheel.
  11. Black Alister (Blenheim NZX), Process and apparatus for continuously prestressing concrete products.
  12. Geurtsen, Friedrich H. H.; Kebbel, Waldemar S.; Meyer, Manfred, Web transport system with electro-optical label detection.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19)

  1. Tully Lowell R. ; Johnson Stephen A. ; Konieczny Dave ; Estes Stephen R., Angular orientation control system for friction welding.
  2. Tully,Lowell R.; Johnson,Stephen A.; Konieczny,Dave; Estes,Stephen R., Angular orientation control system for friction welding.
  3. Tully,Lowell R.; Johnson,Stephen A.; Konieczny,Dave; Estes,Stephen R., Angular orientation control system for friction welding.
  4. Williamson, James T., Apparatus for forming a metallic container.
  5. Williamson, James T., Apparatus for forming a metallic container.
  6. Dulisse, Michael; Poellet, Charles D.; Fogle, Rick, Blow-molded pressure tank with spin-welded connector.
  7. Van Swearingen, Kendrick; Paynter, Jeffrey D; Flemming, James P; Harwath, Frank A., Capacitively coupled flat conductor connector.
  8. Van Swearingen, Kendrick; Fleming, James P, Coaxial connector and coaxial cable interconnected via molecular bond.
  9. Landis ; II Henry J., Container for food products.
  10. Van Swearingen, Kendrick, Cylindrical surface spin weld apparatus.
  11. Touchet, Joseph M., Food product container.
  12. Hoefer John A. (Louisville KY) Perry David S. (Louisville KY) Schelmbauer Edward J. (Louisville KY), Friction welding apparatus.
  13. Van Swearingen, Kendrick; Fleming, James P., Method for interconnecting a coaxial connector with a solid outer conductor coaxial cable.
  14. Yamazaki, Yasuhiko; Shibata, Takayuki; Murata, Syuuji; Yada, Akihiro; Iwamatsu, Ryouji, Method for vibrating, melting and bonding resin parts.
  15. Landis ; II Henry J., Plastic container for food products.
  16. Landis Henry J. ; Messer Donald P., Plastic container for food products.
  17. Messer, Donald P.; Archibald, William E.; Naghaway, Samir Asmail, Plastic container for food products.
  18. Krell, Volker, Stand for a machine.
  19. Touchet, Joseph M., Thermoformed container assembly for food products.
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