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[미국특허] Aeration apparatus for large waters 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C02F-001/74
출원번호 US-0669084 (1984-11-07)
우선권정보 DE-3340420 (1983-11-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Blum Albert (Scheiderhhe 5204 Lohmar 1 DEX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 5


An aeration apparatus for waters consists of a float element and of at least one aerator unit supported thereby, with a motor-driven pump, with a mixing chamber downstream of the latter, with an air pipe connected to the mixing chamber and with at least one ejector leading out of the mixing chamber.


Aeration apparatus for large waters, consisting of one float element and a plurality of aerator units supported thereby, characterized in that the float element is a walk-on boat hull (1;32) wherein the aerator units (2; 33; 34) are arranged all around the boat hull and are attached to the exterior

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hilling David L. (Bismarck ND), Aeration technology.
  2. Cramer Barry G. (Kansas City MO) Cramer Roy A. (Kansas City MO), Aspirating horizontal mixer.
  3. Stog Wilhelm (Waltrop DEX), Floating jet aerator.
  4. Molvar Allen E. (Barrington RI), Multiple stage jet nozzle and aeration system.
  5. Shuck William D. (4610 Ingleside La. Indianapolis IN 46227) Lind Frederick D. (R.R. 1 ; Box 110B Whiteland IN 46184) Cole John W. (5212 Bluff Rd. Indianapolis IN 46217), Sludge agitating method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Tsai, Rong Feng, Aeration equipment.
  2. Tsai,Rong Feng, Aeration method of pool water and apparatus thereof.
  3. Durda,Daniel J., Aerator.
  4. Murphy Declan (Quebec CAX), Air removal snorkel device.
  5. Fowles, Russell E., Computer controlled wastewater evaporator.
  6. Tsai,Rong Feng, Cruising aeration apparatus and method.
  7. Hofland,Jacobus Maria Josef, Device and method for bringing ashore or refloating a floating body.
  8. Tews, James Timothy, Floating manure agitator with multidirectional agitator nozzles.
  9. Boulter,Roger P., Floating wastewater evaporator.
  10. Richard E. Speece, Gas dissolving apparatus and method.
  11. Richard E. Speece, Gas dissolving apparatus and method.
  12. Speece Richard E., Gas dissolving apparatus and method.
  13. Speece, Richard E., Gas transfer energy recovery and effervescence prevention apparatus and method.
  14. Speece, Richard E., Gas transfer energy recovery and effervescence prevention apparatus and method.
  15. Boulter, Roger P., Land based or floating wastewater evaporator.
  16. Boulter, Roger P., Land based or floating wastewater evaporator.
  17. Boulter, Roger P., Land based or floating wastewater evaporator.
  18. Caldwell Dean A. ; Arnold Gary R., Method and apparatus for aerating.
  19. Clidence, David A.; Speece, Richard E., Method and apparatus for control of a gas or chemical.
  20. Speece,Richard E.; Clidence,David A., Method and apparatus for control of a gas or chemical.
  21. Blumenthal,John; Gamber,Charles, Method for aerating bodies of water.
  22. Blumenthal,John; Gamber, Sr.,Charles, Method of and apparatus for aerating bodies of water.
  23. Karliner Rudolf R., Method of treating waste water.
  24. Durda Joseph A. (Wazatta MN), Oscillating propeller type aerator apparatus and method.
  25. Speece, Richard E., Superoxygenation of raw wastewater for odor/corrosion control.
  26. List, Randy W.; Huang, Jing; Widman, Joseph F.; Cohen, Brian J.; Schroeder, Todd M.; Harding, Gregory R.; Gorbunow, Paul P.; Jones, Jason L.; Carleton, Steven R., Universal bridge and wall mounted aeration apparatus.
  27. Myers, Gary, Vertically integrated aquaculture system.

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