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Control valve with anticavitation trim 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16K-047/08
  • F15D-001/00
출원번호 US-0756567 (1985-07-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stares James A. (Norton MA)
출원인 / 주소
  • McGraw-Edison Company (Rolling Meadows IL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 38  인용 특허 : 4


A control valve includes a valve body with a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet. A valve seat is mounted within the valve body between the inlet and outlet. A valve plug is reciprocally mounted within the valve body to engage the valve seat. A plurality of valve cages are removably mounted on the valve


A valve comprising: a. a valve body with a fluid inlet and a fluid outlet, b. a valve seat ring positioned in said valve body between said fluid inlet and said fluid outlet, c. a valve plug reciprocally mounted in said valve body and engaging said valve seat ring in a valve closed mode, d. a first c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Baumann Hans D. (Foxboro MA), Fluid resistance device.
  2. Self Richard E. (3221 Brimhall Drive Los Alamitos CA 90720), High energy loss nested sleeve fluid control device.
  3. Fink Willy (Giersbergstrasse CH-8479 Waltalingen CHX) Fehr Alex (Henggart CHX), Sound absorber for compressed-air operated apparatuses, in particular compressed air vibrators.
  4. Baumann Hans D. (Manville RI), Variable resistance type throttling trim.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (38)

  1. Oklejas, Jr., Eli; Hunt, Jason B., Anti-cavitation throttle valve and method of operating the same.
  2. Folk, Robert; Becker, David, Anti-cavitation valve seat.
  3. Elliott, Declan, Choke valve with flow-impeding recesses.
  4. Hoff, Elliot J.; Schade, Ross A., Clamped bonnet assembly for an axial flow valve and axial flow valve comprising same.
  5. Welker Robert H., Flow diffuser.
  6. McCarty, Michael; Lovell, Michel K., Fluid flow control device having a seat ring retainer.
  7. Stares,James Albert; Bogumil,Jamie Todd, Fluid flow regulation.
  8. Baumann Hans D., Fluid pressure reduction device.
  9. Baumann Hans D. ; Schafbuch Paul J. ; Gethmann Douglas P. ; Anderson Michael M. ; Koester David J., Fluid pressure reduction device.
  10. Baumann Hans D. ; Schafbuch Paul J. ; Gethmann Douglas P. ; Anderson Michael M. ; Koester David J., Fluid pressure reduction device.
  11. Wears William Everett ; McCarty Michael W., Fluid pressure reduction device with linear flow characteristic.
  12. McCarty, Michael Wildie, Fluid pressure reduction devices.
  13. McCarty, Michael Wildie, Fluid pressure reduction devices.
  14. Zecchi, Stefano; Borghesani, Omero, Gas pressure regulator.
  15. Zecchi, Stefano; Monti, Andrea, Gas pressure regulator.
  16. McMahon, Shawn M.; Parrish, Russell P., Gas turbine engine exhaust nozzle cooling valve.
  17. Stares, James A., High capacity globe valve.
  18. Hemme Kent R. ; Shea Allan K., High energy loss fluid control device.
  19. Hemme Kent R. ; Shea Allan K., High energy loss fluid control device.
  20. Stares, James A.; Bittner, Christopher, High rangeability control valve.
  21. McHugh, Edmund, In-line control valve.
  22. Naziri, Kevin; Clark, Graham, Liner displacement control valve including valve trim with spindle and flow control element for improved low flow control.
  23. Bergamini, Lorenzo; Pietanza, Vincenzo, Multistage trim for control valves.
  24. Tartaglia Peter A. (Butler NJ) Collins Richard B. (Denville NJ) Smolen Robert S. (Bloomingdale NJ), Noise-reducing valve construction.
  25. Tartaglia Peter A. (Butler NJ) Collins Richard B. (Denville NJ) Smolen Robert S. (Bloomingdale NJ), Noise-reducing valve construction.
  26. Fukano, Yoshihiro; Makado, Shoichi, Silencer.
  27. McCarty Michael Wildie ; Long Ted Alan ; Gethmann Douglas Paul ; Schafbuch Paul Jay, Tortuous path fluid pressure reduction device.
  28. Hopper, Hans Paul, Valve assembly.
  29. Hopper, Hans Paul; Finn, Fergal, Valve assembly.
  30. Scovell, Matthew; Skolnik, David; Jackson, Keith; Lathrope, Scott, Valve assembly.
  31. Hopper, Hans Paul, Valve assembly with cage and flow control assembly.
  32. Hopper, Hans Paul; Finn, Fergal, Valve assembly with cage and flow control assembly.
  33. Davies, Lonnie O.; Hilsabeck, Jeremy R.; Engle, Chad M., Valve body with upper flow diverter.
  34. Alman, Paul T., Valve with self-cleaning trim.
  35. Lovell, Michel K., Volume booster with reduced noise trim.
  36. Lovell, Michel K., Volume booster with seat load bias.
  37. Lovell, Michel K.; Jwanouskos, Ryan J.; Scott, Gary L.; Junk, Kenneth W., Volume booster with stabilized trim.
  38. Lovell, Michel K.; Jwanouskos, Ryan J.; Scott, Gary L.; Junk, Kenneth W.; Stiehl, Mark, Volume booster with stabilized trim.
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