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[미국특허] Boat trailer 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60P-003/10
출원번호 US-0692834 (1985-01-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sprague Wendell (Mercer Island WA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Mobi-Dock, Inc. (Mercer Island WA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 3


A boat trailer including a main frame (4,8) having mounted thereon a keel support (21) adjustable, side supports (20) and self-storing upwardly and outwardly flaring dolphins (22). The trailer is capable of being located in water deep enough to float the boat on or off because the tongue is extendib


A boat trailer adapted to simplify the launching and loading of a boat comprising: a main frame member including infinitely adjustable bunk means to support the boat; extendible tongue means to allow the trailer to be further from the vehicle during launching and loading; latch means whereby the boa

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Carrick Lawrence K. (Spokane WA), Boat trailer.
  2. Foster Paul L. (P.O. Box 1463 Vero Beach FL 32960), Boat trailer.
  3. Anderson James D. (4339 S. 850 East South Ogden UT 84403), Boat trailer latching device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Remedios, Philip; Gee, Mike, Adjustable aluminum trailer bunk for trailers.
  2. Pelligrino, Paul A, Apparatus and means for remotely launching and securely retrieving a trailered watercraft.
  3. Leasure, Clifford, Apparatuses, watercraft supports, and methods therefor.
  4. Sumrall Curtis E. (Anniston AL), Boat hitch.
  5. Boshuizen, Trevor Wayne, Boat latch.
  6. Davis, Geoffrey Calton; Codd, Brian Donald, Boat latch.
  7. Weir, Brett H., Boat release apparatus.
  8. Bishop ; III Walter M ; Bishop ; Jr Walter M, Boat securing and releasing device.
  9. Guio, Jack J., Boat trailer.
  10. Headlee Arthur W., Boat trailer.
  11. Kirchhan, James J, Boat trailer equipped with a powered boat launch and retrieval system that negates the shallow entry of a launch ramp.
  12. Warren, William Travis, Boat trailer with storage compartments.
  13. Lane, Luther Williams, Extension trailer.
  14. Ernst Guenter (3999 Morning Star Dr. Salt Lake City UT 84124) Davis Steven S. (298 S. Cobble Creek Rd. Farmington UT 84025), Guide mounted boat trailer.
  15. Willmsen Vernon H. (2413 S. 95 St. West Allis WI 53227), Marker assembly for a boat trailer.
  16. Pelligrino, Paul A., Method for remotely launching and securely retrieving a trailered watercraft.
  17. Clark ; Jr. Anderson L. (203 Clark La. Tullahoma TN 37388), Retractable trailer tongue.
  18. George S. Koon, Roll away trailer tongue.
  19. Priesgen Tony P. ; Youmans Gary L., Trailer.
  20. Hellbusch, James A., Trailer chassis.
  21. Billotte Keith W., Vehicle with trussed box beam load supports.
  22. Youmans Gary L. ; Priesgen Tony P., Watercraft trailer incorporating slidable bunk elements.

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