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[미국특허] Slush molding method with selective heating of mold by air jets 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B29C-039/00
  • B29C-041/18
출원번호 US-0673810 (1984-11-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Anestis Emmanuel (Raymond NH) Wakefield Frederick I. (Durham NH)
출원인 / 주소
  • Ex-Cell-O Corporation (Troy MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 3


A method wherein an article is molded of a heat-fusing material or plastisol, either liquid or dry, in a mold having an array of gas impingement jets disposed adjacent the backside of a mold surface for controlling the temperature over respective first and second areas of the mold surface. There is


A method for molding a heat gellable material comprising: disposing said material on a mold in a plenum chamber having plural nozzles for directing air toward first and second outer surface portions of said mold, opening some of said nozzles to a single source of air at an elevated temperature and c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sammis George L. (Mason City IA), Method for printing a color design on a release paper for heat transfer to a fabric material.
  2. Colby Daniel E. (Somersworth NH), Method using modular slush molding machine.
  3. Wilson Ted R. (5009 Grand Ave. Kansas City MO 64112), Thermoplastic building enclosure member.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Gray, John D.; Bunn, Philip A.; Korte, Bas; Hayes, Chris; Batchelder, Bruce, Airbag door and method for making same.
  2. Gray John D. (New Durham NH), Apparatus for molding two-tone colored plastic shells.
  3. Belleville Ernest L. (Barrington NH) Gaudreau Laurent R. (S. Berwick ME), Apparatus for reducing waste in a plastic mold.
  4. Gardner Jr., John A., Decorative automotive interior trim articles with cast integral light stable covering and process for making the same.
  5. Gardner, Jr., John A., Decorative automotive interior trim articles with cast integral light stable covering and process for making the same.
  6. Gardner, Jr.,John A., Decorative automotive interior trim articles with cast integral light stable covering and process for making the same.
  7. Hughes, Alan; Ogura, Sotoru; Pryor, Eric; Allison, Ted; Williams, Roger, Injection mold machine with reduced mold change downtime.
  8. Farrington, Stephen D.; Mazzochi, Kenneth J., Material and method for manufacturing plastic parts.
  9. Grimmer Robert A., Material for manufacturing plastic parts.
  10. Kargarzadeh Reza (Riceville TN) Tuttle Ken E. (S. Berwick ME) Grimes John A. (Dover NH), Method and apparatus for forming a 360 degree skin handle.
  11. Swenson Harold W. (Dover NH) Tuttle Ken E. (South Berwick ME), Method and apparatus for forming a composite foam shell and insert article.
  12. Grimmer, Robert; Risca, Alex; Combs, Richard, Method for annealing an electrodeposition structure.
  13. Grimmer,Robert; Risca,Alex; Combs,Richard, Method for annealing an electrodeposition structure.
  14. Gray John D. (New Durham NH), Method for forming shaped plastic shells.
  15. David C. Mulligan, Method of making a rotary molded plastic member with variable wall thickness.
  16. Gray John D. (New Durham NH), Mold apparatus for forming shaped plastic shells.
  17. McNally Douglas J.,CAX, Molding process employing heated fluid.
  18. Grimmer, Robert A.; Syphers, Dave; Moore, Denis, Plastic skin forming process.
  19. Grimmer,Robert A.; Syphers,Dave; Moore,Denis, Plastic skin forming process.
  20. Gardner ; Jr. John A., Process for making decorative automotive interior trim articles with cast integral light stable covering.
  21. Fried, Robert P.; Rottman, Bernard, Process for producing molded plastic articles.
  22. Gardner ; Jr. John A. ; Wilson Phillip S., Process of making decorative automotive interior trim articles with cast integral light-stable covering containing invisible tear seam.
  23. McNally Douglas J.,CAX, Slush molding apparatus.
  24. McNally Douglas J.,CAXITX N7M 3E7, Slush molding apparatus.
  25. Bond,Janine R.; Kim,Juhan, Slush molding machine.
  26. Douglas J. McNally CA, Slush molding process.
  27. Halford, Ben, Tool temperature control.

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