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Primary air exchange for a pulverized coal burner 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F23D-001/00
출원번호 US-0776194 (1985-09-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • LaRue Albert D. (Uniontown OH) Clocker Roger A. (Wadsworth OH) Smith
  • Jr. Norman F. (Doylestown OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Babcock & Wilcox Company (New Orleans LA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 2


A primary air exchange device for a burner of a pulverized fuel, such as coal, with burner including a supply line through which a primary air and pulverized fuel mixture is supplied. A separator having its inlet within the supply line is dimensioned to receive and remove approximately one half of t


A primary air exchange device for a pulverized fuel burner comprising: a supply line for supplying a combination of primary air and pulverized fuel to a furnace; separator means secured to said supply line for removing from said supply line a first mixture comprising generally one half of said prima

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Vatsky Joel (Millburn NJ) Schindler Edmund S. (Maplewood NJ), Combustion system and method for a coal-fired furnace utilizing a louvered low load separator-nozzle assembly and a sepa.
  2. Vatsky Joel (Millburn NJ) Schindler Edmund S. (Maplewood NJ), Combustion system and method for a coal-fired furnace utilizing a wide turn-down burner.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Collins ; Jr. Raymond L. (Hudson OH) Bryk Stephen A. (Mogadore OH), Burner assembly for coal fired furnaces.
  2. Collins ; Jr. Raymond L. (Hudson OH) Bryk Stephen A. (Mogadore OH), Burner assembly for oil fired furnaces.
  3. LaRue, Albert D; Chen, Zumao; McQuistan, Keir D, Burner with flame stabilizing/center air jet device for low quality fuel.
  4. Hilber, Thomas; Greiner, Bernd; Schommer, Hans-Peter; Francon, Noel; Jaiser, Helmut, Combustion system.
  5. LaRue Albert D. (Uniontown OH) Sarv Hamid (Canton OH), Low NOx short flame burner with control of primary air/fuel ratio for NOx reduction.
  6. Streffing Michael (Marl DEX) Leisse Alfons (Essen DEX), Method of increasing the level of volatiles in a pulverized coal mixture.
  7. Kobayashi, Hisashi; Bool, III, Lawrence E.; Snyder, William J., NOx reduction in combustion with concentrated coal streams and oxygen injection.
  8. Yamamoto, Kenji; Okazaki, Hirofumi; Taniguchi, Masayuki; Yasuda, Kazumi; Kiyama, Kenji; Yano, Takanori; Baba, Akira; Ochi, Kenichi; Orita, Hisayuki; Orii, Akihito; Kamikawa, Yuki; Kuramashi, Kouji, Overfiring air port, method for manufacturing air port, boiler, boiler facility, method for operating boiler facility and method for improving boiler facility.
  9. Kiga Takashi (Yokohama JPX), Pulverized coal burner device.
  10. Korenberg Jacob (York PA), Swirl combustion apparatus.

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