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[미국특허] AIRBOC chaff deployment system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42B-013/04
  • F42B-025/02
출원번호 US-0718399 (1985-04-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Humphries Waymon (Beltsville MD) Bryant John (Woodbridge VA) Eklund Richard C. (Alexandria VA) Hayes Donald C. (Waldorf MD) Ferko Peter (Rockville MD)
출원인 / 주소
  • The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy (Washington DC 06)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 6


An AIRBOC chaff deployment apparatus comprising a canister with a wind flap attached externally to the canister and connected to a drogue chute that is housed inside the canister. The drogue chute is situated atop a main chute that is atop a release mechanism, which is atop a fuze and that is atop a


A method for detonating an AIRBOC comprising the steps of: deploying a drogue chute; delaying deployment of a main chute for a predetermined period of time; deploying the main chute; releasing a chaff payload from the AIRBOC when at least 40 lbs. of force are applied to a release mechanism in the AI

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Claude Pierre M. R. (Bourges FR) Gencey Robert E. (Bourges FR) Mottry Jean-Paul (Bourges FR) Cayre Rene H. (Bourges FR), Illuminating projectiles and pyrotechnic devices.
  2. Ouellette Charles W. (Portsmouth RI), Parachute retainer latching mechanism.
  3. Crepin Roger (Paris FRX), Process and apparatus for transporting and dropping a plurality of charges contained in a single container and container.
  4. Tobler Bruno (Wallisellen CHX) Sigrist Hugo (Hinwil CHX), Projectile with a payload.
  5. Schillreff George H. (Glendora CA), Sequential burst system.
  6. Hart William H. (85 Dudley Rd. Newton Center MA 02159), Standoff munition.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Thornburg Francis L. (Sapulpa OK), Decoy system.
  2. Miller, Jr., Richard D.; Gormley, Edward A., Force decay release mechanism.

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