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[미국특허] User-mounted concrete screed 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01C-019/22
출원번호 US-0771494 (1985-08-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Owens Joe M. (842 Lake Holiday Dr. Sandwich IL 60548)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 3


A portable screed for working concrete and which is mounted on the user. The screed includes a variable length screed plate, a vibrator for the screed plate, a frame attached to the screed plate, a body harness connected intermediate the ends of the frame, and a balancing weight positioned so that t


A portable screed for working concrete as the screed is moved across the concrete, the screed being configured to be mounted on and piloted by a human being, comprising a. a screed plate for working concrete, b. means to impart vibrations to the screed plate for tamping and leveling the concrete, c.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Yamada Sakuji (Kobe JPX), Portable power operated tool.
  2. Carrillo Ernest V. (597 W. Gary Dr. Chandler AZ 85224), Screed board apparatus.
  3. Cronkhite Daniel R. (Box 162B ; R. R. 4 Danville IL 61832), Vibrator for screed boards.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Stephens, John Scott, Apparatus and method for applying additives to a concrete mix.
  2. Lindley,Joe, Apparatus for finishing concrete.
  3. Quenzi,Philip J.; Stein,Russ E.; Pietila,Mark A.; Kieranen,Carl B.; Halonen,Philip D; Hohmann, Jr.,Howard E., Apparatus for screeding uncured concrete.
  4. Quenzi,Philip J.; Stein,Russ E.; Pietila,Mark A.; Kieranen,Carl B.; Halonen,Philip D.; Hohmann, Jr.,Howard E., Apparatus for screeding uncured concrete surfaces.
  5. Quenzi,Philip J; Stein,Russ E; Pietila,Mark A; Kieranen,Carl B; Halonen,Philip D; Hohmann, Jr.,Howard E, Apparatus for screeding uncured concrete surfaces.
  6. Szmansky Les (P.O. Box 420529 Summerland Key FL 33042), Cement finishing hand tool.
  7. Quenzi, Philip J.; Somero, David W.; Matson, Tracy L., Concrete finishing apparatus.
  8. Quenzi, Philip J.; Somero, David W.; Matson, Tracy L., Concrete finishing apparatus.
  9. Salotto, Robert R., Concrete float and straight edge bracket.
  10. Silva Steve (10141 Gerber Rd. Sacramento CA 95829), Concrete screed.
  11. Biodrowski, Richard, Concrete screed apparatus.
  12. Brotzel,Norman, Ergonomic concrete hand screed.
  13. Piccoli, Mario, Hydraulic powered screed.
  14. Kleinemas Harald (Marktstrasse 8 ; Ramsloh D-2915 Saterland 1 DEX), Levelling device for producing a smooth surface.
  15. Quenzi, Philip J.; Stein, Russ E.; Pietila, Mark A.; Kieranen, Carl B.; Halonen, Philip D., Light weight apparatus for screeding and vibrating uncured concrete surfaces.
  16. Quenzi, Philip J.; Stein, Russ E.; Pietila, Mark A.; Kieranen, Carl B.; Halonen, Philip D., Lightweight apparatus for screeding and vibrating uncured concrete surfaces.
  17. Record Darren D., Manual screeding system.
  18. Breeding,Kenny G, Portable vibratory concrete screed.
  19. Davis Larry L. ; Frazier Roy K., Portable vibratory wet screed.
  20. Turck Jeffrey, Powered, roler-type concrete screed.
  21. Ewer,Charles J.; Niznik,William T., Rotating concrete finishing trowel.
  22. Meyers,Lawrence G., Upright trowel.
  23. Owens Joe M., Vibrating screed.
  24. Robert E. Suckow, Vibrating screed and method for using same.
  25. Pietila, Mark A.; Halonen, Philip D.; Wiitanen, Jason M.; Torvinen, Jeffrey W., Wheeled screeding device.

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