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[미국특허] Compressed and formed alkaline component suitable for use in buffered aspirin product 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-031/61
  • A61K-031/605
  • A61K-033/06
  • A61K-033/08
  • A61K-033/10
  • A61K-033/42
  • A61L-009/04
출원번호 US-0833424 (1986-02-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Simonian Hovsep (East Orange NJ)
출원인 / 주소
  • Bristol-Myers Company (New York NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 57  인용 특허 : 1


A compressed and formed alkaline component suitable for use in a buffered aspirin product. The alkaline component is made of alkaline materials selected from the group consisting of calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide and mixtures thereof and having incorpora


A compressed and formed alkaline component adapted for use in conjunction with an aspirin containing composition so as to provide a buffered aspirin product; said compressed alkaline component comprising an effective buffering amount of an alkaline material which is the predominant part of said alka

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Tencza Thomas M. (Wallington NJ), Capsule product containing high dosage of aspirin in powder or granulated form and alkaline tablet or pellet comprising.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (57) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Vlasopoulos, Nikolaos; Cheeseman, Christopher Robert, Binder composition.
  2. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  3. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  4. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  5. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  6. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  7. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  8. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  9. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  10. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  11. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  12. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  13. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  14. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  15. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  16. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  17. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  18. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  19. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  20. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  21. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  22. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  23. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  24. Lang, Kevin W.; Dibble, James W.; Levin, Raya; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  25. Lang, Kevin W.; Levin, Raya; Dibble, James W.; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  26. Lang, Kevin W.; Levin, Raya; Dibble, James W.; Murphy, Gregory B., Calcium carbonate granulation.
  27. Lang, Kevin W.; Murphy, Gregory B.; Urbanski, Gregory E., Calcium supplement having enhanced absorption.
  28. Lang, Kevin W.; Murphy, Gregory B.; Urbanski, Gregory E., Calcium supplement having enhanced absorption.
  29. Edward A. Hunter ; Bob E. Sherwood ; Joseph A. Zeleznik, Directly compressible high load acetaminophen formulations.
  30. Hunter Edward A. ; Sherwood Bob E. ; Zeleznik Joseph A., Directly compressible high load acetaminophen formulations.
  31. Hunter Edward A. ; Zeleznik Joseph A. ; Sherwood Bob E., Directly compressible high load acetaminophen formulations.
  32. Hunter, Edward A.; Sherwood, Bob E.; Zeleznik, Joseph A., Directly compressible high load acetaminophen formulations.
  33. Piene, Jan Y., Film-coated and/or granulated calcium-containing compounds and use thereof in pharmaceutical compositions.
  34. Piene, Jan Yngvar, Film-coated and/or granulated calcium-containing compounds and use therof in pharmaceutical compositions.
  35. Akiyama Yohko,JPX ; Nagahara Naoki,JPX ; Hirai Shin-ichiro,JPX, Gastrointestinal mucosa-adherent granules, pharmaceutical preparations and a coating composition.
  36. Yohko Akiyama JP; Naoki Nagahara JP; Shin-ichiro Hirai JP, Gastrointestinal mucosa-adherent matrixes pharmaceutical preparations and a coating composition.
  37. Akiyama Yohko (Osaka JPX) Nagahara Naoki (Amagasaki JPX) Hirai Shin-ichiro (Kyoto JPX), Gastrointestinal mucosa-adherent matrixes, pharmaceutical preparations and a coating composition.
  38. Chavkin Leonard (R.R. 1 Box 90 Bloomsbury NJ 08804) Mackles Leonard (311 E. 23rd St. New York NY 10010), Liquid orally administrable compositions based on edible oils.
  39. Helbig Joachim (Tutzing DEX) Classen Hans G. (Stuttgart DEX), Method for the prophylaxis of cardiac infarctions and the prevention of reinfarctions.
  40. Thassu, Deepak K., Multiple portion tablet.
  41. Sherwood Bob E. (Amenia NY) Hunter Edward A. (Glenham NY) Staniforth John H. (Bath GB2), Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressability.
  42. Bob E. Sherwood ; John H. Staniforth GB; Edward A. Hunter, Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  43. John N. Staniforth GB; Bob E. Sherwood ; Edward A. Hunter, Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  44. Sherwood Bob E. ; Hunter Edward A. ; Staniforth John H.,GB2, Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  45. Sherwood Bob E. ; Staniforth John H.,GBX ; Hunter Edward A., Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  46. Sherwood Bob E. ; Staniforth John H.,GBX ; Hunter Edward A., Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  47. Sherwood, Bob E.; Staniforth, John H.; Hunter, Edward A., Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  48. Staniforth John N.,GB2 ; Sherwood Bob E. ; Hunter Edward A., Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  49. Staniforth John N.,GB2 ; Sherwood Bob E. ; Hunter Edward A., Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  50. Staniforth, John N.; Hunter, Edward A.; Sherwood, Bob E., Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  51. Staniforth, John N.; Sherwood, Bob E.; Hunter, Edward A., Pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility.
  52. Staniforth John N.,GBX ; Sherwood Bob E. ; Hunter Edward A., Pharmaceutical formulations having improved disintegration and/or absorptivity.
  53. John N. Staniforth GB; Bob E. Sherwood ; Edward A. Hunter ; Clifford M. Davidson, Process for preparing a directly compressible solid dosage form containing microcrystalline cellulose.
  54. Staniforth, John N.; Sherwood, Bob E.; Hunter, Edward A.; Davidson, Clifford M., Process for preparing a directly compressible solid dosage form containing microcrystalline cellulose.
  55. Zheng, Siji; Tan, Bo, Production method of solid preparation and the solid preparations produced by the method.
  56. Staniforth John N.,GB2 ; Sherwood Bob E. ; Hunter Edward A., Sustained release formulations utilizing pharmaceutical excipient having improved compressibility with modified microcry.
  57. Plachetka,John R.; Chowhan,Zakauddin T., Treatment of migraine headache.

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