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Sensor array for toxic gas detection 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01N-027/16
출원번호 US-0585699 (1984-03-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Stetter Joseph R. (Naperville IL) Zaromb Solomon (Hinsdale IL) Penrose William R. (Naperville IL)
출원인 / 주소
  • The United States of America as represented by the United States Department of Energy (Washington DC 06)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 49  인용 특허 : 9


A portable instrument for use in the field in detecting and identifying a hazardous component in air or other gas including an array of small sensors which upon exposure to the gas from a pattern of electrical responses, a source of standard response patterns characteristic of various components, an


A method for identifying at least one component in a gas sample, comprising the steps of: introducing a gas sample suspected of containing at least one component to an array of sensors for exposure of said component or a derivative thereof to said sensors, said array including plural sensors having

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9)

  1. Bruckenstein Stanley (Williamsville NY) Kosek John A. (Buffalo NY), Electrochemical apparatus for simultaneously monitoring two gases.
  2. Higgins John C. (Edinburgh GB6) Wright Harvie R. C. (Livingston GB6) Trainer David (Prestwick GB6), Gas analyzer.
  3. Iwanaga Shoichi (Yokohama JPX) Sato Nobuo (Yokosuka JPX) Ikegami Akira (Yokohama JPX) Isogai Tokio (Fujisawa JPX) Noro Takanobu (Yokohama JPX) Arima Hideo (Yokohama JPX), Gas detection device and method for detecting gas.
  4. Advani Gulu N. (San Jose CA) Beard Robert (Placerville CA) Nanis Leonard (Palo Alto CA), Gas measurement method.
  5. Pace Salvatore J. (Yorktown Heights NY), Integrated array of electrochemical sensors.
  6. Jenkins Anthony (54 Finchams Close Linton ; Cambridgeshire EN) Isgrove Douglas Walter (144 Malvern Road Cherryhinton ; Cambridgeshire EN), Method and apparatus for detecting a constituent in an atmosphere.
  7. Muggli Robert Z. (17938 Homewood Ave. Homewood IL 60430), Method and apparatus for gas analysis.
  8. Hutson Donald G. (El Cerrito CA), Method and apparatus for measuring breath alcohol.
  9. Clifford, Paul K., Selective gas detection and measurement system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (49)

  1. Miremadi Bijan K.,CAX, Apparatus and method for detecting gas and vapor.
  2. Moore, Randall P.; Mullowney, Jr., Robert L., Apparatus for monitoring gaseous components of a flue gas.
  3. Steven A. Sunshine ; Gregory Steinthal ; Christopher K. Boehr ; Robert K. Nakayama, Apparatus, systems and methods for detecting and transmitting sensory data over a computer network.
  4. Sunshine, Steven A.; Steinthal, Gregory; Boehr, Christopher K.; Nakayama, Robert K., Apparatus, systems and methods for detecting and transmitting sensory data over a computer network.
  5. Sunshine,Steven A.; Steinthal,M. Gregory; Boehr,Christopher K.; Nakayama,Robert K., Apparatus, systems and methods for detecting and transmitting sensory data over a computer network.
  6. Chen,James Pey; Drayton,Paul; McCarthy,Jim M.; Panek,Jeffrey A.; Wagner,John Charles, Automatic portable formaldehyde analyzer.
  7. Wang, Li-Peng; Huang, Chien-Lin; Chou, Tsung-Kuan A., Cascaded gas chromatographs (CGCs) with individual temperature control and gas analysis systems using same.
  8. Sunshine,Steven A., Computer code for portable sensing.
  9. Burch, Timothy E.; Hanson, III, C. William; Thaler, Erica R., Detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of a medical condition or disease with artificial olfactometry.
  10. Burch,Timothy E.; Hanson, III,C. William; Thaler,Erica R., Detection, diagnosis, and monitoring of a medical condition or disease with artificial olfactometry.
  11. Walte, Andreas; Münchmeyer, Wolf, Device and method for detection of harmful substances.
  12. Gaultier Philippe,CAX ; McGinn Sean,CAX ; Thibault Donald,CAX, Diesel exhaust analysis system and method of using the same.
  13. Kraus John H. (600 Calle Chayote San Clemente CA 92672), Explosives detection system for an aircraft.
  14. Fleury Byron ; Stanton Andrew, Gas alarm.
  15. Fleury Byron ; Stanton Andrew, Gas alarm.
  16. Agaiby, Hany, Gas analysers and a method of making a gas analyser.
  17. Chou, Tsung-Kuan A.; Chu, Shih-Chi; Cheng, Chia-Sheng; Wang, Li-Peng; Huang, Chien-Lin, Gas analyte spectrum sharpening and separation with multi-dimensional micro-GC for gas chromatography analysis.
  18. Chou, Tsung-Kuan A.; Wang, Li-Peng; Lu, Chia-Jung; Chu, Shih-Chi, Gas collection and analysis system with front-end and back-end pre-concentrators and moisture removal.
  19. Grace Richard (6373 Douglas St. Pittsburgh PA 15213) Guzman Alberto M. (114 Doray Dr. Pittsburgh PA 15237) Portnoff Marc A. (160 Robinson St. Pittsburgh PA 15213) Purta David A. (317 Stratford Ave. ;, Gas sensing instrument.
  20. McGee,Phillip; Kochie,Robert; Ribeiro,Durval S., Hand held gas analyzer.
  21. Nordman Jonathan D. ; Wolf Timothy J. ; Neal John D. ; Liebl Troy J. ; Johnson Peter D., Hand-held vehicle exhaust analyzer.
  22. Nordman Jonathan D. ; Wolf Timothy J. ; Neal John D. ; Liebl Troy J. ; Johnson Peter D., Hand-held vehicle exhaust analyzer.
  23. Steven A. Sunshine ; M. Gregory Steinthal ; Christopher K. Boehr ; Robert K. Nakayama, Handheld sensing apparatus.
  24. Sunshine Steven A. ; Steinthal M. Gregory ; Boehr Christopher K. ; Nakayama Robert K., Handheld sensing apparatus.
  25. Sunshine Steven A. ; Steinthal M. Gregory ; Boehr Christopher K. ; Nakayama Robert K., Handheld sensing apparatus.
  26. Dean Smith ; Todd Mlsna ; Jeremy Hammond, Materials breakthrough monitoring sensor system.
  27. Laurs Heinz (Viersen DEX) Oepen Hans-Peter (Niederzier DEX), Measuring apparatus and method of use for analyzing a gas mixture.
  28. Drzewiecki Tadeusz M., Method and apparatus for real time gas analysis.
  29. Drzewiecki Tadeusz M., Method and apparatus for real time gas analysis.
  30. Kunt Tekin ; Cavicchi Richard E. ; Semancik Stephen ; McAvoy Thomas J., Method for operating a sensor to differentiate between analytes in a sample.
  31. Drzewiecki Tadeusz M., Methods and apparatus for real time fluid analysis.
  32. Stetter Joseph R. (Naperville IL) Findlay Melvin W. (Naperville IL) Yue Chongshan (Chicago IL), Microcalorimeter sensor for the measurement of heat content of natural gas.
  33. Sunshine, Steven A.; Steinthal, M. Gregory; Roy, Ajoy, Multiple sensing system and device.
  34. Sunshine,Steven A.; Steinthal,M. Gregory; Roy,Ajoy, Multiple sensing system and device.
  35. Sunshine,Steven A.; Steinthal,M. Gregory; Roy,Ajoy, Multiple sensing system and device.
  36. Liu,James Z., Nano-crystalline and/or metastable metal hydrides as hydrogen source for sensor calibration and self-testing.
  37. McGee,Phillip; Kochie,Rob, Orientation device for a gas analyzer.
  38. Tice,Lee D., Portable combustible gas detector.
  39. Sunshine, Steven A.; Steinthal, M. Gregory; Boehr, Christopher K.; Nakayama, Robert K., Portable sensor.
  40. Sunshine, Steven A.; Steinthal, M. Gregory; Boehr, Christopher K.; Nakayama, Robert K., Portable sensor.
  41. Lewis Nathan S. ; Freund Michael S., Sensor arrays for detecting analytes in fluids.
  42. Mealy, Jr., Stephen Edwin; Adami, Fatos; DeBlasio, Nicholas Anthony; McLendon, Byron Eugene; Merkel, Keli Chalfant; Propst, Jr., Edward Russell, System and method for automatically adjusting gas sensor settings and parameters.
  43. Sunshine, Steven A., System for portable sensing.
  44. Willett, Martin; Jones, Martin, Temperature and humidity compensated single element pellistor.
  45. Lewis Nathan S. ; Severin Erik J. ; Wong Bernard, Trace level detection of analytes using artificial olfactometry.
  46. Nathan S. Lewis ; Erik J. Severin ; Bernard Wong, Trace level detection of analytes using artificial olfactometry.
  47. Miller Larry S. ; Bhullar Balwant S. ; Tuttle Richard S. ; Moore Victor S., Two-site allergen immunoassay.
  48. Mouradian, Robert F.; Kennedy, Patrick John; Johnson, Jr., K. Stephen, Vapor analysis apparatus and method.
  49. Schabron,John F.; Rovani, Jr.,Joseph F.; Bomstad,Theresa M.; Sorini Wong,Susan S., Volatile organic compound sensor system.
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