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[미국특허] Backsack 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A45F-003/04
출원번호 US-0814965 (1985-12-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Simon Jonathan D. (305 Riverside Dr.
  • 12-C New York NY 10025)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 1


A backsack including a flexible pouch with an open upper end, and an opposed pair of shoulder straps. The shoulder straps comprise elongate cords looped about the open end of the pouch in opposite directions for a contraction of the open end and a closing of the pouch upon an outward pull on the str


A backsack comprising a pouch and a pair of opposed shoulder straps, said pouch including a peripheral wall, a closed bottom and an open top, said peripheral wall including an upper section defining said open top, said upper section being selectively inwardly contractable to close said open top, sep

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bannister Clifford R. (2801 Treehouse Pkwy. Norcross GA 30093), Collapsible exercise back pack.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Zander Linda K. (Grass Lake MI), Adjustable clavicle strap and orthotic device using same.
  2. Salmon, Kirt; Hansen, Kris, Adjustable compact posture pack for posterior-thoracic counter balance.
  3. Robert Mentken, Back sack.
  4. Tulgan Terri R. (342 Southwick Rd. Westfield MA 01085), Backpack including restraint means.
  5. Kohlhase Jens,DEX, Bag.
  6. Giard, Edward; Cleary, Stephen; Russell, Edward; Meyer, Michael J.; Brown, Jonathan, Bag with adjustable mouth and variable diameter cording.
  7. Giard, Edward; Cleary, Stephen; Russell, Edward; Meyer, Michael J.; Brown, Jonathan, Bag with variable diameter cording.
  8. Rubin, Eric J., Carrier for portable electronic devices.
  9. Vazquez Maximino, Carry bag.
  10. Vazquez Maximino, Carry bag body with circular pocket.
  11. Vazquez Maximino, Carry bag with hood extension and circular pocket.
  12. Lesch, Colin, Cinch sack.
  13. Meyer, Michael J.; Timmons, Kerrie, Cinch sack backpack with padded straps.
  14. Vazquez Maximino, Compacted carry bag.
  15. Neseem, Kahkashan, Double arm sling.
  16. Maximino Vazquez, Double looped enclosure mechanism.
  17. Mason, Richard A., Gun holster.
  18. Sartena,Stacey Eve, Handbag or the like with covered, see-through wall.
  19. Sartena, Stacey Eve, Handbag or the like with covered, transparent wall.
  20. Luis Guerra, Laundry bag with a sliding element.
  21. Carrier, Ann Marie, Multifunctional organizer and method of making.
  22. Vreeland Michele R., Satchel.
  23. Nitti, Robert Anthony, Shipping bag reversible into a backpack.
  24. Nitti, Robert Anthony, Shipping bag reversible into a cosmetic bag.
  25. Holtz, Melissa, Storage container with adjustable, convertible strap.
  26. Vazquez Maximino, Strap assembly for carrying bag.
  27. Roether, Julia; Bell, Thomas G.; Cross, Tory M., Woven textile accessories.
  28. Roether, Julia; Bell, Thomas G.; Cross, Tory M., Woven textile bag.

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