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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for production of cartridged propellant charges for barrel weapons 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42B-003/00
  • F42B-033/02
  • C06D-001/08
출원번호 US-0703572 (1985-02-20)
우선권정보 SE-0000924 (1984-02-21); SE-0000118 (1985-01-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Melhus Ulf (Karlskoga SEX) Olsson Mats (Karlskoga SEX) Bjrkqvist Nils-Gunnar (Karlskoga SEX) Bjrn Lars-Erik (Karlskoga SEX) Taylor Dennis (Karlskoga SEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Aktiebolaget Bofors (Bofors SEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 2


The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for production of cartridged propellant charges for barrel weapons with charge weights up to 1.4 kg/liter. According to the invention, more granular or particle-shaped propellant powder is driven down or compacted than can be housed in free-


A method of producing cartridged propellant charges for barrel weapons with high charge densities by pressing down and compacting by means of a piston or plunger more granular or particle-shaped propellant powder into a cartridge case than said cartridge case holds of free-running propellant powder,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Davegardh Tore (Karlskoga SEX) Gellerstedt Nils (Karlskoga SEX) Sahlin Folke (Karlskoga SEX), Method of and device for pressing pyrotechnical charges.
  2. Axelrod Sydney (New York NY) Brenner Walter (Teaneck NJ) Rugg Barry A. (New York NY), Wear reducer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Kraft Josef (Berg DEX) Stein Wolfgang (Lauf DEX) Weber Adolf (Neunkirchen DEX), Ammunition with propulsion mechanism.
  2. O'Sullivan, Libert, Cartridge casing for long range supersonic sporting cartridge with oversize primer.
  3. Skiles, Jean Ann; Warren, Charles; Drieling, Heather; McAllister, John; Murphy, Tom; Wiswall, James, Coated substrate systems and methods.
  4. Nerheim Eldon (Edina MN) Hones Leonard D. (Eden Prairie MN) Douma Patricia A. (Coon Rapids MN) McDonald Earl W. (Eden Prairie MN), Integrated silicon bridge detonator.
  5. John David Watson, Method and apparatus for controlled small-charge blasting by decoupled explosive.
  6. Watson John David, Method and apparatus for controlled small-charge blasting by pressurization of the bottom of a drill hole.
  7. Gustavsson, Lennart; Bjorn, Lars-Erik, Method for producing propellant charges from a granulated propellant, preferably granulated powder, and propellant charges produced in accordance with the aforementioned method.
  8. Chua, Kang-Bin; Pradhan, Ranjit, Projectile.
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