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[미국특허] Diaper dispensing and disposal unit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47F-001/08
출원번호 US-0877419 (1986-06-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schnurer David M. (2600 S. Chicago Ave. South Milwaukee WI 53172) Schnurer Ellen R. (2600 S. Chicago Ave. South Milwaukee WI 53172)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 68  인용 특허 : 6


A unit combining a diaper dispenser and disposal drawer is shown. The unit consists of two sections, an upper dispensing section and a lower disposal section, which provide a single unit for new and soiled diapers, as well as other supplies used in changing a baby. The upper dispensing section has a


A diaper dispensing and disposal unit comprising: (a) an upper dispensing section, said upper section having a rear wall, a pair of opposing side walls, and a front panel slidably movable to permit access to at least one of said vertical shafts, said upper section comprising: at least one vertical d

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hansen Nancy (Box 57 Hadar NE 68738), Baby changing apparatus.
  2. Johnson Robert E. (110 Fourth St. Dearborn Heights MI 48127) Maddux Jim S. (8058 Mortenview Taylor MI 48180), Bingo card dispenser.
  3. Ragusa ; Anthony, Cigarette dispenser adapter.
  4. Jaquish John (New York NY), Display-dispenser rack.
  5. Valentine Sandra (R.R. No. 1 Norland ; Ontario CA), Disposable diaper dispenser vending unit.
  6. Pawlowski Thomas D. (Neenah WI) Meyers George L. (Menasha WI), Receptacle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (68) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Seitz, Bret Darren; LaVon, Gary Dean, Adult disposable absorbent articles and arrays comprising improved product lengths.
  2. Tranter, Nathan Arthur; Brown, Terrence Paul, Apparatus for concealing a product.
  3. Chandler Helen, Apparatus for the collection and storage of pet waste.
  4. Ashton, Gregory; Grovak, Molly Kelly; Ishihara, Kaoru; Vargo, Deborah Ann, Array of disposable absorbent articles having a sequence of graphics corresponding to a wearer's stages of development.
  5. Ashton, Gregory; Grovak, Molly Kelly; Ishihara, Kaoru; Vargo, Deborah Ann, Array of disposable absorbent articles having a sequence of graphics corresponding to a wearer's stages of development.
  6. Michael S. Kellogg ; Dean B. Krotts, Collapsible container.
  7. Michael S. Kellogg ; Dean B. Krotts, Collapsible container and method of making and using same.
  8. Kellogg, Michael S.; Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible container having discontinuous frame members.
  9. Ziglar Paul S., Collapsible hamper for the storage of laundry and other items.
  10. Kellogg, Adam M.; Kellogg, Kelly C., Collapsible kennel.
  11. Kellogg, Kelly C., Collapsible kennel.
  12. Kellogg, Michael S.; Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  13. Kellogg, Michael S.; Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  14. Kellogg, Michael S.; Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  15. Kellogg,Michael S.; Krotts,Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  16. Kellogg,Michael S.; Krotts,Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  17. Kellogg,Michael S.; Krotts,Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  18. Kellogg,Michael S.; Krotts,Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  19. Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  20. Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  21. Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  22. Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  23. Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  24. Krotts, Dean B., Collapsible structure.
  25. Krotts, Dean B.; Kellogg, Adam M., Collapsible structure.
  26. Krotts, Dean B.; Kellogg, Adam M., Collapsible structure.
  27. Krotts, Dean B.; Kellogg, Michael S., Collapsible structure.
  28. Bendaña, Leonidas A.; Bendaña, Anita V., Combination wipe and bag dispenser.
  29. Silvers, Brian, Compact portable pack for carrying diapers, wet baby wipes and reclosable disposable bags.
  30. Adolf, Stony L., Diaper and wet wipe holder and dispenser.
  31. Kalozdi Monica E, Diaper bag.
  32. Silvers, Brian, Diaper caddy.
  33. Kohné, Michael; Finken, Martina, Diaper dispenser.
  34. Rice William W. (509 W. Lincoln Harrisburg IL 62946), Diaper dispenser apparatus.
  35. Silvers, Brian, Diaper dispensing and disposal apparatus.
  36. Snell,Alan Kay, Diaper kit with miniaturized diaper by folding and vacuum-sealing.
  37. Quinn Cassie ; Quinn Robie, Diaper organizer bag.
  38. Trunsky, Jane, Dog feces collection bag dispenser and receptacle.
  39. Gee, Mary Yvonne, Dog walking apparatus.
  40. Krause, Jeremy; Krause, Michelle, Dual compartment mountable sanitation station.
  41. Young, Angela; Robinson, Rosalind, Feminine product dispensing assembly.
  42. Ziglar Paul S., Hamper apparatus and methods.
  43. Seitz, Bret Darren; LaVon, Gary Dean; Trygier, Jill; Melendez, Vanessa, Length-to-waist silhouettes of adult disposable absorbent articles and arrays.
  44. Ronn, Karl P.; Feist, Barry R.; Carr, Mary L.; Ames-Ooten, Kathy Q.; Wilkins, Danielia T.; Cummins, Merlene A.; Rampersad-Cutler, Ooma B.; Mohlenkamp, Monica J.; Streithorst, Vicki L., Merchandise display system for identifying disposable absorbent article configurations for wearers.
  45. Ronn, Karl Patrick; Feist, Barry Robert; Carr, Mary Lee; Ames-Ooten, Kathy Quinlan; Wilkins, Danielia Threase; Cummins, Merlene Adams; Rampersad-Cutler, Ooma Balkaran; Mohlenkamp, Monica Jean; Streithorst, Vicki Lee, Merchandise display system for identifying disposable absorbent article configurations for wearers.
  46. Ronn, Karl Patrick; Feist, Barry Robert; Carr, Mary Lee; Ames-Ooten, Kathy Quinlan; Wilkins, Danielia Threase; Cummins, Merlene Adams; Rampersad-Cutler, Ooma Balkaran; Mohlenkamp, Monica; Streithorst, Vicki Lee, Merchandise display system for identifying disposable absorbent article configurations for wearers.
  47. Ronn, Karl Patrick; Feist, Barry Robert; Carr, Mary Lee; Ames-Ooten, Kathy Quinlan; Wilkins, Danielia Threase; Cummuns, Merlene Adams; Rampersad-Cutler, Ooma Balkaran; Mohlenkamp, Monica Jean; Streithorst, Vicki Lee, Merchandise display system for identifying disposable absorbent article configurations for wearers.
  48. Miller Carolyn Jeanne, Method for dispensing absorbent articles.
  49. Miller Carolyn Jeanne, Method for dispensing absorbent articles.
  50. Supinski, Jodi Elizabeth; Burgdorf, Brian Kenneth, Method for the selection and use of a system of feminine hygiene products.
  51. Unger Matthew Eric ; Osborn ; III Thomas Ward ; Maingot Alan Lawrence ; Zuziak Holly Marie ; Miller Carolyn Jeanne, Method for the selection of a feminine hygiene product system.
  52. Snell,Alan Kay, Packaging diaper with deceptive outward appearance.
  53. Snell,Alan Kay, Packaging diaper with deceptive size including vacuum-sealing.
  54. Price,Cindy Lou; Chancellor,Barbara Lynn, Personal product emergency kit.
  55. Kellogg, Adam M., Pet kennel.
  56. Snell,Alan Kay, Pressing and vacuum-packing diaper.
  57. Snell,Alan Kay, Pressing and vacuum-sealing diaper in vacuum chamber.
  58. Walter James Andrew ; Weber Shirlee Ann ; Cammarota Mark Thomas, Self-contained, interactive toilet training kit for children and caregivers.
  59. Rice, Jonathan K.; Reade, Walter C.; Ellingson, Daniel L.; Joch, Rhonda K.; Nelson, Brenda M.; Nelson, Denise J.; Vitense, Jaime M.; Clare, Timothy P.; Warshall, Connie J.; Vukos, John P., System and method for unfolding and dispensing diapers.
  60. Reiland Kenneth H. (Apple Valley MN) Reiland Mary J. (Apple Valley MN) Herold Ronald J. (Little Canada MN), System for low cost dispensing of soft packaged articles.
  61. Kellogg,Michael S.; Krotts,Dean B., Two compartment container.
  62. Michael S. Kellogg ; Dean B. Krotts, Two frame collapsible structure and method of making and using same.
  63. Snell,Alan Kay, Vacuum-packed diaper feeding kit.
  64. Snell,Alan Kay, Vacuum-packed diaper vending machine.
  65. Snell,Alan Kay, Vacuum-packing diaper and pressing encasement.
  66. Seitz, Bret Darren; LaVon, Gary Dean; Trygier, Jill; Melendez, Vanessa, Waist-to-side silhouettes of adult disposable absorbent articles and arrays.
  67. Turbett, James Lynn; Charambura, Natalie; Ross, Michael Edward, Wipe dispenser.
  68. Fodor, Andras, Wipe dispenser and collector unit.

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