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Weighted beach blanket 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47G-009/06
출원번호 US-0938995 (1986-12-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nicoll Douglas E. (4637 Merrimack Ln. Virginia Beach VA 23452)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 89  인용 특허 : 5


A multi-purpose weighted blanket for covering areas of beaches or like terrain comprising first and second flexible cloth panels substantially rectangular in shape and identical in size. The first and second cloth panels having a border extending continuously along the outer perimeter edges thereof


A multi-purpose weighted blanket for covering an area, comprising: (a) a main body including a first flexible cloth panel, (b) said first flexible cloth panel having a border formed in at least a portion of the outer perimeter thereof, (c) means for removably anchoring said main body to a ground are

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Roberts Barry N. (102 Christopher St. New York NY 10014), Beach blanket with sand pockets.
  2. Jeffers Larry A. (Alliance OH), Flame quality analyzer with fiber optic array.
  3. Sharber Norman G. (515 W. Vavasupi Rd. ; P.O. Box 1059 Flagstaff AZ 86002), Insect and reptile barrier for outdoorsmen.
  4. Pollard Dianne J. (105 Bishop Ct. Novato CA 94947), Retainer sheet.
  5. Greer Keith B. (3195 Foxcroft Rd. ; #F203 Miramar FL 33025) Greer O\Neil J. (3195 Foxcroft Rd. ; #F203 Miramar FL 33025), Weighted towel.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (89)

  1. Leach, Jamie S., Adjustable contoured baby bathing or pet cushion.
  2. Leach, Jamie S., Apparatus and method for question mark-shaped body pillow and support system.
  3. Henning, William W., Baseball area protection system and method.
  4. Adams, David M., Beach blanket.
  5. David L. Swagger, Jr., Beach mat.
  6. Hort, Ora, Bed roll.
  7. Olender Michelle J. (2309-D Falls Gable La. Baltimore MD 21209), Circular beach towel.
  8. Dreitz Patricia, Circular fabric article such as a towel.
  9. Arias, David, Collapsible flotation device.
  10. Arias, David A., Collapsible flotation device.
  11. Arias, David A., Collapsible flotation device.
  12. Arias, David A., Collapsible flotation device.
  13. Arias, David A., Collapsible flotation device.
  14. Arias,David, Collapsible flotation device.
  15. Arias,David, Collapsible flotation device.
  16. Arias,David, Collapsible flotation device.
  17. Arias,David, Collapsible flotation device.
  18. Arias,David A., Collapsible flotation device.
  19. David A. Arias, Collapsible flotation device.
  20. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Reeb, David; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Alesina, Inna, Collapsible flotation device.
  21. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Reeb, David; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Alesina, Inna, Collapsible flotation device.
  22. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Reeb, David; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Alesina, Inna, Collapsible flotation device.
  23. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Reeb, David; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Alesina, Inna, Collapsible flotation device having back support.
  24. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Reeb, David; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Alesina, Inna, Collapsible flotation device having back support member.
  25. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Reeb, David; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Alesina, Inna, Collapsible flotation device having support member.
  26. Le Gette, Brian E.; Werner, Justin S.; Tipp, Alan; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Laine, Matthew, Collapsible mat with removable portion and method of making same.
  27. Le Gette, Brian E.; Werner, Justin S.; Tipp, Alan; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Laine, Matthew, Collapsible mat with removable portion and method of making same.
  28. Le Gette,Brian E.; Werner,Justin S.; Tipp,Alan; Wilson, II,Ronald L.; Laine,Matthew, Collapsible mat with removable portion and method of making same.
  29. Brian Edward Le Gette ; Justin Saul Werner, Collapsible shade for a towel mat.
  30. Sears, Keith, Collapsible, self-supporting, portable sun-screen apparatus.
  31. Kim, Yi-Zoong, Cutoff device with liquid bag.
  32. Noonan, Mark, Devices and methods relating to the cleanup of leaves, to pouring or filling non-liquids, and/or to reconfigurable funneling apparatus.
  33. Leach, Jamie S., Elongated angular multiple position body pillow.
  34. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Reeb, David; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Alesina, Inna, Flotation device.
  35. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Reeb, David; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L.; Alesina, Inna, Flotation device with back support.
  36. Le Gette, Brian E.; Matlin, Tai Hoon Kim; Waring, James Ashley; Wilson, II, Ronald L., Frame member and attached membranes.
  37. Le Gette, Brian E.; Matlin, Tai Hoon Kim; Waring, James Ashley; Wilson, II, Ronald L., Frame member and attached membranes.
  38. Le Gette,Brian E.; Matlin,Tai Hoon Kim; Waring,James Ashley; Wilson, II,Ronald L., Frame member and attached membranes.
  39. Le Gette,Brian Edward; Waring,James Ashley, Frame member and attached membranes.
  40. Swanson, Kevin, Furniture protection systems and method.
  41. Wall Cameron Frank (2983 Emerald Chase Tallahassee FL 32308), Ground covering system.
  42. Leach,Jamie S., Infant pad assembly with multiple configurations.
  43. Leach, Jamie S., Infant support pillow.
  44. Broderick,Michael T., Inflatable beach enclosure.
  45. Noonan, Mark, Lawn and garden utility tool.
  46. Brian E. Le Gette ; Justin S. Werner ; Alan Tipp ; Ronald L. Wilson, II ; Matthew Laine, Mat with body portion.
  47. Le Gette, Brian E.; Matlin, Tai Hoon Kim; Waring, James Ashley; Wilson, II, Ronald L., Mat with body portion.
  48. Le Gette, Brian E.; Matlin, Tai Hoon Kim; Waring, James Ashley; Wilson, II, Ronald L., Mat with body portion.
  49. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Waring, James Ashley; Matlin, Tai Hoon Kim; Wilson, II, Ronald L., Mat with body portion.
  50. Le Gette Brian Edward ; Waring James Ashley, Mat with inflatable pillow.
  51. Le Gette Brian E. ; Waring James Ashley, Mat with pillow.
  52. Le Gette, Brian E., Mat with pillow.
  53. Le Gette, Brian E.; Matlin, Tai Hoon Kim; Waring, James Ashley; Wilson, II, Ronald L., Mat with pillow.
  54. Beiss, Ian L., Mat with pillow and body portion.
  55. Brian E. Le Gette ; Tai Hoon Kim Matlin ; James Ashley Waring ; Ronald L. Wilson, II, Mat with pillow and body portion.
  56. Le Gette, Brian E., Mat with pillow portion.
  57. Brian E. Le Gette ; Tai Hoon Kim Matlin ; James Ashley Waring ; Ronald L. Wilson, II, Mat with pillow portion and body portion.
  58. Matthew Laine ; Brian E. Le Gette ; Alan Tipp ; Justin S. Werner ; Ronald L. Wilson, II, Mat with pillow portion and body portion.
  59. Lucas, Mark; Lucas, Linda, Memory foam blanket.
  60. Zampirri ; Jr. Dominic C. ; Zampirri Elizabeth, Multi-purpose combination blanket and tote bag.
  61. Mitchell, James A., Multi-purpose mat.
  62. Leach, Jamie S., Multi-purpose pillow with attached blanket.
  63. Leach,Jamie S., Multiple position symmetrically contoured body pillow.
  64. Leach, Jamie S., Non-slip body-conforming booster cushion seat.
  65. Antonisami, Bastin B., Pad.
  66. Antonisami, Bastin B., Pad.
  67. Jalbert, David; Antonisami, Bastin B., Pad.
  68. Jalbert, David; Antonisami, Bastin B., Pad.
  69. Jalbert, David; Antonisami, Bastin B., Pad.
  70. Jalbert, David; Kaminer, Brian F., Pad.
  71. Jalbert, David; Kaminer, Brian F., Pad.
  72. Jalbert, David; Kaminer, Brian F., Pad.
  73. Richardson, Claudia Joann, Pad.
  74. Liebau, Douglas A.; Cook, Kevin D., Parachute device with improved handle.
  75. Leach, Jamie S., Pillow for supporting a baby at play.
  76. Leaphart, Jr., Edward Wright; Christoffel, Sarah Lee; Couture-Dorschner, Laurie; Hancock-Cooke, Catherine Marguerite; Nelsen, Christopher Dines; Ribble, Brendon Frank; Sojka, Marci Elizabeth, Protective cover article.
  77. Kollmann, Ronald J., Reverse applied pinpoint pressure system and method of use.
  78. Bell, Jeneva; Prinsloo, Sarah, Rugs with a mat portion.
  79. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L., Self-opening enclosure.
  80. Le Gette, Brian Edward; Tipp, Alan; Werner, Justin Saul; Wilson, II, Ronald L., Self-opening shades and methods of using the same.
  81. Le Gette Brian Edward ; Waring James Ashley, Self-opening towel.
  82. Snep, Ryan Michael, System and method for a ground covering.
  83. Van Straaten,Willem Johannes, Temporary structure.
  84. Lindsey Lynn M. (1445 Clairmont Rd. Decatur GA 30033), Towel guard.
  85. Tennant Lynne H. (244 Thirteenth St. ; NE. ; #101 Atlanta GA 30309) Herrin Ashley A. (244 Thirteenth St. ; NE. ; #101 Atlanta GA 30309) Simmons Garrett L. (876 Broadway ; Fourth Floor New York NY 100, Towel that converts into a bag.
  86. Le Gette Brian Edward ; Waring James Ashley, Towel with pillow.
  87. Brian E. Le Gette ; James Ashley Waring, Towel-mat with a frame member and removably attached membranes.
  88. Le Gette, Brian E.; Waring, James Ashley, Towel-mat with a frame member and removably attached membranes.
  89. Balarzs Roger S. (Narrows VA), Weighted bale blanket and method for using the same.
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