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[미국특허] Apparatus for transmititng data to a projectile positioned within a gun tube 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42C-017/00
출원번호 US-0925280 (1986-10-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fortunko Chris M. (Newport Beach CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Aerojet-General Corporation (La Jolla CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 3


An apparatus for transmitting data from the exterior of a gun tube to a projectile positioned within the gun tube utilizes at least two electromagnetic-acoustic transduction devices, one such device positioned on or near the exterior periphery of the gun tube and one such device positioned on or nea


An apparatus for transmitting data to a projectile positioned within the bore of a gun tube; the apparatus comprising: at least two ultrasonic transducers, a first such transducer positioned adjacent the inner surface of said gun tube within said bore, and a second such transducer positioned adjacen

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chandler Charles E. (Baltimore MD), Ammunition with surface-mounted light-settable pickup arrangement for digital memory storage.
  2. Schmidt Jimmy Q. (Baltimore MD), Method and apparatus for setting a projectile fuze during muzzle exit.
  3. Beck Peter M. (Denville NJ), Reprogrammable electronic fuze.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Shpund, Zalman Shlomo; Sahar, David, Airborne guided shell.
  2. Sallee Bradley ; Schorr David, Control system for gun and artillery projectiles.
  3. Turner, Jr.,Louis, Cruise munitions detonator projectile.
  4. Murello, Johannes, Exchangeable barrel modules for firearms.
  5. Hobart, Stephen Alan; Kokan, Timothy S.; Minick, Alan B.; Massey, Frederic H., Extended range projectile.
  6. Cope, Randall D.; Soto, Gabriel H.; Kandell, John K.; Dutton, Brian D., Fuze module.
  7. Barrett ; Jr. Rolin F., Guided bullet.
  8. Minick, Alan B.; Hobart, Stephen Alan; Widman, Frederick; Kokan, Timothy S.; Massey, Frederic H., Guided projectile.
  9. Larsson Rolf,SEX ; Johansson Nils,SEX ; Fohrman Erik,SEX ; Hagstrom Bjorn,SEX ; Jern Sven-.ANG.ke,SEX, Method and arrangement for programming shells.
  10. Andre Boss CH, Method and device for transferring information to programmable projectiles.
  11. Inha, Kai; Backman, Juha, Near field communication apparatus.
  12. Sullivan, Kevin, Open bolt firing mechanism for programmable cartridges.
  13. Mayersak Joseph R., Precision guidance system for aircraft launched bombs.
  14. Mayersak Joseph R. (Ashburn VA), Precision guidance system for aircraft launched bombs.
  15. Thiesen, Jack H.; Brakora, Karl F., Precision guided munitions.
  16. Larsson Rolf,SEX ; Johansson Nils,SEX ; Fohrman Erik,SEX ; Hagstrom Bjorn,SEX ; Jern Sven-.ANG.ke,SEX, Programmable barrel weapon.
  17. Reynard, Laurent; Sanchez, Fabrice, Programming device for the fuse of a projectile.
  18. Rabin, Daniel A.; Sutton, Traver J.; Bottass, Michael J.; Hopkins, Douglas A., Self-contained, non-intrusive data acquisition in ammunition.
  19. Thiesen Stefan,DEX ; Bocker Jurgen,DEX ; Ortmann Helmut,DEX ; Jungbluth Dieter,DEX, Weapon system.

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