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Footwear with detachable visibility aids 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A43B-023/00
  • G02B-005/12
출원번호 US-0881982 (1986-07-03)
우선권정보 IT-0053571 (1985-07-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Goria Luigi (Via Montosolo 8 10025 Pino Torinese (Torino) ITX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 65  인용 특허 : 1


Footwear with elastomeric or plastomeric soles, such as boots, sports footwear or leisure footwear, has distinguishing elements or decorations attached to it. The elements comprise a flanged body held by means of a flexible retaining element, which may be part of the footwear itself, which has an ap


In footwear of the type having an elastomeric sole portion and an upper portion secured together and means for increasing the visibility of the footwear secured thereto, the improvement comprising a first member adapted to be secured to said footwear, a second manner including said means for increas

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Carlson Curt S. (1295 Warwick Court Deerfield IL 60015), Snapable and removeable safety reflector.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (65)

  1. Bryne, Richard M., Aperture cover for bicycle cleat assembly.
  2. Errigo, Danielle C., Apparatus and method for matching socks.
  3. Lap, Chow Chi; Lin, Natalie Hsiang Chun, Article of footwear and related methods.
  4. Schenone, Scott, Article of footwear including a sizing system.
  5. Schenone, Scott, Article of footwear including a sizing system.
  6. Baker, Brian D.; Crumbleholme, Neil; Hentz, III, Vernon J.; Wilken, Doug D., Article of footwear with a removable heel member.
  7. Baker, Brian D.; Crumbleholme, Neil; Hentz, III, Vernon J.; Wilken, Doug D., Article of footwear with a removable heel member.
  8. Alfaro,Charlie N.; Bainbridge,Bryant T., Article of footwear with exterior ribs.
  9. Bert Lovitt, Article with animated display.
  10. Lovitt Bert, Article with animated display.
  11. Chase, Kathe; Seckler, Tracy Kramer; Perreault, Thomas, Articles adapted to releasably receive interchangeable ornaments and system therefor.
  12. Diaz Oscar, Boot for a skating apparatus.
  13. Gray, Jr., Cecil D., Boot logo holder.
  14. Robert Prevost ; Stephen F. Borenstein, Bowling overshoe.
  15. Aschenbrenner Lisa, Child's boot with reflective stripe.
  16. Cook, Robert A. L.; Bird, Carl Darius, Cycling shoe.
  17. Forester, Wayne, Dampening system for a stringed-racquet.
  18. Forester, Wayne, Dampening system for stringed-racquet.
  19. Johnson, Aubren M., Decorative accessory.
  20. Johnson, Aubren M., Decorative accessory.
  21. Pallera Jane (Brookline MA), Decorative arrangement for a child\s shoe.
  22. Pallera Jane (Brookline MA), Decorative arrangement for a child\s shoe.
  23. Ross Michael E. ; Costello Kenneth R., Decorative shoe accessory.
  24. Claunch, P. Stephen, Educational system for teaching shoe-tying skills.
  25. Magro, Volney Dal, Element of a shoe.
  26. Ng Patricia, Fluid-filled decorative element for a child's shoe.
  27. Ng Patricia, Fluid-filled decorative element for a child's shoe.
  28. Morris, Christopher Hayes, Footwear.
  29. Beers, Tiffany A.; Smith, III, Wilson W., Footwear having coverable motorized adjustment system.
  30. Richardson, Margaret A., Footwear system with interchangeable portions.
  31. Attilieni Attilio (Lucca ITX), Footwear tongue with removable decorative element.
  32. Jones, Lindell B.; Cox, Donald R.; Tonkel, Raymond F., Footwear with banding device.
  33. Jones, Lindell B.; Cox, Donald R.; Tonkel, Raymond F., Footwear with banding device.
  34. Tonkel, Raymond F., Footwear with pivotal and/or rotatable tongue.
  35. Morris, Christopher Hayes, Footwear with surrounding ornamentation.
  36. Bournes, Michelle, Ice-skate instructional kit.
  37. Parker Jeffery R. ; Hopkins Terrence P., Light distribution/information display systems.
  38. Angelieri Robert S. ; Zoghbi Brian, Lighted athletic shoe method and apparatus.
  39. Lin, Erik; Lu, Kuei-Yun, Marker shoe.
  40. Guzman, Rudy, Method and apparatus for measuring the maximum speed of a runner over a prescribed distance including a transmitter and receiver.
  41. , Method of adapting a pair of children\s shoes.
  42. Spann,Linda, Modifiable footwear.
  43. Mathews John G. (Providence RI), Novelty shoe with detachable ornamental article.
  44. Tobias, Mark, Plush toy for mounting on a shoe.
  45. Tobias,Mark, Plush toy for mounting on a shoe.
  46. Chiu Chang H. (16912 Gothard St. ; Unit 1 Huntington Beach CA 92647), Reflective shoe.
  47. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe.
  48. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe.
  49. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe.
  50. Swartz Henry D. (Chestnut Hill MA) Birrittella Martin P. (Newton MA), Shoe construction with resilient, absorption and visual components based on spherical pocket inclusions.
  51. Adam Donald A., Shoe heel and heel plate.
  52. Pawsey, Christopher William, Shoe tags.
  53. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  54. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  55. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  56. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  57. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  58. Magro, Volney Dal, Shoe upper.
  59. Michkine,Natalie; Michkine,Valery, Slipper.
  60. Mazzarolo, Giovanni; Vanin, Daniele, Sports footwear.
  61. Schmelzer, Richard; Schmelzer, Sheri, System and method for securing accessories to clothing.
  62. Schmelzer, Richard; Schmelzer, Sheri, System and method for securing accessories to wearable items.
  63. Bierk Nancy L. (St. Louis MO), Thong sandal with durable toe tab for use as promotional item or the like.
  64. Solo Alan J. (1835 Burnett St. Brooklyn NY 11229), Utility article attachable to footwear.
  65. Sabat Jack M., Variable weight athletic shoe.
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