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Process for producing a semi-moist fruit product and the products therefrom 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A23B-007/14
출원번호 US-0923107 (1986-10-24)
우선권정보 CA-0490526 (1985-09-12); JP-0271715 (1985-12-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ismail Amr A. (Machias ME)
출원인 / 주소
  • Maine Wild Blueberry Co. (Machias ME 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 32  인용 특허 : 11


A semi-moist fruit product produced by a sugar-syrupping processing used in conjunction with wash-rinsing, surface air-drying and freeze-drying particularly adapted for use with blueberries, cherries and other similarly constituted fruits, whereby, liquid within the fruit is removed from the fruit t


A process for producing a sweetened, semi-moist fruit product having a moisture content in the range of 10% to 40% comprising: (a) coating fresh or frozen fruit with an effective amount of sugar to initiate nondestructive osmotic fluid-sugar exchange; (b) continuing the nondestructive osmotic fluid-

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Macfie ; Jr. George B. (Oviedo FL), Fruit juice impregnated plantains.
  2. Koshida Daikichi (1-19-10 Hotarugaike Nishi-Machi ; Toyonaka-Shi ; Osaka-Fu JPX) Sigisawa Ko (2-8-15 Chiyogaoka ; Nara-Shi ; Nara-Ken JPX) Majima Junji (12-21 Kita Showa-Machi ; Nishinomiya-Shi ; Hyo, Method for producing dry fruit chip.
  3. Bonacina Remigio (Via Ai Monti 2 Mandello Lario (Como) IT), Method of candying fruit and fruit rinds.
  4. Rahman ; Abdul R., Method of compacting freeze-dried particulate foods.
  5. Haas Gerhard J. (Woodcliff Lake NJ), Method of increasing the permeability of cellular materials.
  6. Murai Hiroshi (Tokyo JA), Method of manufacturing dehydrated fruit used as an additive to powdered instant food.
  7. Anderson Lyle K. (P.O. Box 354 Warrenton OR 97146) Allen Harold B. (Rt. 2 ; Box 110 Astoria OR 97103), Method of preserving fresh cherries.
  8. Butland Peter (R.R. #1 Inglewood ; Ontario CAX L0N 1K0), Process for producing a natural fruit candy.
  9. Ruggiero, Frank J., Production of fruit preserves.
  10. Agarwala, Om P., Sugar and acid infused fruit products and process therefor.
  11. O'Mahony, John S.; Kahn, Marvin L.; Adapa, Satya N., Sugar infusion of fruit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (32)

  1. McGuire Denis,CAX ; de Haan Edward Richard,CAX ; Clark Robert Hodge,CAX, Apparatus for depositing a plurality of discrete globules of gellable fruit.
  2. Garrett Robert A., Apparatus for heating or cooling product containers.
  3. Dale E. Wettlaufer ; Richard S. Hess, Apparatus for processing fruit in multiple layers.
  4. Nguyen, Isabelle, Confectionery composition.
  5. Nugent Duane C., Continuous sugar infusion process.
  6. Torres, Jesús Sánchez, Device for the separation of waste materials in accordance with their densities.
  7. Little Cindy E. (Orlando FL), Freeze dried sweetened condensed milk crystals and process of making.
  8. Villard, Jean, Fruit and vegetable processing method.
  9. Meduri, Joseph J., Fruit breaking method and apparatus.
  10. Sinha, Nirmal K., High solids containing processed and shelf-stable vegetables.
  11. Sinha Nirmal K. ; Nugent Steve D. ; Nugent Duane C., Infusion-drying of carrots.
  12. Froseth,Barrie R.; Creedon,Sean W., Inulin infused fruit and method of preparation.
  13. Froseth, Barrie R.; Creedon, Sean W., Inulin infused vegetable and method of preparation.
  14. Koenck, Steven E.; Lyons, Stan V.; Dalziel, Brian T.; White, Douglas C.; Kewley, Janette J.; Kennedy, Von, Irradiation system and method.
  15. Bolland Karin Marie ; Magoon Richard Elwood, Method and apparatus for evaporating liquid from a product.
  16. Wettlaufer Dale E., Method and apparatus for infusing fruit.
  17. Dale E. Wettlaufer, Method and apparatus for infusing fruit with sugar and for obtaining a substantial juice byproduct.
  18. Ghaedian, Reza; LaPerriere, Andre, Method and apparatus for producing a fruit product.
  19. Reza Ghaedian ; Andre LaPerriere, Method and apparatus for producing a fruit product.
  20. Garrett Robert A., Method for heating or cooling product containers.
  21. Nafisi-Movaghar Karim (Walnut Creek CA), Method of making dried fruits.
  22. Choi, Young Beom, Method of manufacturing citrus snack using reduced pressure drying.
  23. Takeuchi,Yasuo; Sugimoto,Toshiyuki; Miyake,Toshio, Method of producing processed food.
  24. Koenck,Steven E.; Dalziel,Brian T.; Kennedy,Von, Method of providing extended shelf life fresh meat products.
  25. Nafisi-Movaghar Karim (Walnut Creek CA), Natural fruit flavor extracts.
  26. Bunke, Paul Ralph; Ekanayake, Athula; Hammond, Priscilla G; Prosise, Robert Lawrence; Lin, Peter Yen-Chih; Schnur, Sharon Lee, Nutritious fabricated snack products.
  27. McGuire Denis,CAX ; de Haan Edward Richard,CAX ; Clark Robert Hodge,CAX, Particulate fruit product and method of making the same.
  28. McGuire Denis,CAX ; De Haan Edward Richard,CAX ; Clark Robert Hodge,CAX, Particulate natural fruit product and method of making same.
  29. Phillips Robert M., Preparation of shelf stable blueberries and moist shelf stable blueberry product.
  30. Sinha, Nirmal K.; Sinha, Meena, Process for producing refrigerated produce.
  31. Ismail Amr A. (Machias ME), Process for producing semi-moist cranberries and the product therefrom.
  32. Kelly, Thomas Reid; Barwick, Bryan Edwin; Sawant, Vijay Arjun, Spherical gelled simulated fruit with dimples, and extrusion process.
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