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Methods and systems for retrograde perfusion in the body for curing it of the disease or immume deficiency 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61B-001/06
출원번호 US-0871528 (1986-06-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Calderon Reynaldo (1202 Harvard Houston TX 77008)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 162  인용 특허 : 5


Catheter feedback methods and systems are disclosed for optimizing the infusion of a drug, such as a chemotherapeutic agent via retrograde perfusion through the venous side of the vascular network to a selectively determined portion of a solid tumor. Monitoring and regulatory capability are provided


A method for treating a tumor in the body of a patient, comprising the steps of: (a) placing a catheter having a suction lumen and an infusion lumen extending beyond the suction lumen and a seal associated with each of such lumens in a vein of the patient near the tumor; (b) sealing the flow of flui

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Durand Alain J. M. (12 ; Rue Jean-Jaures F-95600 Eaubonne FRX) Farcot Jean C. (18 ; Parc du Bearn F-92210 Saint-Cloud FRX), Catheter with bulb.
  2. Pizon Vronique (7 ; rue Nicolas Houl F-75005 Paris FRX) Farcot Jean-Christian (39 ; rue Spontini F-75016 Paris FRX), Coronary sinus retroperfusion apparatus for the treatment of myocardial ischemia.
  3. Ohshiro Susumu (Iwatsuki JA), Endoscope.
  4. Boddie Arthur W. (110 Chimney Rock San Antonio TX 78231), Hepatic isolation and perfusion circuit assembly.
  5. Loeb Marvin P. (Chicago IL), Method for providing an oxygen bearing liquid to a blood vessel for the performance of a medical procedure.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (162)

  1. Buckberg Gerald D. (Los Angeles CA) Todd Robert J. (Salt Lake City UT), Antegrade cardioplegia cannula.
  2. Elkins,Jeffrey M.; Goodson,Harry B.; Maguire,Mark A.; Valencia,Aurelio; Patel,Samir R., Apparatus and method for inserting an intra-aorta catheter through a delivery sheath.
  3. Elkins,Jeffrey M.; Goodson,Harry B.; Maguire,Mark A.; Valencia,Aurelio; Patel,Samir R., Apparatus and method for inserting an intra-aorta catheter through a delivery sheath.
  4. Rodney A. Perkins ; Peter P. Soltesz ; Robert Kotmel, Apparatus and method for isolated lung access.
  5. Glickman Morton G., Apparatus and method for isolated pelvic perfusion.
  6. Oakley Robert V. (Lafayette CA), Apparatus and method for periodic aseptic withdrawal of liquid samples from a sterile liquid source.
  7. Kuhn, Thomas, Apparatus and method used with guidance system for feeding and suctioning.
  8. Keren, Gad; Shmulewitz, Ascher; Spenser, Benjamin; Arad, Michael; Kesten, Randy J.; Pesotchinsky, Sophia; Rosenthal, Michael H.; Kramer, Andrew W.; Payne, Sam G., Apparatus and methods for treating congestive heart disease.
  9. Keren, Gadi; Shmulewitz, Ascher, Apparatus and methods for treating congestive heart disease.
  10. Keren,Gad; Shmulewitz,Ascher; Spenser,Benjamin; Arad,Michael; Kesten,Randy J; Pesotchinsky,Sophia; Rosenthal,Michael H.; Kramer,Andrew W.; Payne,Sam G., Apparatus and methods for treating congestive heart disease.
  11. Keren,Gadi; Shmulewitz,Ascher, Apparatus and methods for treating congestive heart disease.
  12. Ketan P. Muni ; Gholam Reza Zadno-Azizi ; Celso Bagaoisan, Aspiration method.
  13. Muni Ketan P. ; Zadno-Azizi Gholam Reza ; Bagaoisan Celso, Aspiration method.
  14. Muni, Ketan P.; Zadno-Azizi, Gholam Reza; Bagaoisan, Celso, Aspiration method.
  15. Barra Jean-Aubert,FRX ; Booth William Morris ; Bocheff Carolyn Rose ; Sandmore Donald R. ; Shorey Frederick A. ; Rodriguez Ernest J., Balloon catheter.
  16. Yamawaki Yoshiharu (68-banchi ; 7-chome Ozakikita-machi ; Kakamigahara-shi ; Gifu JPX), Balloon catheter and method of use of the same.
  17. Goodson, IV, Harry Burt; Patel, Samir R.; Ball, Craig A.; Elkins, Jeffrey M., Bi-lateral local renal delivery for treating congestive heart failure and for BNP therapy.
  18. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Bioelectromagnetic interface system.
  19. Hill John Donald, Blood vessel occlusion device.
  20. Hill John Donald, Blood vessel occlusion device.
  21. Hill John Donald, Blood vessel occlusion trocar having size and shape varying insertion body.
  22. Glickman Morton, Cancer treatment method.
  23. Andersen,Erik, Catheter having a tip with an elongated collar.
  24. Suresh, Mitta; Giannoble, Jill Wright; Cosgrove, Delos M., Catheter having integral expandable/collapsible lumen.
  25. Sweezer William Penn ; Jimison James ; Coleman Ronald L., Catheter system and method for providing cardiopulmonary bypass pump support during heart surgery.
  26. Sweezer William Penn ; Jimison James ; Coleman Ronald L., Catheter system and method for providing cardiopulmonary bypass pump support during heart surgery.
  27. Sweezer ; Jr. William P. ; Coleman Ronald ; Larkins ; III Walter W., Catheter system and method for total isolation of the heart.
  28. Constantz, Brent R.; Johansson, Peter K.; McGurk, Erin, Catheter systems and methods for their use in the treatment of calcified vascular occlusions.
  29. Glickman Morton G., Catheter with slidable balloon.
  30. Hillis, W. Daniel; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wilson, Richa; Wood, Victoria Y. H.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Ciliated stent-like-system.
  31. Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Sweeney, Elizabeth A.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wilson, Richa; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Controllable release nasal system.
  32. Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Sweeney, Elizabeth A.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wilson, Richa; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Controllable release nasal system.
  33. Aldea Gabriel S. (Chestnut Hill MA), Coronary sinus reperfusion catheter.
  34. Mann Michael J., Delivery of a composition to the lung.
  35. Agah, Ramtin; Najmabadi, Kamran; Zanchi, Marta Gaia, Devices, methods and kits for delivery of therapeutic materials to a pancreas.
  36. Agah, Ramtin; Najmabadi, Kamran; Zanchi, Marta Gaia, Devices, methods and kits for delivery of therapeutic materials to a target artery.
  37. Hattangadi, Neil; Lerner, Daniel; Olivera, Ryan, Double balloon catheter and methods for homogeneous drug delivery using the same.
  38. Hattangadi, Neil; Lerner, Daniel; Olivera, Ryan, Double balloon catheter and methods for homogeneous drug delivery using the same.
  39. Ronald A. Sahatjian ; James J. Barry, Drug delivery.
  40. Sahatjian Ronald A., Drug delivery.
  41. Sahatjian Ronald A. (Lexington MA) Barry James J. (Marlborough MA), Drug delivery.
  42. Tsukernik Vladimir, Drug delivery balloon catheter device.
  43. Vladimir Tsukernik, Drug delivery system.
  44. O'Day, Therese J., Elongated medical apparatus with inflatable tip.
  45. Courtney, Brian K.; MacMahon, John M.; Goff, Thomas G., Embolization protection system for vascular procedures.
  46. Courtney,Brian K.; MacMahon,John M.; Goff,Thomas G., Embolization protection system for vascular procedures.
  47. Strecker Ernst Peter,DEX, Endoprosthesis that can be percutaneously implanted in the patient's body.
  48. Strecker, Ernst Peter, Endoprosthesis that can be percutaneously implanted in the patient's body.
  49. Johnson Kirk ; Querns Stephen J., Expandable flowrate catheter assembly and method of making same.
  50. Johnson Kirk ; Querns Stephen J., Expandable flowrate catheter assembly and method of making same.
  51. Herweck, Steve A.; Gingras, Peter H.; Martakos, Paul; Karwoski, Theodore, Expandable fluoropolymer device and method of making.
  52. Herweck, Steve A.; Gingras, Peter H.; Martakos, Paul; Karwoski, Theodore, Expandable fluoropolymer device for delivery of therapeutic agents and method of making.
  53. Herweck, Steve A.; Gingras, Peter H.; Martakos, Paul; Karwoski, Theodore, Expandable fluoropolymer device for delivery of therapeutic agents and method of making.
  54. MacMahon, John M.; Goff, Thomas G.; Courtney, Brian K., Fluid exchange system for controlled and localized irrigation and aspiration.
  55. MacMahon, John M.; Goff, Thomas G.; Courtney, Brian K., Fluid exchange system for controlled and localized irrigation and aspiration.
  56. MacMahon, John M.; Goff, Thomas G.; Courtney, Brian K., Fluid exchange system for controlled and localized irrigation and aspiration.
  57. MacMahon, John M.; Goff, Thomas G.; Courtney, Brian K., Fluid exchange system for controlled and localized irrigation and aspiration.
  58. Landman, Jaime; Clayman, Ralph V.; Ewers, Richard C, High flow-low pressure irrigation system.
  59. Forsell, Peter Mats, Implantable drainage device.
  60. Cherkassky, Michael, Interstitial space saturation.
  61. Maguire, Mark; Geoffrion, Richard, Intra-aortic renal delivery catheter.
  62. Maguire,Mark; Geoffrion,Richard, Intra-aortic renal delivery catheter.
  63. Maguire,Mark; Geoffrion,Richard, Intra-aortic renal delivery catheter.
  64. Kesten,Randy J.; Rosenthal,Michael H.; Payne,Sam G.; Kramer,Andrew K.; Pesotchinsky,Sophia, Intra-aortic renal drug delivery catheter.
  65. Kesten,Randy J.; Rosenthal,Michael H.; Payne,Sam G.; Kramer,Andrew K.; Pesotchinsky,Sophia, Intra-aortic renal drug delivery catheter.
  66. Kesten,Randy J.; Rosenthal,Michael H.; Payne,Sam G.; Kramer,Andrew W.; Pesotchinsky,Sophia, Intra-aortic renal drug delivery catheter.
  67. Hochareon, Pramote, Localized therapy delivery and local organ protection.
  68. Hochareon, Pramote, Localized therapy delivery and local organ protection.
  69. Hochareon, Pramote, Localized therapy delivery and local organ protection.
  70. Hochareon, Pramote, Localized therapy delivery and local organ protection.
  71. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Lumen-traveling biological interface device.
  72. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Lumen-traveling biological interface device and method of use.
  73. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Lumen-traveling biological interface device and method of use.
  74. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Lumen-traveling biological interface device and method of use.
  75. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Lumen-traveling biological interface device and method of use.
  76. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Sweeney, Elizabeth A.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Lumen-traveling delivery device.
  77. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Sweeney, Elizabeth A.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Lumen-traveling device.
  78. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Sweeney, Elizabeth A.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Lumen-traveling device.
  79. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Sweeney, Elizabeth A.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wilson, Richa; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Lumenally-active device.
  80. Elkins, Jeffrey M.; Valencia, Aurelio; Patel, Samir R.; Aboytes, Ricardo; Goodson, Harry B.; Ball, Craig A., Method and apparatus for intra-aortic substance delivery to a branch vessel.
  81. Elkins,Jeffrey M.; Valencia,Aurelio; Patel,Samir R.; Aboytes,Ricardo; Goodson,Harry B.; Ball,Craig A., Method and apparatus for intra-aortic substance delivery to a branch vessel.
  82. Goodson, IV, Harry B.; Elkins, Jeffrey M.; Patel, Samir R.; Valencia, Aurelio; Aboytes, Ricardo; Ball, Craig A.; Kesten, Randy J.; Kramer, Andrew K.; Payne, Sam G.; Pesotchinsky, Sophia; Rosenthal, Michael H., Method and apparatus for selective material delivery via an intra-renal catheter.
  83. Sweezer William Penn ; Jimison James ; Coleman Ronald L., Method for cannulating a patient's aortic arch and occluding the patient's ascending aortic arch.
  84. Zadno-Azizi, Gholam-Reza; Patel, Mukund R.; Muni, Ketan P.; Bagaoisan, Celso J.; Ha, Hung V., Method for containing and removing occlusions in the carotid arteries.
  85. Zadno-Azizi, Gholam-Reza; Patel, Mukund R.; Muni, Ketan P.; Bagaosian, Celso J.; Ha, Hung V., Method for containing and removing occlusions in the carotid arteries.
  86. St. Goar, Frederick G.; Peters, William S.; Evard, Philip C.; Boyd, Stephen W.; Adams, Craig L.; Mueller, Jr., Richard L.; Stevens, John H., Method for delivering a fluid to the coronary ostia.
  87. Kuhn, Thomas, Method for electromagnetic guidance of feeding and suctioning tube assembly.
  88. Booth William M. ; Barra Jean-Aubert,FRX, Method for introducing cardioplegia solution into the coronary sinus.
  89. Barra Jean-Aubert,FRX ; Booth William Morris ; Bocheff Carolyn Rose ; Sandmore Donald R. ; Shorey Frederick A. ; Rodriguez Ernest J., Method of administering cardioplegia solution.
  90. Hill John Donald, Method of cannulating an ascending aorta using a blood vessel occlusion device.
  91. Stevens John H. ; Sterman Wesley D. ; Gifford ; III Hanson S. ; Evard Philip C. ; Machold Timothy R., Method of delivering cardioplegic fluid to a patient's heart.
  92. Steve A. Herweck ; Peter H. Gingras ; Paul Martakos ; Theodore Karwoski, Method of making an expandable fluoropolymer device.
  93. William P. Sweezer, Jr. ; Ronald Coleman ; Walter W. Larkins, III, Method of occluding a patient's ascending aorta and delivery cardioplegic fluid.
  94. Sterman, Wesley D.; Stevens, John H.; Gifford, III, Hanson S.; Siegel, Lawrence C.; Putnam, Joe B., Methods and apparatus for perfusion of isolated tissue structure.
  95. Zadno-Azizi, Gholam-Reza, Methods and apparatuses for drug delivery to an intravascular occlusion.
  96. Brian S. Donlon, Methods and devices for occluding a patient's ascending aorta.
  97. Donlon Brian S., Methods and devices for occluding a patient's ascending aorta.
  98. Sharkawy A. Adam ; Sterman Wesley D. ; Taylor David M. ; Ray Pinaki, Methods and devices for occluding the ascending aorta and maintaining circulation of oxygenated blood in the patient when the patient's heart is arrested.
  99. Sharkawy, A. Adam; Sterman, Wesley D.; Taylor, David M.; Ray, Pinaki, Methods and devices for occluding the ascending aorta and maintaining circulation of oxygenated blood in the patient when the patient's heart is arrested.
  100. Grimes, Kevin V.; Komtebedde, Jan; Rosenman, Daniel C.; Gifford, III, Hanson S.; Garrison, Michi E.; Sterman, Wesley D.; Taylor, David M.; Sharkawy, A. Adam; Ray, Pinaki, Methods and devices for occluding the ascending aorta and maintaining circulation oxygenated blood in the patient when the patient's heart is arrested.
  101. Bagaoisan, Celso J.; Bleam, Jefferey C.; Muni, Ketan P.; Azizi, Gholam RezaZadno, Methods for emboli containment.
  102. Imran, Mir A.; Muni, Ketan P.; Zadno-Azizi, Gholam-Reza, Methods for reducing distal embolization.
  103. Imran,Mir A., Methods for reducing distal embolization.
  104. Goldman, Robert J., Multi-function catheter and use thereof.
  105. Timothy J. Corvi ; John H. Stevens, Multi-lumen catheter.
  106. Martin Geoffrey S.,CAX ; Leblanc Michael R.,CAX, Multiple lumen catheter.
  107. Martin,Geoffrey S.; Leblanc,Michael R., Multiple lumen catheter.
  108. Morse, Stephen A, Occlusion cannula and methods of use.
  109. Agah, Ramtin; Najmabadi, Kamran; Bagai, Shaun R.; Malek, Reza, Occlusion catheter system and methods of use.
  110. Welch, Jonathan Brister, Occlusion device.
  111. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Nugent, Jr., Thomas J.; Sweeney, Elizabeth A.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Parameter-based navigation by a lumen traveling device.
  112. Allers Mats,SEX ; Ivancev Krasnodar,SEX ; Jeppson Bengt,SEX, Perfusion system.
  113. Shapland James E. (Shoreview MN) Knudson Mark B. (Shoreview MN) Shimada Jin (Falcon Heights MN), Phoretic balloon catheter with hydrogel coating.
  114. Carter,Matthew P.; Skerven,Gregory J., Precalibrated inflation device for balloon catheter.
  115. Hull Vincent W. ; Schwartz Robert S. ; Dror Michael, Releasable microcapsules on balloon catheters.
  116. Elkins, Jeffrey M.; Goodson, IV, Harry B; Ball, Craig A; Valencia, Aurelio; Patel, Samir R; Hekmat, Neema, Renal infusion systems and methods.
  117. Mehmet Bicakci ; Sheryl W. Higgins, Retrograde cardioplegia catheter.
  118. Thompson Thomas C. ; Wechsler Andrew S. ; Clark Tamera L., Retrograde cardioplegia catheter and method of use.
  119. Boyd Stephen W. ; Stevens John H. ; Evard Philip C. ; Adams Craig L., Retrograde delivery catheter and method for inducing cardioplegic arrest.
  120. Boyd Stephen W. ; Stevens John H. ; Evard Philip C. ; Adams Craig L., Retrograde delivery catheter and method for inducing cardioplegic arrest.
  121. Calderon Reynaldo (5620 Greenbriar #105 Houston TX 77005), Retrograde perfusion.
  122. Calderon Reynaldo (5620 Greenbriar ; #105 Houston TX 77005), Retrograde perfusion.
  123. Buckberg Gerald D. (Los Angeles CA) Todd Robert J. (Salt Lake City UT), Retrograde venous cardioplegia catheters and methods of use and manufacture.
  124. Chu Michael S. H. ; Chin Yem ; Cragg Andrew ; Gellman Barry N., Rotatable medical valve closure.
  125. Hekmat, Neema; Goodson, Harry B.; Valencia, Aurelio; Elkins, Jeffrey M., Selective renal cannulation and infusion systems and methods.
  126. Goodson, IV, Harry B.; Ball, Craig A.; Elkins, Jeffrey M., Sheath for use in peripheral interventions.
  127. Ronald A. Sahatjian ; James J. Barry ; Maria Palasis, Stent lining.
  128. Sahatjian, Ronald A.; Barry, James J.; Palasis, Maria, Stent lining.
  129. Al-Rashdan, Ibrahim Rashid, System and method for removing blood containing contrast dye.
  130. Nitzan, Yaacov; Yacoby, Menashe; Feld, Tanhum, System and method for treating pulmonary edema.
  131. Nitzan, Yaacov; Yacoby, Menashe; Feld, Tanhum, System and method for treatment of pulmonary edema.
  132. Nitzan, Yaacov; Yacoby, Menashe; Feld, Tanhum, System and method for treatment of pulmonary edema.
  133. Stevens John H. ; Evard Philip C. ; Machold Timothy R., System for cardiac procedures.
  134. Stevens John H. ; Sterman Wesley D. ; Gifford ; III Hanson S., System for cardiac procedures.
  135. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., System for perfusion management.
  136. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., System for perfusion management.
  137. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., System with a reservoir for perfusion management.
  138. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., System with a reservoir for perfusion management.
  139. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., System with a reservoir for perfusion management.
  140. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., System with a reservoir for perfusion management.
  141. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., System with a reservoir for perfusion management.
  142. Patel, Samir; Goodson, IV, Harry B.; Elkins, Jeffrey M.; Ball, Craig A.; Mathur, Vandana S., Systems and methods for performing bi-lateral interventions or diagnosis in branched body lumens.
  143. Nitzan, Yaacov; Yacoby, Menashe; Feld, Tanhum, Systems and methods for reducing pressure at an outflow of a duct.
  144. Nitzan, Yaacov; Yacoby, Menashe; Feld, Tanhum, Systems and methods for reducing pressure at an outflow of a duct.
  145. Nitzan, Yaacov; Raz, Sagi; Chen, Shani; Inbar, Or, Systems and methods for treatment of fluid overload.
  146. Nitzan, Yaacov; Raz, Sagi; Chen, Shani; Inbar, Or, Systems and methods for treatment of fluid overload.
  147. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Telescoping perfusion management system.
  148. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Telescoping perfusion management system.
  149. Wood, Jr., Lowell L., Telescoping perfusion management system.
  150. Ferren, Bran; Hillis, W. Daniel; Hyde, Roderick A.; Ishikawa, Muriel Y.; Jung, Edward K. Y.; Leuthardt, Eric C.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Nugent, Jr., Thomas J.; Sweeney, Elizabeth A.; Tegreene, Clarence T.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Wood, Victoria Y. H., Temporal control of a lumen traveling device in a body tube tree.
  151. Nabel,Elizabeth G.; Nabel,Gary J., Treatment of diseases by site-specific instillation of cells or site-specific transformation of cells and kits therefor.
  152. Mulshine James L. (Bethesda MD) Weinstein John (Chevy Chase MD), Treatment or diagnosis by endoscopic administration into the lymphatics.
  153. Rosenthal, Arthur; Barry, James J.; Sahatjian, Ronald, Triggered release hydrogel drug delivery system.
  154. Rosenthal,Arthur; Barry,James J.; Sahatjian,Ronald, Triggered release hydrogel drug delivery system.
  155. Shaughnessy, Michael C.; Platt, David K.; Purnell, Shawn G.; Nassif, George A.; Smith, Andrew M. L., Tubing assembly and signal generator placement control device and method for use with catheter guidance systems.
  156. Shaughnessy, Michael C.; Platt, David K.; Purnell, Shawn G.; Nassif, George A.; Smith, Andrew M. L., Tubing assembly and signal generator placement control device and method for use with catheter guidance systems.
  157. Shaughnessy, Michael C.; Platt, David K.; Purnell, Shawn G.; Nassif, George A.; Smith, Andrew M. L., Tubing assembly and signal generator placement control device and method for use with catheter guidance systems.
  158. Shaughnessy, Michael C.; Platt, David K.; Purnell, Shawn G.; Nassif, George A.; Smith, Andrew M. L., Tubing assembly and signal generator placement control device and method for use with catheter guidance systems.
  159. Frass Michael (Viechtlgasse 11 Mdling ATX) Frenzer Reinhard (Mdling ATX), Ultrasound contact medium dispenser.
  160. Welch, Jonathan B., Vascular occlusion device with enhanced feedback.
  161. Castella, Paul; Steinmetz, Jeffrey N., Vena cava filter catheter and method.
  162. Castella, Paul; Steinmetz, Jeffrey N., Vena cava filter catheter and method of use.
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