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Interlocking egg-crate type grid assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G21C-003/34
출원번호 US-0712056 (1985-03-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kast Steven J. (Niskayuna NY)
출원인 / 주소
  • The United States of America as represented by the United States Department of Energy (Washington DC 06)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 4


Disclosed is an interlocking egg-crate hexagonal grid for supporting a nuclear fuel pin in a hexagonal array. The grid is formed from strips bent at an angle of about 120°at each vertex. Over some faces of each hexagonal cell the strips are coplanar but are arranged, by stacking and interlocking, to


A spacer grid assembly for supporting a plurality of nuclear fuel pins in a closely-spaced array, comprising: (a) a first grid strip comprising a plurality of segments, disposed at an angle to each other with alternate segments being substantially parallel to each other, each of said segments carryi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Downs, Robert E.; Schwallie, Ambrose L., Fuel rod support grid.
  2. Marshall John (San Jose CA) Kaplan Samuel (Los Gatos CA), Improved nuclear fuel assembly grid spacer.
  3. Jabsen Felix Stanley (Lynchburg VA), Nuclear fuel rod frame with fuel rods positioned by moveable member.
  4. Kobuck Richard M. (Delmont PA) Miller Richard A. (North Huntingdon PA) Kalkbrenner Ralph W. (Irwin PA) Kerrey John S. (Columbia SC) Duncan Robert (Columbia SC), Welding plates for a fuel rod grid.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7)

  1. Gibson, Jeffrey Alan, Bracket.
  2. Duncan Robert (Fork SC) Craver James E. (Lexington SC), Nuclear fuel grid outer strap.
  3. Croteau Edward A. (Wilmington NC) Evans Thomas G. (Wilmington NC) Elkins Robert B. (Wilmington NC), Reduced height flat spring spacer for nuclear fuel rods.
  4. Croteau Edward A. (Wilmington NC) Muncy Donald G. (Wilmington NC) Johansson Eric B. (Wrightsville Beach NC), Reduced height spacer for nuclear fuel rods.
  5. Gibson, Jeffrey Alan, Swivel bracket.
  6. Williamson Harold E. (Richland WA) Walters Kenneth V. (Kennewick WA), Triangular lattice for LWR square fuel assemblies.
  7. Lee, Young Ho; Lee, Kang Hee; Kim, Jae Yong; Yoon, Kyung Ho; Kim, Hyung Kyu; Shin, Chang Hwan; Oh, Dong Seok; In, Wang Ki; Chun, Tae Hyun; Song, Kun Woo, Unit spacer grid strap, unit spacer grid, and spacer grid for nuclear fuel rods.
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