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[미국특허] Flap system for short takeoff and landing aircraft 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-003/50
출원번호 US-0928350 (1986-11-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brine Gerald T. (La Palma CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Air Force (Washington DC 06)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 57  인용 특허 : 4


A flap system for deploying high lift flaps on short takeoff and landing aircraft. The flap system utilizes an activating mechanism 27 that is used to extend a flap 12, a vane 22 and a spoiler 18 for maximum lift. The mechanism 27 utilizes relatively few linkage pieces and attached to the flap at si


A flap system for an aircraft comprising: (a) an aircraft wing having a trailing edge; (b) a flap support fixedly mounted to the trailing edge of said wing; (c) a wing flap having inboard and outboard ends and a fixedly attached flap mounting bracket which is pivotably mounted at a single pivot poin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Dilmaghani Hommayoun (Gessel DEX) Sgarz Hugo (Bremen-Lesum DEX) Schulz Hartmut (Bremen DEX), Airfoil flap actuation.
  2. Rudolph Peter K. C. (Seattle WA), Airfoil flap assembly with flap track member.
  3. Cole James B. (Mercer Island WA), Airplane wing trailing-edge flap-mounting mechanism.
  4. Whitener ; Philip Charles, Efficient trailing edge system for an aircraft wing.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (57) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Good,Mark S.; Huynh,Neal V.; Jones,Kelly T.; Sakurai,Selya, Actuation device positioning systems and associated methods, including aircraft spoiler droop systems.
  2. Voogt, Nicolaas, Aerospace vehicle fairing systems and associated methods.
  3. Voogt,Nicolaas, Aerospace vehicle fairing systems and associated methods.
  4. Sakurai,Seiya; Finnila,James E.; Stephenson,Martin F., Aerospace vehicle flow body systems and associated methods.
  5. Konings,Christopher A., Aerospace vehicle leading edge slat devices and corresponding methods.
  6. Harrigan,Jeffery S.; Beaufrere,Henry L., Aerospace vehicle yaw generating systems and associated methods.
  7. Harrigan,Jeffery S.; Beaufrere,Henry L., Aerospace vehicle yaw generating systems and associated methods.
  8. Cerne, Gerd, Aircraft.
  9. Jones,Kelly T., Aircraft control surface drive system and associated methods.
  10. Uchida, Minoru; Yamanouchi, Hiroshi, Aircraft control surface operating device.
  11. Rampton,Scott N.; Amorosi,Stephen R., Aircraft leading edge apparatuses and corresponding methods.
  12. Lacy,Douglas S.; Wyatt,Greg H., Aircraft leading edge device systems and corresponding sizing methods.
  13. Lacy, Douglas S.; Kordel, Jan A.; Dovey, John V.; Balzer, Michael A.; Sakurai, Seiya; Huynh, Neal V., Aircraft trailing edge devices, including devices having forwardly positioned hinge lines, and associated methods.
  14. Lacy, Douglas S.; Kordel, Jan A.; Dovey, John V.; Balzer, Michael A.; Sakurai, Seiya; Huynh, Neal V., Aircraft trailing edge devices, including devices having forwardly positioned hinge lines, and associated methods.
  15. Lacy, Douglas S.; Kordel, Jan A.; Dovey, John V.; Balzer, Michael A.; Sakurai, Seiya; Huynh, Neal V., Aircraft trailing edge devices, including devices having forwardly positioned hinge lines, and associated methods.
  16. Lacy, Douglas S.; Beyer, Kevin W.; Brown, Stephen T.; Dees, Paul W.; Huynh, Neal V.; Kordel, Jan A.; Prow, Clayton A.; Sakurai, Seiya, Aircraft trailing edge devices, including devices with non-parallel motion paths, and associated methods.
  17. Lacy,Douglas S.; Beyer,Kevin W.; Brown,Stephen T.; Dees,Paul W.; Huynh,Neal V.; Kordel,Jan A.; Prow,Clayton A.; Sakurai,Seiya, Aircraft trailing edge devices, including devices with non-parallel motion paths, and associated methods.
  18. Parker, Simon John, Aircraft wing assembly.
  19. Good,Mark S.; Viigen,Paul M.; Gitnes,Seth E.; Thomas,Glynn Michael, Aircraft wing systems for providing differential motion to deployable lift devices.
  20. Reckzeh, Daniel; Dyke, Adrian R., Aircraft wing, method for operating an aircraft wing, and use of a pivotable trailing edge on a main wing of an aircraft, for adjusting the shape and width of an air gap.
  21. Kelley-Wickemeyer Robert H. ; Seidel Gerhard E. ; Anast Peter Z. ; McLean James Douglas, Airplane with unswept slotted cruise wing airfoil.
  22. Kelley-Wickemeyer, Robert H.; Seidel, Gerhard E.; Anast, Peter Z.; McLean, James Douglas, Airplane with unswept slotted cruise wing airfoil.
  23. Werner Dobrzynski DE; Burkhard Gehlhar DE, Auxiliary airfoil for aircraft main wings.
  24. Parker, Simon John, Bearing assembly.
  25. Wildman, Eric, Control surface assembly.
  26. Yue, Haikou, Droop panel linkage.
  27. Minoru Uchida JP; Hiroshi Yamanouchi JP; Wataru Yada JP; Hidetaka Nagano JP, Flap operating device.
  28. Voss, Timo; Loerke, Joachim, High lift system for an aircraft.
  29. Beyer, Kevin W.; Sakurai, Seiya; Stephenson, Martin F., Hinged panel operation systems and methods.
  30. Ito, Koji, Hydraulic actuator.
  31. Wheaton, James M.; Amorosi, Stephen R., Leading edge flap apparatuses and associated methods.
  32. Wheaton,James M.; Amorosi,Stephen R., Leading edge flap apparatuses and associated methods.
  33. Fox, Stephen J.; Sakurai, Seiya, Link mechanisms for gapped rigid krueger flaps, and associated systems and methods.
  34. Beyer, Kevin W.; Fox, Stephen J.; Lacy, Douglas S.; Sakurai, Seiya, Method and apparatus for controlling airflow with a leading edge device having a flexible flow surface.
  35. Zeumer, Claus M, Method and apparatus for deploying an auxiliary lift foil.
  36. Zeumer, Claus M, Method and apparatus for deploying an auxiliary lift foil.
  37. Milliere,J챕r척me, Method and spoiler system for ensuring the aerodynamic continuity of the upper surface of an aircraft.
  38. Balzer, Michael A.; Kordel, Jan A., Methods and apparatus to control a gap between movable aircraft wing components.
  39. Dun, Roy, Methods and apparatuses for controlling airflow proximate to engine/airfoil systems.
  40. Harrison, Neal A.; Hyde, David C., Multi-directional control using upper surface blowing systems.
  41. Sakurai,Seiya; Fox,Stephen J.; Beyer,Kevin W.; Lacy,Douglas S.; Johnson,Paul L.; Wells,Stephen L.; Noble,Jack S.; Meredith,Paul T.; Huynh,Neal V.; Christianson,Russell R.; Vijgen,Paul M.; Fitzpatrick, Multi-function trailing edge devices and associated methods.
  42. Martín Hernández, Agustin Mariano, Reinforced cover for cut-outs in an aerodynamic contour.
  43. Martín Hernández, Agustín Mariano, Reinforced cover for gaps in an aerodynamic contour.
  44. Kordel, Jan A.; Sakurai, Seiya; Bowers, Bret A.; Glassmoyer, Christopher G.; Williams, Darren B., Seal assemblies for use with drooped spoilers and other control surfaces on aircraft.
  45. Manley, David J.; Grip, Robert E., Shape-changing control surface.
  46. Bender, Klaus; Boettger, Ole, Single slotted flap with sliding deflector flap and lowerable spoiler.
  47. Siers Geoffrey L., Slotted cruise trailing edge flap.
  48. Candela, Franco; Migliozzi, Giuseppe, Structural element for covering an elongate gap on an aerodynamic surface of an aircraft.
  49. Huynh, Neal V.; Bleeg, Robert J.; Pepper, Ralph Scott; Standley, John A.; Bocksch, Brian L., Systems and methods for controlling aircraft flaps and spoilers.
  50. Huynh,Neal V.; Bleeg,Robert J.; Pepper,Ralph Scott; Standley,John A.; Bocksch,Brian L., Systems and methods for controlling aircraft flaps and spoilers.
  51. Good, Mark S.; Vijgen, Paul M.; Gitnes, Seth E.; Thomas, Glynn Michael, Systems and methods for providing differential motion to wing high lift device.
  52. Huynh,Neal V., Systems, apparatuses, and methods for moving aircraft control surfaces.
  53. Kordel, Jan A.; Sakurai, Seiya; Balzer, Michael A.; Dovey, John V., Trailing edge device catchers and associated systems and methods.
  54. Fevergeon, Matthew D M; Kordel, Jan A., Trailing edge device with bell crank mechanism.
  55. Speer,Thomas E., Vehicle control systems and corresponding sizing methods.
  56. Matsuda, Mioko; Numajiri, Tomohiro, Wind turbine blade pitch-control system, and wind turbine rotor and wind turbine generator provided with the same.
  57. Heintjes, Mark, Wing of an aircraft or spacecraft, comprising a mobile flow body.

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