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[미국특허] Retention of boot on CV joint assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16D-003/84
출원번호 US-0090186 (1987-08-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Baker W. Howard (Hartsville TN)
출원인 / 주소
  • Precision Rubber Products Corporation (Lebanan TN 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 6


A blow molded convoluted boot for use with constant velocity joints is provided with a retention convolution, the inside diameter of which is proportioned to form a direct attachment to an annular recess formed in an outer surface of the body of a CV joint for retaining the boot on the CV joint and


An improved blow-molded convoluted, bellows-shaped boot for use with constant velocity joints and adapted to form a direct attachment to an annular recess formed in an outer surface of the body of a constant velocity joint, comprising: said boot having an annular convolution adjacent an end thereof,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hoh Joseph C. (Naperville IL), Accordian-folded boot shield for flexible swivel connection.
  2. Pringle William L. (Grosse Pointe Shores MI), Constant velocity joint.
  3. Grove, Clinton E.; Golberg, Jeffery O., Covering for rotating flexible axle joints.
  4. Goft, Manfred; Maurer, Dieter; Aucktor, Erich, Driven steering shaft assembly.
  5. Krude Werner (Siegburg-Kaldauen DEX), Sealing boot for universal joint.
  6. Krude Werner (Siegburg-Kaldauen DEX) Mller Karl-Heinz (Wissen DEX) Riemscheid Helmut (Lohmar DEX), Sealing boot for universal joint assembly.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Maruyama Iwao (Sayama JPX) Uzuyama Kimitake (Sayama JPX), Apparatus for securely fastening boot to driving shaft, and driving shaft position alignment device for use therein.
  2. Wydra Neal E. ; Geick ; Jr. David W., Bellowed seal.
  3. Shibata Hiroshi,JPX, Bellows cylinder.
  4. Oetiker Hans,CHX, Bellows-type cover with integrated clamping member.
  5. Baker W. Howard (Hartsville TN), Blow-molded convoluted boot.
  6. Baker W. Howard (Hartsville TN), Boot assembly for constant velocity joint.
  7. Holzhei, Michael J., Boot for a constant velocity joint.
  8. Umeno Seiya (Shizuoka JPX), Boot having inwardly curved flanks.
  9. Sadr Changize,CAX ; Zoric George,CAX, Boot with insertable bushing.
  10. Sadr Changize,CAX ; White Jamie,CAX, Method of making a protective boot for an automotive component.
  11. Wydra Neal E. ; Geick ; Jr. David W., Method of manufacturing a bellowed seal.
  12. Changize Sadr CA; Jamie White CA, Protective boot for automotive component and method of making.
  13. Kozlowski,Keith A.; Villalobos,Federico; Molinar,Sergio; Hansen,Dennis R.; Eaton,Jerry L., Sealing system for constant velocity joint.
  14. Fukumura Yoshikazu (Iwata JPX) Ohki Toshiyuki (Iwata JPX), Structure for mounting boot.
  15. Gerulski Mike R., Unitized seal for telescopic shaft.

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