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Figure eight wing drive 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-033/02
출원번호 US-0061415 (1987-06-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kelfer James W. (1602 Bauerle Austin TX 78704)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 4


A machine designed to move a pair of light weight graphite fiber composite covered wings in such a way that their tips will describe a horizontal figure eight through the air. Thereby sustaining an attack angle and creating lift throughout as much as 80% of their travel path. The mechanism retains 1


A mechanical wing drive to propel a flying machine comprising: a center shaft extending from the base of each of a pair of wings and extending through one of a pair of oarlock devices, each said oarlock device attached to one of two parallel main frame members, the end of each said center shaft conn

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Harris Jeremy M. (479 Park Overlook Worthington OH 43085), Articulated wing ornithopter.
  2. Roselli Auro (319 E. 51st St. New York NY 10022), Inflated wing aircraft.
  3. Kuan ; Shang-Ming, Man-powered flying machine.
  4. Theeuwes Felix (Los Altos CA) Ayer Atul D. (Belmont CA), Osmotic system with laminated wall formed of different materials.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Keennon, Matthew Todd; Klingebiel, Karl Robert; Andryukov, Alexander; Hibbs, Bart Dean; Zwaan, John Peter, Air vehicle flight mechanism and control method.
  2. Keennon, Matthew Todd; Klingebiel, Karl Robert; Andryukov, Alexander; Hibbs, Bart Dean; Zwaan, John Peter, Air vehicle flight mechanism and control method.
  3. Keennon, Matthew Todd; Andryukov, Alexander; Klingebiel, Karl Robert; Won, Henry Thome, Air vehicle flight mechanism and control method for non-sinusoidal wing flapping.
  4. Keennon, Matthew Todd; Andryukov, Alexander; Klingebiel, Karl Robert; Won, Henry Thome, Air vehicle flight mechanism and control method for non-sinusoidal wing flapping.
  5. Samuel, Paul D.; Faruque, Imraan; Humbert, James Sean, Flapping wing aerial vehicles.
  6. Pell Charles A., Impellers with bladelike elements and compliant tuned transmission shafts and vehicles including same.
  7. Sinclair,Peter Logan, Motion assisting apparatus.
  8. Charron, Richard, Ornithopter with flexible fuselage.
  9. Richard, Charron, Power assembly for ornicopter.
  10. Therriault Clement,CAX, Wing movement for ornithopters and apparatus of the like.
  11. Smith, Michael J. C., Wing-drive mechanism and vehicle employing same.
  12. Smith, Michael J. C., Wing-drive mechanism and vehicle employing same.
  13. Smith, Michael J. C., Wing-drive mechanism and vehicle employing same.
  14. Smith Michael J. C., Wing-drive mechanism, vehicle employing same, and method for controlling the wing-drive mechanism and vehicle employing same.
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