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[미국특허] Disposable pet sanitary station having a fixed lower compartment and an expandable upper compartment 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01K-029/00
출원번호 US-0003645 (1987-01-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Jones
  • Jr. George C. (2610 Austins Pl. Sugar Land TX 77478)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 14


A disposable pet sanitary station having a fixed lower compartment and an expandable upper compartment. The lower compartment has a bottom and four sides and can be packaged with absorbable materials. The upper compartment has a top and three foldable extensions that form a cover for the sanitary st


A pet sanitary station having a fixed lower compartment and an expandable upper compartment, comprising: a rectangular bottom panel and four sides extending vertically from the bottom panel that form a lower rectangular compartment; a rigid rectangular horizontal top panel and three contiguous rigid

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Haugen Donald J. (709 W. Huron St. Ann Arbor MI 48103), Animal litter container.
  2. Feitelson, Ira S., Cat litter box.
  3. Coughlin Warren J. (600 Old Stamford Road New Canaan CT 06840) Fecci Renato D. (587 High Ridge Road Stamford CT 06905), Collapsible and disposable sanitary pet litter container.
  4. Paige Richard E. (New York NY), Collapsible carton.
  5. Guidry, Robert L., Combination greeting card and bounceable container-toy.
  6. Higgins, Queenie D.; Garrison, Dana R., Disposable animal litter box.
  7. Noonan Wallace (5 Stanworth La. Allentown NJ 08501), Disposable cat litter holding means.
  8. Selby Jonathan W. (P.O. Box 103 Telford PA 18969), Disposable cat relief chamber.
  9. Wellman Gary L. (829 Orange St. Yuba City CA 95991) Wellman Carl P. (829 Orange St. Yuba City CA 95991) Wellman Naomi M. (829 Orange St. Yuba City CA 95991), Disposable container with litter for animals.
  10. Strubelt John R. (9025 Condor Ave. St. Louis MO 63114), Disposable litter devices.
  11. Bienvenu Gerald A. (208 State St. Newburgh IN 47630) Bienvenu E. Gayle (208 State St. Newburgh IN 47630), Disposable pet litter container.
  12. Heldenbrand Ladd L. (2 Bay Road South Portland ME 04106), Litter packages.
  13. Silver Jules (P.O. Box 1188 Norwich CT 06360) Rhodes Russell E. (P.O. Box 1188 Norwich CT 06360), Packaged disposable animal waste container.
  14. Edgar Allen C. (Gainesville FL), Single use disposable cat litter package.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sellars, John C.; Ballas, Jerry; Singh, Balbir; Watson, Neal D.; Bogdanovich, Ronald A., All weather absorbent towel dispenser.
  2. Sellars, John C.; Ballas, Jerry; Singh, Balbir; Watson, Neal D.; Bogdanovich, Ronald A., All weather absorbent towel dispenser.
  3. Taft Monte (5305 ½Seashore Dr. Newport Beach CA 92663), Cat litter box with integral, collapsible enclosure.
  4. Pivonka Scott ; Tottleben John, Collapsible pet carrier.
  5. Crosse Douglas C., Disposable cat litter box waste receptacle assembly with enclosure.
  6. Landrum, Kathryn B., Disposable feline litter box.
  7. Goodwin Ida H. (338 Fiesta St. Santa Fe NM 87501), Disposable flea repellant kitty litter box.
  8. Bjornson, William, Disposable folding type sanitary toilet for pets.
  9. Engel Eric M., Liner and liner system for litter box and litter box cover.
  10. Morrison Glenn E. (1160 Francisco St. Berkeley CA 94702), Litter packaging system.
  11. Noonan, Wallace E., Method of folding substantially smaller a disposable cat litter holding means.
  12. Workman, Tyler Swan; Workman, Robert E.; Howell, Henry J.; Krantz, Norm; Ayala, Gerardo D.; Workman, John E., Modular frame and structure system.

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