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[미국특허] Control of laminar flow in fluids by means of acoustic energy 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-023/00
출원번호 US-0918229 (1986-10-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mangiarotty Rudolph A. (Seattle WA)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Boeing Company (Seattle WA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 51  인용 특허 : 2


Retarding of the point of transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow in aerodynamic boundary layers on the surfaces of aircraft is accomplished by radiating acoustic energy at frequencies greater than twice the critical Tollmein-Schlichting frequency into the boundary layer. The acoustic energy


A method for retarding the onset of turbulent boundary layer flow around an airfoil moving with respect to an air mass through the infusion of acoustic energy into the boundary layer comprising the steps of: (a) electronically generating acoustic energy at or near the surface of an airfoil moving th

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Williams John E. F. (Cambridge GB2) Lang Jack (Cambridge GB2), Low drag surface construction.
  2. Lurz Werner (Hamburg DEX), Method of and apparatus for controlling the boundary layer flow over the surface of a body.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (51) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Baruzzini, Dan; Domel, Neal David; Hakes, Jeffrey G.; Miller, Daniel N., Active bleed for airfoils.
  2. Bonutti, Peter M., Active drag and thrust modulation system and method.
  3. Bonutti, Peter M., Active drag and thrust modulation system and methods.
  4. Gölling, Burkhard; Haucke, Frank; Bauer, Matthias; Nitsche, Wolfgang; Peltzer, Inken, Aircraft with a control device.
  5. Wygnanski Israel,ILX ; Greenblatt David,ILX ; Seifert Avi,ILX, Airfoil with dynamic stall control by oscillatory forcing.
  6. Webster, John R, Boundary layer control arrangement.
  7. Glezer, Ari; Crittenden, Thomas M., Combustion-driven jet actuator.
  8. Cheung, Ken C. K.; Sullivan, Christopher J., Conformable skin element system for active vortex control.
  9. Snarski Stephen R., Device for interactive turbulence control in boundary layers.
  10. Ryutaro Yoshino JP, Drag control system for flying machine, process for estimating drag of flying machine, boundary layer control system, and boundary layer control process.
  11. Bonutti, Peter M., Drag modification system.
  12. Guigné, Jacques Y.; Davidson, Ron, Drag reduction device for transport vehicles having randomized irregular shaped edge vortex generating channels.
  13. Shelman-Cohen, Alexander J., Drag reduction systems having fractal geometry/geometrics.
  14. Brook, Kenneth L.; Keefe, Bonnie, Fluid dynamic vent dam.
  15. Brook, Kenneth L.; Keefe, Bonnie A., Fluid dynamic vent dam.
  16. Hassan, Ahmed A.; Hamilton, Brian K.; Ngo, Hieu T., Gust alleviation/flutter suppression device.
  17. Rolfes, Corey A.; Stulc, Jeffrey F., Hat stringer closeout fitting and method of making same.
  18. Prince, Troy S; Kolacinski, Richard; Patel, Mehul, Hierarchical closed-loop flow control system for aircraft, missiles and munitions.
  19. Prince, Troy S; Kolacinski, Richard; Patel, Mehul, Hierarchical closed-loop flow control system for aircraft, missiles and munitions.
  20. Zhong, Xiaolin; Fong, Kahei Danny; Wang, Xiaowen, Hypersonic laminar flow control.
  21. Rawdon, Blaine K.; Powell, Arthur G.; Vassberg, John C., Laminar flow rotor and related methods and systems.
  22. Meier Hans U. (Gttingen DEX) Maier Alois (Gttingen DEX) de Zhou Ming (Nanjing CNX), Method and apparatus for influencing a laminar turbulent boundary layer transition on bodies in flow.
  23. Gerardi Joseph J. (81 Crystal Dr. Dryden) Hickman Gail A. (81 Crystal Dr. Dryden NY 13053), Method and apparatus for structural integrity monitoring.
  24. Ari Glezer ; Mark G. Allen, Micromachined synthetic jet actuators and applications thereof.
  25. Glezer Ari ; Smith Barton L. ; Trautman Mark A., Modifications of fluid flow about bodies and surfaces with synthetic jet actuators.
  26. Hassan Ahmed A. ; Straub Friedrich K. ; Domzalski David B., Oscillating air jets for helicopter rotor aerodynamic control and BVI noise reduction.
  27. Hassan, Ahmed A.; Straub, Friedrich K.; Domzalski, David B., Oscillating air jets for implementing blade variable twist, enhancing engine and blade efficiency, and reducing drag, vibration, download and ir signature.
  28. Hassan Ahmed A. ; Tadghighi Hormoz ; Janakiram Ram D., Oscillating air jets for reducing HSI noise.
  29. Domzalski David B. ; Hassan Ahmed A. ; Kennedy Dennis K., Oscillating air jets on aerodynamic surfaces.
  30. Tiwari, Sean; Weaver, Luby, Perforated surface for suction-type laminar flow control.
  31. Hwang Danny P., Skin friction reduction by micro-blowing technique.
  32. Baruzzini, Dan J.; Miller, Daniel N.; Domel, Neal D.; Hakes, Jeff G., Suprression of shock-induced airflow separation.
  33. Malmuth, Norman D.; Fedorov, Alexander; Shalaev, Vladimir; Zharov, Vladimir; Shalaev, Ivan; Maslov, Anatoly; Soloviev, Victor, Surface plasma discharge for controlling forebody vortex asymmetry.
  34. Glezer Ari ; Allen Mark G. ; Coe David J. ; Smith Barton L. ; Trautman Mark A. ; Wiltse John W., Synthetic jet actuator and applications thereof.
  35. Glezer Ari ; Allen Mark G. ; Coe David J. ; Smith Barton L. ; Trautman Mark A. ; Wiltse John W., Synthetic jet actuator and applications thereof.
  36. Glezer Ari ; Allen Mark G., Synthetic jet actuators for cooling heated bodies and environments.
  37. Glezer Ari ; Wiltse John W., Synthetic jet actuators for mixing applications.
  38. Glezer, Ari; Mahalingam, Raghavendran; Heffington, Samuel, Synthetic jet heat pipe thermal management system.
  39. Silkey, Joseph S.; Smereczniak, Philip, Systems and methods for controlling flows with pulsed discharges.
  40. Bonutti, Peter M., Systems for modifying a fluid flow of a vehicle.
  41. Duane C. McCormick ; Daniel L. Gysling, Tangentially directed acoustic jet controlling boundary layer.
  42. Bruce D. Charles ; Ahmed A. Hassan ; Hormoz Tadghighi ; Ram D. JanakiRam, Tapered/segmented flaps for rotor blade-vortex interaction (BVI) noise and vibration reduction.
  43. Mahalingam, Raghavendran; Glezer, Ari, Thermal management of batteries using synthetic jets.
  44. Bonutti,Peter M., Traction control system.
  45. Bonutti, Peter M., Ultrasonic communication and drag modification.
  46. Bonutti, Peter M., Ultrasonic drag modulation.
  47. Fedorov Alexander V.,RUX ; Malmuth Norman D., Use of absorbing walls for laminar flow control.
  48. Komoda, Ushio; Motohashi, Hideto, Vent member, wing panel, and main wing for aircraft.
  49. Rolfes, Corey A., Vent stringer fitting.
  50. Miller Robin Mihekun ; Tunkel Roman N., Vibration-driven acoustic jet controlling boundary layer separation.
  51. Kruckenberg, Teresa M.; Pujar, Vijay V.; Braden, Robert L., Virtual aerodynamic surface systems.

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