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[미국특허] Manufacture of hollow articles 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B29C-035/08
출원번호 US-0114012 (1987-10-29)
우선권정보 DE-3636755 (1986-10-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Scholz Dankmar (Frankenthal DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • BASF Aktiengesellschaft (Ludwigshafen DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 3


The invention relates to a process for the manufacture of hollow articles, in which a photocurable resin is introduced into a mold which transmits light, the mold is irradiated until the resin has polymerized to the desired depth, the remaining resin is allowed to run out and the partially polymeriz


A process for the manufacture of hollow articles which comprises: (a) introducing a photocurable resin into a mold which transmits light; (b) irradiating the mold uniformly from all sides, to form a partially polymerized layer; (c) causing the unpolymerized, liquid resin to run out of the mold; (d)

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Hull Charles W. (Arcadia CA), Apparatus for production of three-dimensional objects by stereolithography.
  2. Hesse Anton (Luetzelsachsen DEX) Lechtken Peter (Frankenthal DEX) Nicolaus Walter (Ludwigshafen DEX) Scholz Dankmar (Frankenthal DEX), Photocurable molding, impregnating and coating compositions.
  3. Hesse Anton (Luetzelsachsen DEX) Scholz Dankmar (Frankenthal DEX) Nicolaus Walter (Mutterstadt DEX), Production of moldings from unsaturated polyester resins.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Ezaki Kozo (Sakura JPX) Shigeta Sadaaki (Narashino JPX) Sakai Kazunari (Chiba JPX) Murakami Noboru (Atsugi JPX) Tsuchiya Yasuyuki (Shakujii JPX) Fujita Yuichi (Odawara JPX), Apparatus for manufacturing optical information recording medium.
  2. DeGiovanni Joseph (Rawlings MD) Schroeder Richard B. (Wilmington DE), Process for casting tire tread impressions using a photopolymerizable composition as the casting material.
  3. Cowperthwaite George F. ; Shaw Gary R. ; Sheariss Susan C., Radiation-curable, moldable material, methods for curing it and molded articles obtained therefrom.
  4. Cittadini, Paolo; Ignatov, Vladimir, Slush-molding method for the manufacture of imitation leathers, in particular for the upholstery of cars.
  5. Pomerantz Itzchak (Kefar Sava ILX) Cohen-Sabban Joseph (Yahud ILX) Bieber Avigdor (Raanana ILX) Kamir Josef (Netanya ILX) Katz Mathew (Haifa ILX) Nagler Michael (Tel Aviv ILX), Three dimensional modelling apparatus.
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