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[미국특허] Aggregate stabilization 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08L-095/00
출원번호 US-0027646 (1987-03-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Burch Richard M. (11908 Berwick La. Knoxville TN 37922)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 43  인용 특허 : 4


The invention relates to an aggregate stabilizing emulsion comprising pitch, rosin, an emulsifying agent and water. The invention further relates to a method of stabilizing aggregate including a material produced from the aggregate which is pliable, weight supporting, freeze resistant, water imperme


A mixture for use as the dispersed phase in a stable, water dilutable, non-flammable, non-corrosive, dispersable, aggregate stabilizing emulsion consisting essentially of pine tar pitch from about 70 to about 90 weight percent based on the total weight of the mixture and rosin from about 1.0 to abou

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

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  2. Duszak Francis J. (Box 297 Landenberg PA 19350) Modrak James P. (403 Blackstone Rd. Newark DE 19713) Deaver Dick (121 Old Kennett Rd. Kennett Square PA 19348), Method and composition for maintaining and repairing asphalt-and rubber-containing surfaces.
  3. Miyoshi Hajime (Koganei JPX) Asanagi Etsuo (Kashiwa JPX) Terashima Osamu (Tokyo JPX), Process for strengthening soft soil.
  4. Partanen John F. (612 W. Kiva Ave. Mesa AZ 85202), Synthetic asphalt mixtures and processes for making them.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (43)

  1. Burch, Richard M., Aggregate stabilizing emulsion and a mixture of the emulsion with aggregate.
  2. Broadway, III, Johnnie B., Asphalt repair method.
  3. Vitale, Robert W., Chemical method and composition for soil improvement.
  4. Vitale, Robert W.; Hawkins, Todd R.; Brangan, C. David, Chemical method and composition for soil improvement.
  5. Vitale, Robert W.; Hawkins, Todd R.; Brangan, C. David, Chemical method for soil improvement.
  6. Doyle Michael P., Chemically stabilized organic emulsions.
  7. Doyle Michael P., Chemically stabilized organic emulsions.
  8. Tutin, Kim; Shoemake, Kelly; Hurd, Phillip W.; Swift, Brian L.; Peck, Michael C.; Arthur, Lisa M., Dedusting agents for fiberglass products and methods for making and using same.
  9. Swift, Brian L.; Arthur, Lisa M.; Shoemake, Kelly A.; Peck, Michael C.; Hines, John B.; Dopico, Pablo G., Dedusting compositions and methods for making and using same.
  10. McDaniel, Robert Ray; McCrary, Avis Lloyd, Dual function proppants.
  11. McDaniel, Robert Ray; McCrary, Avis Lloyd, Dual function proppants.
  12. Wilson, Walter; Baker, Roy; Martez, Vita, Dust control composition.
  13. Schilling, Kevin H.; Freeman, Dan; McPherson, Roger E., Dust suppressant and soil stabilization composition.
  14. Schilling,Kevin H.; Freeman,Dan; McPherson,Roger E., Dust suppressant and soil stabilization composition.
  15. Vitale, Robert W.; Detloff, Cheryl L.; Thomson, Daniel A., Dust suppression agent.
  16. Vitale, Robert W.; Detloff, Cheryl L.; Thomson, Daniel A., Dust suppression agent.
  17. Vitale, Robert W.; Detloff, Cheryl L.; Thomson, Daniel A., Dust suppression agent.
  18. Pinomaa Olli (Helsinki FIX), Dyeable pavement material.
  19. Doyle Michael P., Enhancing load bearing characteristics of compacted soil.
  20. Qiang Yu ; Srinivas Veeramasuneni ; Frederick Thomas Jones, Gypsum compositions and related methods.
  21. Qiang Yu ; Srinivas Veeramasuneni ; Frederick Thomas Jones, Gypsum compositions and related methods.
  22. Binkley, Jesse Alvin, Highly-filled sealant compositions.
  23. Binkley, Jesse Alvin, Highly-filled sealant compositions.
  24. Drake, Kerry; Monastiriotis, Spyridon; Radwan, Amr M.; Haddock, Anthony P.; McDaniel, Robert Ray; Nordquist, Andrew F., Hydrophobic coating of particulates for enhanced well productivity.
  25. McCrary, Avis Lloyd; McDaniel, Robert Ray, Manufacture of polymer coated proppants.
  26. Vitale, Robert W., Method and composition for modifying soil and dust control.
  27. Vitale, Robert W., Method and composition for modifying soil and dust control.
  28. Vitale, Robert W., Method and composition for modifying soil and dust control.
  29. Vitale, Robert W.; Elswick, Frank D.; Greenlee, Gina M., Method and composition for road construction and surfacing.
  30. Vitale, Robert W.; Elswick, Frank D.; Greenlee, Gina M., Method and composition for road construction and surfacing.
  31. Vitale, Robert W.; Elswick, Frank D.; Greenlee, Gina M., Method and composition for road construction and surfacing.
  32. Vitale, Robert W.; Elswick, Frank D.; Greenlee, Gina M., Method and composition for road construction and surfacing.
  33. Vitale, Robert W.; Elswick, Frank D.; Greenlee, Gina M., Method and composition for road construction and surfacing.
  34. Vitale, Robert W.; Elswick, Frank D; Greenlee, Gina M., Method and composition for road construction and surfacing.
  35. Arthur, Lisa M.; Hines, John B.; Swift, Brian L.; Dopico, Pablo G.; Peck, Michael C.; Johnson, Roger Scott, Pitch emulsions.
  36. Swift, Brian L.; Johnson, Roger Scott, Pitch emulsions.
  37. McDaniel, Robert Ray, Proppant mixtures.
  38. Monastiriotis, Spyridon; McCrary, Avis Lloyd; McDaniel, Robert Ray; Barthel, Ralph Edward, Proppant with composite coating.
  39. Monastiriotis, Spyridon; McDaniel, Robert Ray; McCrary, Avis Lloyd; Barthel, Ralph Edward, Proppant with enhanced interparticle bonding.
  40. McCrary, Avis Lloyd; McDaniel, Robert Ray; Barthel, Ralph Edward; Monastiriotis, Spyridon, Proppant with polyurea-type coating.
  41. McCrary, Avis Lloyd; McDaniel, Robert Ray; Barthel, Ralph Edward; Monastiriotis, Spyridon, Proppant with polyurea-type coating.
  42. Giampa, Vince M.; Dubiel, John T.; Lyons, Orville, Tall oil pitch and fatty acid-based chemical change agent [CCA] formulation for solid and synthetic fuel production.
  43. Boyer,David C.; Doolin,Patricia K.; Kiser,Melvin D., Use of anti-strip agents to improve wear characteristics of pavement sealer.

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