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[미국특허] Apparatus and methods for apportioning commands between aircraft flight control surfaces 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/50
  • B64C-013/00
출원번호 US-0812938 (1985-12-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nadkarni Arun A. (King County WA) Richardson Thomas M. (King County WA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Boeing Company (Seattle WA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 3


A controller for apportioning high amplitude and low amplitude control signals between two aircraft control surfaces, such as for example, between an elevator and an associated movable horizontal stabilizer. The signals are separated along a first path and a second path. Signals along the first path


An aircraft having first and second movable flight control members and a controller for so operating said flight control members as to cause said aircraft to follow a selected flight path, said controller comprising: (a) means for receiving at least a first input signal derived from a flight operati

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bonne Jimmie Harold (Bellevue WA) Simpson Robert D. (Bellevue WA), Adaptive energy management for vertical speed control of an aircraft.
  2. Kirchhein Albert T. (Montvale NJ), Flap compensation system for use when controlling the pitch attitude of an aircraft.
  3. Graham, Donald E.; Nelson, Raymond A.; Olive, Edmond E., Trim control system for reduced drag.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Edwards, Huw L.; Husband, Stephen M.; Fletcher, Paul, Aerospace vehicle yaw generating tail section.
  2. Tran Chuong B. (Lynnwood WA) White Stephen (Bothell WA), Aircraft frequency adaptive modal suppression system.
  3. Tran Chuong B. ; White Stephen, Aircraft frequency adaptive modal suppression system.
  4. Najmabadi Kioumars ; Evans Monte R. ; Coleman Edward E. ; Bleeg Robert J. ; Breuhaus Richard S. ; Anderson Dorr Marshall ; Nelson Timothy A., Aircraft pitch-axis stability and command augmentation system.
  5. Mathieu, Gerard; Delaplace, Franck; Le Tron, Xavier, Assisted take-off method for aircraft.
  6. Cartmell,Daniel H.; Coleman,Edward E., Control system and method with multiple linked inputs.
  7. Harden, Michael Clay; Shin, Jong-Yeob, Controlling elevator to stabilizer offload in fly-by-wire aircraft systems.
  8. Redmond, James Peter; Ridenour, Richard Darrell, Display for terrain avoidance.
  9. Stone, Patrick B., Line transfer system for airplane.
  10. Stone, Patrick B., Line transfer system for airplane.
  11. Weiner, Steven D.; Eadie, William J., Main rotor rotational speed control for rotorcraft.
  12. Everett, Michael Louis; Everett, Louis Jackson; Ruiz, Jr., Mario, Method and apparatus for automatically controlling aircraft flight control trim systems.
  13. Holzhausen, Torsten, Method and device for moveable tail trimming in an aircraft.
  14. Carton, Mathieu; Debusschere, Pierre; Chabe, David, Method and system for controlling the flight of an aircraft.
  15. Boe,R챕gis; Sauvinet,Fr챕d챕ric, Process for improving the maneuverability of an aircraft during a resource.
  16. Boe,R챕gis; Sauvinet,Fr챕d챕ric, Process for reducing the aerodynamic loads applied to the elevators of an aircraft during takeoff.
  17. Cobb, James M.; Barnes, John G.; Jones, Alan K.; Sollenberger, Brian K.; Stone, Patrick B., System for assembling aircraft.
  18. Cobb, James M.; Barnes, John G.; Jones, Alan K.; Sollenberger, Brian K.; Stone, Patrick B., System for assembling aircraft.
  19. Barnes, John G.; Wilson, Douglas L.; Purcell, Timothy W.; Walls, Stephen A.; Hawkinson, Dean A., System, method, and computer program product for predicting cruise orientation of an as-built airplane.
  20. Knoop, Sven, Tester for testing signal lines of a flight control system for a THS motor of an aircraft.

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