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[미국특허] Ammunition device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42B-013/32
  • F42B-013/50
  • F42B-025/16
  • F42B-025/24
출원번호 US-0127149 (1987-12-01)
우선권정보 SE-0005123 (1986-12-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Axinger Jan (Storfors SEX) Bergman Bernt-Olov (Karlskoga SEX) Johansson Ingemar (Karlskoga SEX) Lnnermo Tomas (Vintrosa SEX) Paulsson Lars (Kristinehamn SEX) Persson Per-Olof (Karlskoga SEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Aktiebolaget Bofors (Bofors SEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 7


A device for reducing the rotational speed of an ammunition unit, for instance a submunition unit, and at the same time imparting to the ammunition unit a lateral speed includes a body arranged to be swung out from the ammunition unit and be released in a specific outswung position. The body prefera


In combination with an ammunition unit a device for reducing the rotational speed of said ammunition unit, and at the same time imparting a lateral speed to said unit, said ammunition unit including a substantially cylindrical outer surface, said device comprising a single band wrapped around the ou

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Schleicher Ulrich (Hersbruck DEX), Arrangement for aerodynamically braking the rotational movement of a body.
  2. Suzuki Shigeru (Yokohama JPX) Tani Tatsuo (Tokyo JPX), Copying apparatus.
  3. Campbell Robert J. (Salem NH), Despinning method and apparatus.
  4. Pollin Irvin (Bethesda MD), Device to de-spin objects with very high spin.
  5. Kane Thomas A. (Bedford MA), Maneuvering air dispensed submunition.
  6. Kline Roy W. (Newton NJ), One fin orientation and stabilization device.
  7. Atanasoff John V. (Andover MA) Clark W. Kenneth (Lowell MA) Henderson David (Carlisle MA) Wreghitt Kenneth W. (Andover MA), Overflying munitions device and system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7)

  1. Travor Bruce W. (Holland PA) McEachern James F. (Newtown PA) Marshall Frank P. (Penns Park PA), Guideable stores.
  2. Heaven, Jr., George H.; Walden, Michael K., Mass transfer system for stabilizing an airship and other vehicles subject to pitch and roll moments.
  3. Heaven, Jr.,George H.; Walden,Michael K., Mass transfer system for stabilizing an airship and other vehicles subject to pitch and roll moments.
  4. Heaven, Jr.,George H.; Walden,Michael K., Mass transfer system for stabilizing an airship and other vehicles subject to pitch and roll moments.
  5. McConville,Richard P.; Hollowell,James A.; Nardone,Ralph L.; Lariviere,Norman C.; Rich,Dean E.; Kingsley,Robert, Methods and apparatus for active deployment of a samara wing.
  6. Nardone, Ralph L.; McConville, Richard, Self extracting submunition.
  7. Nardone, Ralph L.; McConville, Richard, Self extracting submunition.
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