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[미국특허] Retractable caster 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60B-033/00
출원번호 US-0058166 (1987-06-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Garrett Alan (Calgary CAX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Underkart Industries of Canada Ltd. (CAX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 4


A retractable caster to facilitate moving an object. The caster comprises a frame having a planar base and sides circumscribing the base to form a cavity having an opening. The frame is secured to the bottom of the object. A first rigid flap is provided secured to the frame by a hinge to swing about


A retractable caster comprising: (a) a frame having a planar base and sides circumscribing the base to form a cavity having an opening, the frame to be secured to the bottom of an object; (b) a first rigid flap secured to the frame by a hinge to swing about an axis between an open position perpendic

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Mayer John D. (Bellevue WA), Door operated linkage for support of retracted airplane landing gear.
  2. Kirschbaum Nathan (Huntington NY) Sclafani Augustus (East Northport NY), Landing gear door mud guard.
  3. Huang Jinn T. (P.O. No. 360 Changhua TWX), Retractable roller assembly.
  4. Haft Theodore (3844 Carrel Blvd. Oceanside NY 11572), Retractable wheel assembly for luggage.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chow, Leung Choi; Rondeau, David Leonard; Wood, Christopher Neil, Aircraft landing gear and door assembly.
  2. Turner, Michael Hughesdon; Murphy, Ryan Patrick, Combination scooter and messenger bag.
  3. Turner, Michael Hughesdon; Murphy, Ryan Patrick; Stutzman, Duston E A; Goo, Kah-Thart, Combination scooter/backpack.
  4. Turner, Michael Hughesdon; Murphy, Ryan Patrick; Stutzman, Duston E A; Goo, Kah-Thart, Combination scooter/backpack.
  5. Brewington, Mark Everett; Brewington, Kim L. M., Convertible tandem stroller.
  6. Shahroodi, Hossein, Gravitationally aligning wheels.
  7. Briancourt,Stephen P, Landing gear door assembly.
  8. Chow,Leung Choi; Rondeau,David Leonard; Wood,Christopher Neil, Landing gear door assembly.
  9. White,Nicholas John; Briancourt,Stephen Paul, Landing gear door assembly.
  10. Seiya Sakurai, Linked multi-segment landing gear door for aircraft.
  11. Gleyze, Gilbert, Method for adjusting the doors of a landing gear bay, and associated door.
  12. Lindahl, Gary M.; Trotter, Steven J., Methods and systems for operating aircraft landing gears.
  13. Lindahl,Gary M.; Trotter,Steven J., Methods and systems for operating aircraft landing gears.
  14. Lindahl,Gary M.; Trotter,Steven J., Methods and systems for operating aircraft landing gears.
  15. Maupin, Michael Harrison; Maupin, Michael Shawn; Hill, Kenneth Roy, Retractable caster.
  16. Frank, Roy W., Retractable golf bag wheel assembly.
  17. Wu, Yi-Ming, Roller device of luggage case.
  18. Coote, Kathy; Coote, Omar, Rolling car seat.
  19. Lu, Chien-Cheng; Chang, Chia-Hao, Side stand.
  20. Gurin Robert N. (P.O. Box 912 Summerland Key FL 33042) Gurin Cynthia S. (P.O. Box 912 Summerland Key FL 33042), Transportable office work station.

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