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[미국특허] Method for making a reticle mask 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G03F-001/00
  • G03F-009/00
출원번호 US-0187499 (1988-04-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Chapman David C. (Campbell CA) Erck Wesley R. (Hayward CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • VLSI Technology, Inc. (San Jose CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 3


An apparatus and a method for making a reticle mask is disclosed. A reticle mask is made by the double pass method wherein scribe lines are first drawn on the reticle mask. Thereafter, a product die pattern is made in the reticle mask by a plurality of times. A plurality of alignment marks are assoc


A method of making a reticle mask having a plurality of spaced apart, product regions, each product region for use in the fabrication of integrated circuit devices and a plurality of border regions surrounding each product region, with a plurality of alignment marks in said border regions; said reti

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Isohata Junji (Tokyo JPX) Miyazaki Makoto (Yokohama JPX), Exposure apparatus.
  2. Michel Dieter (Traunstein DEX), Method and apparatus for generating exposure masks.
  3. Araihara Satoshi (Yokohama JPX), Method for fabricating a photomask pattern.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Naoe, Mitsufumi, Exposure mask, manufacturing method of electronic device, and checking method of exposure mask.
  2. Lin, Feng-Lung; Wu, Kuan-Liang; Liang, Che-Rong; Tsai, Fei-Gwo, Hybrid multi-layer mask.
  3. Lin, Feng-Lung; Wu, Kuan-Liang; Liang, Che-Rong; Tsai, Fei-Gwo, Hybrid multi-layer mask.
  4. Corbeij, Wilhelmus Maria; Van De Kerkhof, Marcus Adrianus; Kok, Haico Victor, Lithographic apparatus and device manufacturing method.
  5. Van De Kerkhof, Marcus Adrianus; De Kruif, Robertus Cornelis Martinus, Lithographic apparatus, distortion determining method, and patterning device.
  6. Ip Hiu F. ; Ma Ellick L., Mask structure having offset patterns for alignment.
  7. Koike,Kaoru; Moriya,Shigeru, Mask-making member and its production method, mask and its making method, exposure process, and fabrication method of semiconductor device.
  8. Nishimura, Takeyoshi, Method for manufacturing semiconductor device and exposure mask used in the same method.
  9. Fletcher Christopher L., Method for photo composition of large area integrated circuits.
  10. Lu, Andrew; Odiwo, Donald M.; Yerdon, Roger J., Method for printing marks on the edges of wafers.
  11. Brainerd Steve K. (Tigard OR) Rolfson J. Brett (Boise ID), Method of lithography using reticle pattern blinders.
  12. Christophe Pierrat, Multiple image reticle for forming layers.
  13. Pierrat Christophe, Multiple image reticle for forming layers.
  14. Pierrat Christophe, Multiple image reticle for forming layers.
  15. Pierrat, Christophe, Multiple image reticle for forming layers.
  16. Pierrat, Christophe, Multiple image reticle for forming layers.
  17. Tamada, Naohisa, Phase shift mask and semiconductor device fabricated with the phase shift mask.
  18. Leroux,Pierre, Self-compensating mark design for stepper alignment.
  19. Chen, Gong; Colclasure, Robert D., Semiconductor device and alignment method.
  20. Han, Dong-Hyun, Semiconductor wafer including guard ring patterns and process monitoring patterns.
  21. Templeton, Michael K.; Rangarajan, Bharath, System and method for facilitating wafer alignment by mitigating effects of reticle rotation on overlay.
  22. Schinella Richard D. (Saratoga CA) Chao Keith (San Jose CA), Use of reticle stitching to provide design flexibility.

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