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[미국특허] Vehicle anti-theft system with remote security module 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60R-025/00
출원번호 US-0178742 (1988-04-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brown Thomas R. (Plainfield IL) Logan Richard H. (West Burlington IA) Hahn Robert W. (Lemont IL) Rodeghiero Charles D. (Naperville IL) Brekkestran Kevin L. (Fargo ND)
출원인 / 주소
  • J. I. Case Company (Racine WI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 39  인용 특허 : 7


An anti-theft security system for an off-road vehicle is disclosed. The system includes a master control module, which may be part of the vehicle\s instrument cluster, and a remotely located security module, which is directly adjacent to at least one electrically-operated actuator of the vehicle nor


In an off-road vehicle anti-theft system which controls when at least one electrically-operated actuator on the vehicle may be operated, comprising: a master control module including operator input means for entering a sequence of first signals from an operator of the vehicle, means for determining

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Adkins Joey B. (Willowick OH) Frantz Jack W. (Mayfield Heights OH), Anti-theft control system.
  2. Russo Rudolph P. (35 Market St. Poughkeepsie NY 12601), Anti-theft exhaust system for vehicles.
  3. MacKinnon Richard B. (Oakland Heights Bldg. ; Apt. 12 Exeter NH 03833), Auto anti-theft device.
  4. Crosas Pedro B. (Calle Agudas No ; 32 Gerona ESX), Electromechanical anti-theft system for automobile vehicle.
  5. Pagane Warren H. (16 Forbes Hill Rd. Wollaston MA 02170), Fuel level monitoring engine control and vehicle theft inhibiting device.
  6. Parquet Donald J. (Burlington IA), Hydraulic anti-theft device.
  7. Mann Yale (1135 Rydal Rd. Rydal PA 19046) Sarssi Pekka (Heteniitantie 5 B 10 00960 Helsinki 96 FIX), Vehicle protection device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (39) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Dix,Peter J., Access control system for a work vehicle.
  2. Asakage, Tomohiko; Kadowaki, Hisashi; Hayashi, Norihiko; Hidaka, Hitoshi, Anti-theft system for construction machines and method for managing construction machines.
  3. Watts, Otis, Anti-theft system for vehicles.
  4. Dix,Peter J.; Bojarski,Marius, Central access control system.
  5. Kawamoto, Junya; Moriguchi, Kosuke; Sasaki, Katsuhiro, Control valve attachment structure for construction machine.
  6. Heinebrodt, Martin; Wilhelm, Ulf; Haffmans, Paco, Data transmission path including a device for checking the data integrity.
  7. Walmsley, Simon Robert; Silverbrook, Kia, Decoy device in an integrated circuit.
  8. Rossow Scott R. ; Brandt Kenneth A., Display panel for power machine.
  9. Rossow Scott R. ; Brandt Kenneth A., Display panel for power machine.
  10. Rossow Scott R. ; Brandt Kenneth A., Display panel for power machine.
  11. Meyeres, Rian Scot; Reiter, Dennis Patrick; Ernst, Paul; Scheer, Glenn O., Electro-hydraulic auxiliary mode control.
  12. Denison, William D.; Silvers, Bradley S.; Brownfield, Lawrence, Electronic access control device.
  13. Brandt Kenneth A. ; Rossow Scott R., Features of main control computer for a power machine.
  14. Brandt, Kenneth A.; Rossow, Scott R., Features of main control computer for a power machine.
  15. Brandt,Kenneth A.; Rossow,Scott R., Features of main control computer for a power machine.
  16. Brandt,Kenneth A.; Rossow,Scott R., Features of main control for a power machine.
  17. Ryan, Michael C., Fluid delivery control nozzle.
  18. Jensen, Jacob; Yu, Dequan; Morgan, Dennis; Woodring, Christopher Arnold, Fuel delivery system including integrated check valve.
  19. Walmsley, Simon Robert; Silverbrook, Kia, Integrated circuit having obscured state change circuitry.
  20. Loraas Orlan J. ; Jacobson Scott B., Keyless ignition system with delayed security.
  21. Loraas Orlan J. ; Jacobson Scott B., Keyless ignition system with washout feature.
  22. Arakawa, Shuji, Lock control system and method for working machine, working machine, lock control device and lock control management device for working machine.
  23. Abshire, Daniel Joseph, Method and a system for controlling and monitoring operation of a device.
  24. DeMay Rodney W. ; Vernon David B. ; Wood Daniel C. ; Murr Donna J., Method and apparatus for monitoring the position of a machine.
  25. Silverbook, Kia; Walmsley, Simon Robert, Method and apparatus for reducing optical emissions in an integrated circuit.
  26. Menne, James R.; Wood, Daniel C., Method and apparatus for securing an earth moving machine.
  27. Curd Derek R. ; Jacobson Neil G. ; Diba Sholeh ; Lee Napoleon W. ; Ku Wei-Yi ; Rao Kameswara K., Overridable data protection mechanism for PLDs.
  28. Curd Derek R. ; Jacobson Neil G. ; Diba Sholeh ; Lee Napoleon W. ; Ku Wei-Yi ; Rao Kameswara K., Overridable data protection mechanism for PLDs.
  29. Hauer Werner (40 Fieldcrest Rd. Parsippany NJ 07054-2411), Security module to preclude unauthorized users to operate motor driven equipment and to protect valuable parts of the mo.
  30. Silverbrook,Kia; Walmsley,Simon Robert, Shielding manipulations of secret data.
  31. Mayhew, Scott; Wakefield, Scott; Zuzuly, Daniel; Jonsson, Gregg, System and method for configurable motor controller settings.
  32. Arshad, Mohammad J.; Berger, Alan D.; Dix, Peter J., Transponder communication and control system for a vehicle.
  33. Scott R. Rossow ; Kenneth A. Brandt, User interface functionality for power machine control system.
  34. Silverbrook, Kia; Walmsley, Simon Robert, Validating apparatus having encryption integrated circuits.
  35. Hyde Stephen L., Vehicle anti-theft method.
  36. Okada, Hiroki, Vehicle security control apparatus.
  37. Morselli, Riccardo, Vehicle security system.
  38. Landes James W., Vehicle security system for unattended idle operations.
  39. Larry A. Stevens, Weight sensing anti-theft vehicle system.

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