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[미국특허] Self-actuating collapsible transport cart 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62B-003/00
출원번호 US-0132149 (1987-12-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Smith Gordon N. (821 W. Clarion Dr. Torrance CA 90502)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 38  인용 특허 : 1


A collapsible transport cart having down-folding side and end panels is disclosed. The side and/or end panels are spring biased in directions so as to assist the user in converting the cart from a collapsed to an operative configuration. A tow bar/handle is attached to the front of the cart so as to


A collapsible transport cart comprising: a floor; a plurality of walls pivotally attached to said floor to be alternately disposable in a first collapsed position wherein said walls are generally parallel to said floor and a second operative position wherein said walls are generally perpendicular to

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Olsson Curt Sigvard (Bandhagen SW), Hand-cart with collapsible wheels.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (38) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Naito,Hideyuki; Sato,Tosiaki; Uchie,Yoshinori, Apparatus for binding boot to base plate for snowboard.
  2. Crowell Stacey Lee, Beach cart.
  3. Hirschfeld, Steven L., Beach wagon.
  4. Naito, Hideyuki; Satou, Tosiaki; Uchie, Yosinori, Binding for snowboard.
  5. Naito,Hideyuki; Sato,Tosiaki; Uchie,Yosinori, Binding for snowboard.
  6. Anderson, Michael D.; Ball, Stephen D., Bumper step.
  7. Lear, Harold Roy, Cart.
  8. Simpson, Dennis D.; Foley, Joseph P.; Williams, Benjamin P., Cart.
  9. Shapiro, Richard N., Collapsible compact carrier device with collapsible wheel construction.
  10. Shapiro Richard N., Collapsible compact cart with pivoting wheel construction.
  11. Smith, Edward J., Collapsible handcart.
  12. Liu,Zhi jun, Collapsible utility cart.
  13. Sims, Dale W., Collapsible, transportable cart for building materials.
  14. Shapiro, Richard N., Compact wagon or cart including stowable wheels and handle.
  15. Lucht, Wayne, Corrugated display cart.
  16. Lucht,Wayne, Corrugated display cart.
  17. Kissun, Devanand, Dolly.
  18. Shapiro, Richard N., Fold flat carrier wagon/cart with stowable walls, wheels and handle, and manufacturing methods.
  19. Yu, Hai; Wang, Che-Jen, Foldable trolley.
  20. Fitzwater, Jason; Eckert, Cameron; Boyle, Michael S., Foldable wagon.
  21. Young, Matthew E.; Sandlin, Randall A.; Schlegel, Thomas K.; Eckert, Cameron, Foldable wagon.
  22. Treadwell, Simon, Folding travel wagon.
  23. Treadwell, Simon, Folding travel wagon.
  24. Ostergaard, Collin; Goodman, Anne, Folding wagon.
  25. Huang, Hsueh Li, Garden cart.
  26. Wernberg, Benjamin M.; Simpson, Dennis D.; Foley, Joseph P.; Williams, Benjamin P., Log cart.
  27. Hirschfeld, Steven L., Motorized beach wagon.
  28. Yu, Hai; Wang, Che-Jen, Multifunctional foldable trolley.
  29. Herlitz, Todd; Byrne, Emily, Multipurpose wagon.
  30. Smith, Kenneth R., Pivotal handle for a food service table.
  31. Smith,Kenneth R., Pivotal handle for a food service table.
  32. Connelly, G. Ivan; Connelly, William Brant, Removable rib and wheel assembly.
  33. Howard, Steven, Rolling paint caddy.
  34. Burton,David J.; Andert,Gary W.; Bue,Richard C., Room service table.
  35. Mueller Gerald E., Step system on vehicle bumper for accessing truck beds and methods of making and operating the step system.
  36. Calmeise, Randall W.; Hardesty, Doug S., Utility cart.
  37. Calmeise, Randall W.; Hardesty, Doug S., Utility cart.
  38. Calmeise,Randall W.; Hardesty,Doug S., Utility cart.

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