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[미국특허] Apparatus for disposing of animal excrement 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01K-029/00
  • B65D-069/00
출원번호 US-0097735 (1987-09-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Egberg David (2845 Jewel La. Plymouth MN 55447)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 41  인용 특허 : 11


Method and apparatus for disposing of animal feces including a two piece box which folds out from a collapsible flat shape. The interior of this box is layered with a moisture impermeable material which is coated with a water soluble mixture. The water soluble mixture contains an aroma and a disinfe


A flat, unfoldable, two piece box for pickup and disposal of animal feces comprising: a. a folded flat female portion expandable to form a receptacle having a carrying handle adjacent an open end thereof; b. a folded flat male portion expandable to form a receptacle having an open end adapted to fit

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Whitaker William King (3601 N. Harrison St. Arlington VA 22207), Air refreshener and deodorized waste container.
  2. Hammacher Margaret F. (1293 Elizabeth Dr. Hamilton OH 45013), Carrying handle for detachable containers and containers including such handle.
  3. Lavery John J. (Chicago IL), Carton with window and hanging panel and carton blank therefor.
  4. Lowe H. Edward (21525 Allegheny St. Cassopolis MI 49031), Cat box filler with incorporated pesticide.
  5. Jefferson Ray (494 Broome St. New York NY 10013), Disposable biodegradable environmental animal feces waste scoop and container.
  6. Noonan Wallace (5 Stanworth La. Allentown NJ 08501), Disposable cat litter holding means.
  7. Sedwick William E. (Cincinnati OH), Integral flap-cut handle for a carton.
  8. Rockliffe Jeffrey W. (South Wirral GB2) Smith Edward G. (Wirral GB2), Packaged dry-to-the-touch article and method of packaging the article.
  9. Dell\Anno Sal (165-16 65TH Ave. Flushing NY 11365), Pet waste pan and disposable bag therefor.
  10. Edgar Allen C. (Gainesville FL), Single use disposable cat litter package.
  11. Forbes ; Jr. Hampton E. (Wilmington DE), Telescoping carton.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (41) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chomik, Richard S., Automated twist diaper disposal apparatus.
  2. Augustyniak, Mathias; Amzalag, Michaël, Box.
  3. Chomik, Richard S., Cassette for an automated waste disposal device.
  4. Chomik,Richard S.; Yoho,Mark, Composite trash container.
  5. Satoh Toyomi (Tokyo JPX) Hosoi Kiyonori (Kanagawa JPX) Kinoshita Katsuji (Kanagawa JPX) Murata Shinjiro (Kanagawa JPX) Fukatsu Shunzo (Tokyo JPX) Ichikawa Tooru (Saitama JPX), Container for packaging medicine.
  6. Kotlinski Michel,FRX, Device for collecting waste such as animal dejection.
  7. Chomik, Richard S.; Knuth, Rosemary; Yeager, Caryl, Disposable cassette for incremental withdrawal of tubular plastic with malodor-counteractant capacity.
  8. Lin, Hsun-Chin, Excrement container.
  9. Kovarik, Carter J.; Kovarik, Joseph E., Fish netting tool.
  10. Auseklis, Alexander E., Hands free pet waste collection systems.
  11. Eckard Kelly (5721 Casa Loma Av. Yorba Linda CA 92686), Insect removal and disposal device.
  12. Knuth, Rosemary; Rousso, John; Chomik, Richard; Cichello, John; Hayes, David; Yoho, Mark; Simer, Jim, Integrated cutting tool for waste disposal method and apparatus.
  13. Gross, Robert Ray; Gross, Nita Royston, Method and system for animal waste collection.
  14. Noonan, Wallace E., Method of folding substantially smaller a disposable cat litter holding means.
  15. Baechle,James, Multiple angle tubular container.
  16. Chomik, Richard S.; Knuth, Rosemary; Yeager, Caryl; Yoho, Mark, Odor transmission-resistant polymeric film.
  17. Chomik,Richard S.; Knuth,Rosemary; Yeager,Caryl; Yoho,Mark, Odor transmission-resistant polymeric film.
  18. Auseklis,Alexander E., Pet debris scooper systems.
  19. van Halder, Josephus Johannes Maria, Pet waste collector.
  20. Emerson, Leslie T., Pet waste receptacle.
  21. Kovarik, Carter J.; Kovarik, Joseph E., Pick up device with flexible shaft portion.
  22. Thomann, Michael John, Sanitary tubular pet waste removal device.
  23. Kovarik, Carter J.; Kovarik, Joseph E., Selectively bendable animal waste scooper for sanitary handling of animal droppings.
  24. Kovarik, Carter J.; Kovarik, Joseph E., Selectively bendable remote gripping tool.
  25. Kovarik, Carter J.; Kovarik, Joseph E., Selectively bendable remote gripping tool.
  26. Kovarik, Carter J.; Kovarik, Joseph E., Selectively bendable remote gripping tool.
  27. Kovarik, Carter J.; Kovarik, Joseph E., Selectively bendable remote gripping tool.
  28. Kovarik, Carter J.; Kovarik, Joseph E., Selectively bendable remote gripping tool.
  29. Kovarik, Carter J.; Kovarik, Joseph E., Selectively bendable remote gripping tool.
  30. Francis, Ajax Carl, Waste collection and disposal device.
  31. Stravitz, David M.; Chomik, Richard S.; Yoho, Mark, Waste disposal device including a cartridge movable by rollers.
  32. Stravitz, David M.; Chomik, Richard S.; Yoho, Mark; Leslie, Stuart; Kim, Taek; Petrie, Aidan; Sejnowski, Joe, Waste disposal device including a diaphragm for twisting a flexible tubing dispensed from a cartridge.
  33. Stravitz,David M.; Chomik,Richard S.; Yoho,Mark, Waste disposal device including a film cutting and sealing device.
  34. Stravitz, David M.; Chomik, Richard S.; Yoho, Mark, Waste disposal device including a geared rotating cartridge.
  35. Stravitz, David M.; Chomik, Richard S.; Yoho, Mark; Leslie, Stuart; Kim, Taek; Petrie, Aidan; Sejnowski, Joe, Waste disposal device including a hamper accessible through a movable door.
  36. Stravitz,David M.; Chomik,Richard S.; Yoho,Mark; Leslie,Stuart; Kim,Taek; Petrie,Aidan; Sejnowski,Joe, Waste disposal device including a rotatable geared rim to operate a cartridge.
  37. Stravitz, David M.; Chomik, Richard S.; Yoho, Mark; Leslie, Stuart; Kim, Taek; Petrie, Aidan; Sejnowski, Joe, Waste disposal device including a sensing mechanism for delaying the rotation of a cartridge.
  38. Stravitz,David M.; Chomik,Richard S., Waste disposal device including an external actuation mechanism to operate a cartridge.
  39. Stravitz,David M.; Chomik,Richard S.; Yoho,Mark; Leslie,Stuart; Kim,Taek; Petrie,Aidan; Sejnowski,Joe, Waste disposal device including rotating cartridge coupled to lid.
  40. Chomik, Richard S.; Yoho, Mark; Leslie, Stuart; Kim, Taek; Petrie, Aidan; Sejnowski, Joe, Waste storage device.
  41. Chomik, Richard S; Yoho, Mark; Leslie, Stuart; Kim, Taek; Petrie, Aidan; Sejnowski, Joe, Waste storage device.

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