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[미국특허] Kinetic-energy projectile having a large length to diameter ratio 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42B-013/16
출원번호 US-0185240 (1987-08-17)
우선권정보 DE-3242591 (1982-11-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Becker Wilfried (Duesseldorf DEX) Bisping Bernhard (Ratingen DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Rheinmetall GmbH (Duesseldorf DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 5


A sub-caliber projectile having a large length to diameter ratio. The projectile includes in coaxial alignment a main body, an intermediate body and a head penetrator. At least the main body consists of a tough material having a high density which is achieved by means of a high content of tungsten o


A fin stabilized arrow-shaped subcaliber penetrator having a large length to diameter ratio of uniform cross section substantially over its entire length and having a high initial muzzle exit velocity and high kinetic energy to be fired with a sabot out of a large caliber weapon, comprising in combi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Wallow Peter (Dusseldorf DEX) Bisping Bernhard (Ratingen DEX), Armor-piercing inertial projectile.
  2. Trinks ; Walter Louis Adolf ; Struth ; Wolfgang Ferdinand, Armor-piercing projectile having spaced cores.
  3. Bisping Bernhard (Ratingen DEX) Bornefeld Klaus (Duesseldorf DEX), Fin stabilized subcaliber shell of large length to diameter ratio.
  4. Moreau Pierre A. (Bourges FRX) Sauvestre Jean C. (Saint-Doulchard FRX), Kinetic-energy projectile.
  5. Northcutt ; Jr. Walter G. (Oak Ridge TN) Snyder ; Jr. William B. (Knoxville TN), Process for fabricating articles of tungsten-nickel-iron alloy.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Harkins Thomas K. ; Steves Howard K. ; Goeller Jacques E., Air-launched supercavitating water-entry projectile.
  2. Glasser, Alan Z., High velocity ammunition round.
  3. Glasser, Alan Z., High velocity ammunition round.
  4. Liu, Shaiw-Rong Scott, Kinetic energy penetrator.
  5. Steiner, Edwin G., Kinetic energy penetrator.
  6. Lloyd, Richard M., Kinetic energy rod warhead with aiming mechanism.
  7. Lloyd, Richard M., Kinetic energy rod warhead with lower deployment angles.
  8. Lloyd, Richard M., Kinetic energy rod warhead with lower deployment angles.
  9. Lloyd, Richard M., Kinetic energy rod warhead with projectile spacing.
  10. Lloyd, Richard M., Mine counter measure system.
  11. Lloyd, Richard M., Multi-point time spacing kinetic energy rod warhead and system.
  12. Volkmann, Eric E., Penetrator round assembly.
  13. Guirguis, Raafat H., Reactively induced fragmentating explosives.
  14. Harkins Thomas K. ; Steves Howard K. ; Goeller Jacques E., Supercavitating water-entry projectile.
  15. Lloyd, Richard M., Wide area dispersal warhead.
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