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Engine speed control apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02C-009/42
출원번호 US-0136797 (1987-12-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Martin Anthony N. (Simsbury CT)
출원인 / 주소
  • United Technologies Corporation (Hartford CT 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 4


Apparatus for synchronizing the spool speed between engines of a multi-engine aircraft having, for each engine, an electronic engine control (EEC) with a speed rating logic portion having an engine speed algorithm for calculating an EEC command speed signal (N sel) and a speed governing loop portion


Apparatus, for synchronizing the speed of engines on an aircraft, the engines being of the type having an electronic engine control (EEC) unit and a fuel control unit (FCU), the EEC unit having speed rating logic (SRL) circuitry and speed governing loop (SGL) circuitry, the SRL circuitry including a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Martin Anthony N. (Simsbury CT), Electronic fuel control system.
  2. Joby Michael J. (West Midlands GB2), Fuel control for a multi-engine gas turbine installation.
  3. Doniger Jerry (Montvale NJ) Kirchhein Albert T. (Montvale NJ), Multi-engine autothrottle providing automatic engine EPR equalization.
  4. Slater Gary L. (Lawrenceburg IN), Optimal control for a gas turbine engine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Zimmerman Ward H. (Seattle WA), Aircraft propulsion control system.
  2. Luppold, Robert Humes, Apparatus and method for reducing aircraft fuel consumption.
  3. Fernandez, Brice, Automatic managing system of engine control modes of a multi-engine aircraft.
  4. Claudet, Vincent, Device and process for regulating the power of the engines of a rotary wing multi-engine aircraft.
  5. Sahm, Peter; Gruebe, Mattias, Engine synchronization method.
  6. Greene, Leonard M., Engine synchronization system.
  7. Reuter Charles E. ; Gaudet Timothy J., Hydromechanical control for a variable delivery, positive displacement fuel pump.
  8. Lemaignan, Benoît; Mathieu, Gérard, Method and device for controlling the thrust of a multi-engine aircraft.
  9. Schmidt, Philip A., Multi-engine aircraft thrust balancing.
  10. Kamat, Mithun R.; Atkinson, Sara E.; Morrow, Aaron W.; Lavigne, David P.; Zhu, Guang-Yan, On-site power plant control including adaptive response to transient load requirements.
  11. Self, Kristian Alexander; Radmore, Geoffrey, Power demand management.
  12. Meunier, Gabriel; Pedrami, Reza, System and method for an engine controller based on inverse dynamics of the engine.
  13. Shepler, Angela J., Turbine engine thrust scheduling.
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