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Method for producing milk with a lowered bacterial content 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A23C-001/00
출원번호 US-0206126 (1988-06-13)
우선권정보 SE-0004545 (1984-09-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Holm
  • deceased Sune (late of Lund SEX Ingrid Birgitta Elisabet
  • ne Jansson
  • Eva Christina Holm
  • Claes Frederick Holm
  • executors) Malmberg Rolf (Lund SEX) Svensson Kjell (S. Sandby SEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Alfa-Laval Food and Dairy Engineering AB (Tumba SEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 33  인용 특허 : 3


A method for producing milk with a lowered bacterial content is provided. Raw milk is divided by centrifugal separation into one fraction consisting of cream and another fraction consisting of skim milk. The skim milk fraction is directed into a microfilter in which part of the fat globules, protein


A method for treating raw milk to produce treated milk having a lower bacterial content than the raw milk, in which raw milk is first divided by centrifugal separation into a fraction consisting of cream and a fraction consisting of skim milk, comprising the further steps of: (a) subjecting the skim

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Glimenius Alf R. (Handen SEX) Jansson Gustav T. (Tumba SEX) Kemi Karl W. H. (Uttran SEX) Sandblom Robert M. (Farsta SEX), Filtering method for separating skim milk from milk products.
  2. Kirschenmann Bernd R. G. (Hamburg DEX), Process for separation of raw milk into cream and skim milk which is pasteurized.
  3. Malmberg Rolf (Lund SW) Olenfalk Lars Gustav (Jarfalla SW), Production of milk with predetermined fat content.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (33)

  1. Bell, Lawrence I.; Brandsma, Randall L., Cheese fractionating process.
  2. Hedstr��m,Stefan; Hermansson,Harald; Lindau,Jeanette, Cleaning efficiency testing method and apparatus for a filter in a filtering system.
  3. Medo, Elena M.; Eaker, Scott, Compositions of human lipids and methods of making and using same.
  4. Medo, Elena M.; Eaker, Scott, Compositions of human lipids and methods of making and using same.
  5. Lindquist Anders,SEX, Filter apparatus and method for the production of sterile skimmed milk.
  6. Medo, Elena M.; Lee, Martin L.; Rechtman, David J.; Fournell, Joseph, Human milk compositions and methods of making and using same.
  7. Fournell, Joseph; Eaker, Scott; Elster, Scott; Rechtman, David J., Human milk permeate compositions and methods of making and using same.
  8. Simpson ; II Robert P., Method and apparatus for processing dairy product.
  9. Lindquist, Anders, Method and apparatus for producing a sterile milk product.
  10. Kopf, Henry B.; Kopf, III, Henry, Method and apparatus for separation of milk, colostrum, and whey.
  11. Kopf, Henry B.; Kopf, III, Henry, Method and apparatus for separation of milk, colostrum, and whey.
  12. Kopf, Henry B.; Kopf, III, Henry, Method and apparatus for separation of milk, colostrum, and whey.
  13. Kopf, Henry B.; Kopf, III, Henry, Method and apparatus for separation of milk, colostrum, and whey.
  14. Lindquist, Anders, Method and plant for producing a sterile milk product.
  15. Deane, Geoffrey F.; Gates, William; Hyde, Roderick A.; Kare, Jordin T.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Tuckerman, David B.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Yildirim, Ozgur, Method for heating or sterilizing a liquid stream.
  16. Larsen Peter H.,DKX, Method for producing consumer milk with good keeping qualities.
  17. Anders Lindquist SE, Method for producing sterile, stable milk.
  18. Nielsen, Jørgen Tage; Dalum, Kim Christian, Method of pasteurizing, monitoring PU-uptake, controlling PU-up-take and apparatus for pasteurizing.
  19. Lindquist Anders,SEX, Method of producing aseptic consumer milk.
  20. Yen,Chon Ho; Lin,Mei Ling, Method of separating protein from animal milk.
  21. Medo, Elena M.; Lee, Martin L.; Rechtman, David J., Methods for testing milk.
  22. Medo, Elena M.; Lee, Martin L.; Rechtman, David J., Methods for testing milk.
  23. Mahmoud Reyad ; Miller John D., Methods for treating milk products.
  24. Deane, Geoffrey F.; Gates, William; Hyde, Roderick A.; Kare, Jordin T.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Tuckerman, David B.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Yildirim, Ozgur, Pasteurization system and method.
  25. Krabsen Erik (Herning DKX) Ottosen Niels (Silkeborg DKX) Knarrenborg Lisbeth (Herning DKX), Plant and a method of treating milk.
  26. Ryan ; Jr. Gregory B. (65 Starview Dr. Oakland CA 94612), Process for making coffee concentrate.
  27. Jensen, John, Process for producing a milk or whey product having a reduced spores and bacteria content.
  28. Döring, Sven-Rainer, Process for the production of cheese milk.
  29. Moller Wolfgang (Oberusel DEX) Stephan Wolfgang (Stadtprozelten DEX) Hies Henry (Rodermark DEX), Process for the sterile filtration of milk.
  30. Gustavsson Stig ; Koberstein Keith, Product recovery system and method.
  31. John D. Brantley ; Mark F. Hurwitz ; Stephen A. Geibel ; Jack Cole ; Mahmoud Reyad, Shear separation method and system.
  32. Kimmel, Jennifer Louise, Shelf-stable concentrated dairy liquids and methods of forming thereof.
  33. Deane, Geoffrey F.; Gates, William; Hyde, Roderick A.; Kare, Jordin T.; Myhrvold, Nathan P.; Tuckerman, David B.; Wood, Jr., Lowell L.; Yildirim, Ozgur, System and structure for heating or sterilizing a liquid stream.
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