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[미국특허] Brake apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16D-055/36
출원번호 US-0848190 (1986-04-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Baden Bradley J. (Troy OH) Warren John H. (Troy OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • The B.F. Goodrich Company (Akron OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 2


A multiple disc brake assembly having a plurality of interleaved rotor discs and stator discs which are cooperative with a stationary torque tube which has a carbon composite brake pad mounted on its reaction plate in such a manner to prohibit stress concentration due to relative thermal expansion b


A wheel and brake assembly comprising fixed mounting means, a wheel member operatively connected to said fixed mounting means and rotatable with respect thereto, said wheel member having a plurality of axially extending splines, a torque tube member operatively connected to said fixed mounting means

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cunningham Joseph A. (South Bend IN), Friction disc for an aircraft brake.
  2. Ruppe ; Jr. ; Joseph P., Means for reducing the gap between rotor-backing plate interface during brake depressurization.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Baden, Bradley J., Asymmetrical brake torque plate back leg.
  2. Kirkpatrick, Christopher T.; Fiala, Robert, Brake disk assembly.
  3. Bazshushtari Afshin (Rancho Palos Verdes CA) Morris ; Jr. Edward L. (Pueblo CO), Carbon fiber reinforced carbon/carbon composite and method of its manufacture.
  4. Riebe, Gary C., Damped heatsink disk brake assembly.
  5. McAfee,David D.; Fryska,Slawomir T., Method of increasing friction material utilization for carbon brakes.
  6. Liew Ronnie Sze-Heng (Pueblo CO) Morris ; Jr. Edward Lee (Pueblo CO) Sheehan Philip William (Pueblo West CO), Method of making near net shaped fibrous structures.
  7. Carrier Graham,GBX, Multi-disc brake.
  8. Kendricks, Warren, Multi-disk brake assembly with travel limit pin.
  9. Miyoshi,Tatsuro, Multiple disc clutch apparatus.
  10. Hinton, David R.; Lopez, Michael A., Off highway truck brake assembly and wheel spindle having a spline joint.
  11. Kirkpatrick, Christopher T., Plate assemblies including floating wear linings for multi-disk brake systems and methods for reducing vibration in a multi-disk brake system.
  12. Kirkpatrick, Christopher T., Plate assemblies including floating wear linings for multi-disk brake systems and methods for reducing vibration in a multi-disk brake system.
  13. DeVlieg, Garrett H.; Gowan, John, System for reducing carbon brake wear.
  14. Bok,Lowell D.; Edmisten,Frank D., Three run disk brake stack and method of assembly.
  15. Lowell D. Bok ; Eric J. Reed ; Mark W. Prenger, Three run disk brake stack and method of assembly.
  16. Cress, James J.; Sarver, Charles F., Torque pads for aircraft brake systems and aircraft brake system including same.
  17. Fisher Ronald,GB2 ; Fennell Thomas Gerard,GB2 ; Evans Maurice James,GB2, Toughened carbon composite brake discs.

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