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[미국특허] Battery housing 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-002/10
출원번호 US-0320434 (1988-03-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gordecki Richard J. (Ocean Ridge FL)
출원인 / 주소
  • Motorola, Inc. (Schaumburg IL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 54  인용 특허 : 5


A battery housing (4) for a radio pager (1) comprises a slidable cover (5) movable between a first position, where it closes off an opening (3) for insertion and removal of a battery, and a second position where it leaves the opening accessible. The cover (5) is only allowed to move from its closed


A battery housing for a battery-powered electrical product having an opening for inserting and removing the battery into and from the housing, wherein the housing comprises a cover slidably movable between a first position where it closes off the opening and a second position where it leaves the ope

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kiernan Charles E. (Westport CT) Milanese Robert L. (Brookfield CT), Battery package with battery condition indicator means.
  2. Lund Jeffrey S. (Roseville MN), Battery switch.
  3. Hooke John W. (High Springs FL) Rockett Danny F. (Alachua FL), Battery with slideably retractable attachment means.
  4. May Bob (414 Clinton Place River Forest IL 60305), Cigarette case.
  5. Phillips Otto (London CA), Sliding cover safety package.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (54) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kamen, Dean; Gray, Larry B.; Beavis, Russell H., Adhesive and peripheral systems and methods for medical devices.
  2. Zick, Jonathan A.; Santana, Jr., George L.; Rozwadowski, David J.; Zeiler, Jeffrey M.; Bublitz, Scott D.; Ottens-Rendon, Melissa A., Audio and charging system with audio device, power tool battery, and external battery charger.
  3. Settsu Masanori (Fukuoka JPX), Battery.
  4. Nakamura Fusanobu,JPX ; Noguchi Takehiko,JPX ; Katoh Katsutoshi,JPX, Battery attaching mechanism for portable computers.
  5. Kumthampinij,Yos; Zorovich,Ken; Earle,John; Eichelberger,Cleatis A., Battery case.
  6. Kumthampinij,Yos; Zorovich,Ken; Earle,John; Eichelberger,Cleatis A., Battery case.
  7. Goldenberg Michael P., Battery cover latch.
  8. Lee, Szu-Hsien, Battery cover mechanism including sliding unit to latch battery to housing of electronic device.
  9. Krolak Leo V. (Plantation FL), Battery door for a selective call receiver.
  10. Charles T. Mowers ; Robert C. Wingrove, Battery holder.
  11. Tsurumaru Shinichiro,JPX ; Nakadaira Fumio,JPX, Battery lock mechanism for portable device.
  12. Tsurumaru Shinichiro,JPX ; Nakadaira Fumio,JPX, Battery lock mechanism for portable device.
  13. Haydvogel,Christian, Battery pack.
  14. Witkowski ; III Frank J. ; Fitch Timothy R. ; Ryan Howard Scott, Battery pack for a binocular otoscope.
  15. Lam,Samy Hak Tang, Candy container.
  16. Wolff Stephen H., Closed coin holder for attachment to pager.
  17. Suzuki Shinichi (Tokyo JPX), Electric cell housing device for camera.
  18. Zick,Jonathan A.; Santana, Jr.,George L.; Rozwadowski,David J.; Zeiler,Jeffrey M., Electrical combination, electrical component and battery charger.
  19. Zick, Jonathan A.; Santana, George L.; Rozwadowski, David J.; Zeiler, Jeffrey M.; Bublitz, Scott D.; Ottens Rendon, Melissa A., Electrical component having a selectively connectable battery charger.
  20. Zick, Jonathan A.; Santana, George L.; Rozwadowski, David J.; Zeiler, Jeffrey M.; Schneider, Scott David, Electrical component including a battery receptacle for including a battery.
  21. Zick, Jonathan A.; Santana, Jr., George L.; Rozwadowski, David J.; Zeiler, Jeffrey M.; Bublitz, Scott D.; Ottens Rendon, Melissa A., Electrical component, audio component, or electrical combination having a selectively connectable battery charger.
  22. Zick, Jonathan A.; Santana, Jr., George L.; Rozwadowski, David J.; Zeiler, Jeffrey M.; Bublitz, Scott D.; Ottens-Rendon, Melissa A., Electrical component, such as a radio, MP3 player, audio component, battery charger, radio/charger, MP3 player/radio, MP3 player/charger or MP3 player/radio/charger, having a selectively connectable battery charger.
  23. Potts Anthony Morris, Electronic device having a concealed battery latch door.
  24. Kamen, Dean; Beavis, Russell H.; Kane, Derek G.; Kerwin, John M.; Gray, Larry B., Fluid delivery systems and methods.
  25. Hsu,Walter W., Hygienic dispensing container.
  26. Hsu,Walter W., Hygienic dispensing package.
  27. Hsu,Walter W., Hygienic dispensing package.
  28. Grant, Kevin L.; Tracey, Brian D., Infusion pump assembly.
  29. Grant, Kevin L.; Tracey, Brian D., Infusion pump assembly.
  30. Kamen, Dean; Gray, Larry Brian; Lanigan, Richard J.; Kerwin, John Matthew; Fichera, Stephen Lewis, Infusion pump assembly.
  31. Kamen, Dean; Kerwin, John Matthew; Murphy, Colin Holmes, Infusion pump assembly.
  32. Mandro, Marc A., Infusion pump assembly with a backup power supply.
  33. Gray, Larry B.; Hamilton, Jared; Lanigan, Richard; Tracey, Brian, Infusion set for a fluid pump.
  34. Trant Edward ; Doran Robert ; Swift Philip W. ; Thelemann Carl, Latchable battery pack for battery-operated electronic device having controlled power shutdown and turn on.
  35. Daniel F. Bosy CA, Lock for compartment cover.
  36. Tracey, Brian D., Medium connector.
  37. Devine, Daniel, Mint package.
  38. Spencer, Geoffrey P.; Bryant, Robert J., Multi-language / multi-processor infusion pump assembly.
  39. Mandro, Marc A.; Bryant, Robert J., Occlusion detection system and method.
  40. Devine, Daniel, Package for confectionary product.
  41. Kamen, Dean; Gray, Larry B.; Beavis, Russell H., Patch-sized fluid delivery systems and methods.
  42. Kutsch, John H.; Thiellier, Rutger; Vest, Andrew; Thompson, Janet; Pham, Xuam; Mitten, Robert T.; DeVerry, Yvonne; Mengeu, Gary; Getsy, Stephen, Pocket-size hand-held container for consumer items.
  43. Mitten, Robert T.; Pham, Xuan M.; DeVerry, Yvonne; Bergmann, Sven; Bellamah, Stephen J.; Getsy, Stephen, Pocket-sized, hand-held container for consumer items having a receptacle for used product, sealed tray, and thumb ridge on lid.
  44. Grant, Kevin L.; Mandro, Marc A., Pump assembly with a removable cover assembly.
  45. Kamen, Dean; Gray, Larry Brian; Guay, Gerald Michael, Pump assembly with switch.
  46. Kamen, Dean; Gray, Larry B.; Yeaton, Eric, Pumping fluid delivery systems and methods using force application assembly.
  47. Ohsako,Makoto; Yamauchi,Ippei, Rechargeable battery for digital camera.
  48. Ohsako,Makoto; Yamauchi,Ippei, Rechargeable battery for digital camera.
  49. Mason Neil,GBX, Retention latch.
  50. Zhao, Kelong; Huang, Xianming; Aumiller, Curtis Douglas; Zhang, Zhiwei; Ma, Minggang; Murphy, Luke M.; Bristol, Peter W.; Drinkwater, Jared I.; Lane, David M.; Schneider, Summer L., Slidable battery door assembly.
  51. Lee,Wen Sung, Storage battery.
  52. Bryant, Robert J.; Mandro, Marc A., System and method for administering an infusible fluid.
  53. Fattori,Joseph, Toothbrush package.
  54. Kamen, Dean; Gray, Larry Brian; Lanigan, Richard J.; Kerwin, John Matthew; Fichera, Stephen Lewis, Wearable pump assembly.

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