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Replaceable wear parts for centrifugal pellet dryers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F26B-017/30
출원번호 US-0192127 (1988-05-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Spangler
  • Jr. Melvin B. (Clifton Forge VA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Gala Industries Inc. (Eagle Rock VA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 2


Improvements in centrifugal pellet dryers including replacement parts for those areas of a centrifugal pellet dryer that are most subject to wear during normal use when drying pellets. The feed chute, base section and top section with pellet discharge chute are replaceable thereby avoiding the neces


In a centrifugal pellet dryer including an outer housing, a rotatable drum with spiral blades mounted exteriorly thereof and an inner housing of foraminous material enclosing the rotatable drum, said drum and inner housing being mounted within said outer housing, a feed chute for a slurry of water a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Nowisch Heinz K. (Fulton NY) Alguire Richard O. (Fulton NY), Pellet dryer.
  2. Nelson Jeffrey N. (Bethlehem PA) Peters Thomas A. (Bethlehem PA), Rotary coal feeder and dryer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

  1. Holmes, George A.; Rybka, Tadeuz, Centrifugal dryer with replaceable blades and self-cleaning rotor seal and centrifugal dewatering tower.
  2. Bryan, David E.; Dudding, Carl M., Centrifugal pellet dryer.
  3. Yore ; Jr. Robert G. (Midland MI), Centrifugal pellet dryer.
  4. Lyell Sandford, Centrifugal pellet dryer apparatus.
  5. Lyell Sandford, Centrifugal pellet dryer apparatus.
  6. Sandford, Lyell, Centrifugal pellet dryer apparatus.
  7. Bryan David E. ; Dudding Carl M., Centrifugal pellet dryer for small applications.
  8. Mynes,Jeffrey S., Centrifugal pellet dryer with plastic wall panels.
  9. Colls, Keith “Kipp”; Boothe, Duane, Continuous bagging processes and systems.
  10. Free, Dwayne; Boothe, Duane; Kay, Melinda; Rose, Jeff; Beckner, Ed, Continuous bagging processes and systems.
  11. Humphries, II, Toney Reid; Woodson, William Douglas, Deflector for centrifugal pellet dryer screen.
  12. Hehenberger, Gerhard; Remili, Johannes, Device for draining and drying solids, in particular plastics granulated under water.
  13. Aaron, Charles E.; Boothe, Duane A.; Linkenhoker, John M.; Morris, Kerry P.; Hannah, Samuel F.; Smith, Wayne L.; Wenrich, Thomas C., Dryer system with improved throughput.
  14. Aaron, Charles E.; Boothe, Duane A.; Linkenhoker, John M.; Morris, Kerry P.; Hannah, Samuel F.; Smith, Wayne L.; Wenrich, Thomas C., Dryer system with improved throughput.
  15. Swinderman, Robert Todd, Exteriorly mounted wear liner for bulk material conveyor belt systems.
  16. Bessemer Robert H. ; Daily Robert J. ; Czarnik David H. ; Lyons Steve,GBX ; Morris Glen A. ; Dismang Larry E., Fluid operated modular clutch-brake device.
  17. Robert A. Grimmer, Material and process for manufacturing plastic parts.
  18. Martin, J. Wayne; Benoit, George; Mann, Robert, Method and apparatus to condition polymers utilizing multiple processing systems.
  19. Van Bogaert, John Peter, Modular chute system.
  20. Van Bogaert, John Peter, Modular chute system.
  21. Shortt, Louis Cody; Thrasher, Jr., Richard Borland; Morris, Kerry Patrick, Pellet dryer with outlet guidance plate.
  22. Roberts,John P.; Aaron,Charles E.; Wright,Roger B., Self-cleaning centrifugal dryer system and method thereof.
  23. Roberts,John P.; Aaron,Charles E., Self-cleaning centrifugal pellet dryer and method thereof.
  24. Bryan David E. (Buchanan VA) Crowder Robert K. (Eagle Rock VA) Hannah Samuel F. (Eagle Rock VA), Spider and lifter assembly for centrifugal pellet dryer.
  25. Humphries ; II Toney Reid ; Niccum Todd Anthony ; Woodson William Douglas, Support ring for pellet dryer screen.
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