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Liquid extraction procedure for the recovery of scandium 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C01F-017/00
출원번호 US-0321603 (1989-03-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rourke William J. (Worcester MA) Lai Wen-Chao (Westboro MA) Natansohn Samuel (Sharon MA)
출원인 / 주소
  • GTE Laboratories Incorporated (Waltham MA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 5


A process for recovering the scandium present as a trace constituent in a mixture of iron, manganese and other oxides comprise bringing the scandium into solution along with much of the other base metals, reducing the dissolved iron to the ferrous state, adjusting the pH of the resulting solution to


A method for recovering scandium comprising the following steps: Step 1-dissolving scandium from a solid comprising iron, manganese, and scandium to form an aqueous solution comprising an amount of said scandium, and said iron, said amount of said iron in said aqueous solution being greater than sai

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Scher Herbert B. (Moraga CA), Microencapsulated chelating agents and their use in removing metal ions from aqueous solutions.
  2. Campbell David O. (Oak Ridge TN) Buxton Samuel R. (Wartburg TN), Recovery of transplutonium elements from nuclear reactor waste.
  3. Vanderpool Clarence D. (Towanda PA) MacInnis Martin B. (Towanda PA) Ladd Judith A. (Sayre PA), Recovery of tungsten, scandium, iron, and manganese from tungsten bearing material.
  4. Vanderpool Clarence D. (Towanda PA) MacInnis Martin B. (Towanda PA) Ladd Judith A. (Sayre PA), Recovery of tungsten, scandium, iron, and manganese values from tungsten bearing material.
  5. Vanderpool Clarence D. (Towanda PA) McInnis Martin B. (Towanda PA) Ladd Judith A. (Sayre PA), Recovery of tungsten, scandium, iron, and manganese values from tungsten bearing material.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Nakon, David Gregory, Method for producing a solid scandium-containing material of enhanced scandium content.
  2. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joël; Dumont, Hubert; Samuel, Jean-François; Bouffard, Jonathan; Lepage, Sophie; Huard, Ann-Christine; Gravel-Rouleau, Claudia; Labrecque-Gilbert, Marie-Maxime, Methods for purifying aluminium ions.
  3. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joël; Gauthier, Laury, Methods for separating iron ions from aluminum ions.
  4. Hartley, Christopher Jeffrey; Hazen, Wayne Werneke; Baughman, David Ross; Bemelmans, Christel Maria Angelina; Belits, Pavel Federovich; Lanyk, Timothy James; Porter, Brook Forest; Liao, Lunzhi; McAllister, Justin; Yang, Michael Shang-Yu, Methods of recovering scandium from titanium residue streams.
  5. Boudreault, Richard; Alex, Serge; Biasotto, Fabienne, Processes for extracting aluminum from aluminous ores.
  6. Boudreault, Richard; Alex, Serge; Biasotto, Fabienne, Processes for extracting aluminum from aluminous ores.
  7. Boudreault, Richard; Primeau, Denis; Labrecque-Gilbert, Marie-Maxime; Dumont, Hubert, Processes for preparing alumina and magnesium chloride by HCl leaching of various materials.
  8. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joël; Primeau, Denis; Labrecque-Gilbert, Marie-Maxime, Processes for preparing alumina and various other products.
  9. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joël; Primeau, Denis; Labrecque-Gilbert, Marie-Maxime, Processes for preparing alumina and various other products.
  10. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joël; Primeau, Denis; Labrecque-Gilbert, Marie-Maxime, Processes for preparing titanium oxide and various other products.
  11. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joël; Simoneau, Raymond; Garcia, Maria Cristina; Krivanec, Heinz; Primeau, Denis; Dittrich, Carsten, Processes for recovering rare earth elements from aluminum-bearing materials.
  12. Boudreault, Richard; Primeau, Denis; Krivanec, Heinz; Dittrich, Carsten; Fournier, Joel; Simoneau, Raymond; Garcia, Maria Christina, Processes for recovering rare earth elements from aluminum-bearing materials.
  13. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joël; Simoneau, Raymond; Garcia, Maria Cristina; Primeau, Denis; Krivanec, Heinz; Dittrich, Carsten, Processes for recovering rare earth elements from various ores.
  14. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joël; Primeau, Denis, Processes for treating fly ashes.
  15. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joel; Primeau, Denis; Labrecque-Gilbert, Marie-Maxime, Processes for treating red mud.
  16. Boudreault, Richard; Fournier, Joel; Primeau, Denis; Labrecque-Gilbert, Marie-Maxime, Processes for treating red mud.
  17. Duyvesteyn, Willem P. C., Solvent extraction of scandium from leach solutions.
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