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[미국특허] Processing and treating device for x-ray film cassettes 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G03B-042/02
출원번호 US-0244806 (1988-09-14)
우선권정보 DE-3733191 (1987-10-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bauer Walter (Munich DEX) Mller Jrgen (Munich DEX) Voigtlnder Volkmar (Eichenau DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Agfa-Gevaert AG (Leverkusen DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 4


A handling device for X-ray film cassettes with a sheet shaped receiving material sensitive to X-rays comprises an input slot for introducing a cassette, a separate output slot for removing a cassette, the input and output slots extending substantially in the vertical direction, a cassette input sta


A handling device for X-ray film cassettes with a sheet shaped receiving material sensitive to X-rays, comprising means forming an input slot for introducing a cassette; means forming a separate output slot for removing a cassette, said input and output slots extending substantially in the vertical

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Oono Hiroshi (Kanagawa JPX) Teshima Tsutomu (Kanagawa JPX), Cassette having radiation image storage medium.
  2. Antonello Flamino (Vaduz LIX), Device for moving objects.
  3. Takashima Yutaka (Kanagawa JPX) Tsuyuki Mikio (Kanagawa JPX) Seto Izumi (Kanagawa JPX), Film cassette opener for unloading a film from a film cassette and for loading a film in the film cassette.
  4. Naarmann Herbert (Wattenheim DEX), Preparation of finely divided electrically conductive pyrrole polymers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Hölzl, Johannes; Schindlbeck, Günther; Voigtländer, Volkmar; Hartmann, Thomas; Auer, Franz; Werkstetter, Rudolf, Apparatus for reading out X-ray information stored in storage phosphor plates.
  2. Hölzl, Johannes; Schindlbeck, Günther; Voigtländer, Volkmar; Hartmann, Thomas; Auer, Franz; Werkstetter, Rudolf, Apparatus for reading out X-ray information stored in storage phosphor plates.
  3. Muller,Roland; Schindlbeck,Gunther; Voigtlander,Volkmar; Schwelle,Peter; Klabunde,Olaf; Dier,Andreas; Labarte,Jean Didier; Kieselbach,Edwin; Werkstetter,Rudolf; Stahl,Werner; Holzl,Johannes, Device and process for reading out X-ray information stored in a phosphor plate.
  4. Shoji,Takashi, Imaging apparatus.
  5. Juergen Mueller DE; Walter Bauer DE, Method and device for processing a photostimulatable image plate.
  6. Wendlandt,William C.; Kralles,Christopher J.; Kenin,Michael, Multicassette autoloader for a storage phosphor reader.
  7. Tsutoh,Satoru; Ohta,Yasunori, Radiation image information reading apparatus.
  8. Maack, Hanns Ingo, Radiography system with storage means for image cassettes.
  9. Muraishi Katsuaki (Kanagawa JPX), Recording medium magazine for electron microscopes.
  10. Kralles,Christopher J.; Wendlandt,William C., Short U-flow multicassette autoloader for a storage phosphor reader.
  11. Wendlandt,William C., U-flow multicassette autoloader for a storage phosphor reader.
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