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[미국특허] Overload detection mechanism for motor-driven linear actuator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02K-041/00
  • F16D-071/00
출원번호 US-0316729 (1989-02-28)
우선권정보 JP-0063359 (1988-05-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hayashi Shuji (Osaka JPX) Nakamura Kenichiro (Ohtsu JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Tsubakimoto Chain Co. (JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 2


In a linear actuator comprising a motor-driven screw shaft, an overload detection mechanism comprises a pair of cup-shaped spring seats with substantially cylindrical portions. The spring seats are mounted at one end of the screw shaft by a pair of bearings and have a spring therebetween under a pre


In a linear actuator comprising a motor-driven screw shaft, an overload detection mechanism comprising a pair of cup-shaped spring seats with substantially cylindrical portions, said spring seats being mounted at one end of the screw shaft by means of a pair of bearings and having a spring therebetw

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Myers John L. (Tipp City OH), Bi-directional linear actuator.
  2. Daly Paul D. (Troy MI) Brooks Mark A. (Sterling Heights MI) Fallis Robert (Milford MI), Dynamic energy absorber.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Nagai,Shigekazu; Saitoh,Akio; Sugiyama,Toru; Masui,Ryuichi; Hirose,Takeshi; Miyahara,Masaki, Actuator control system.
  2. Gagas, John M.; Stair, II, Daniel E.; Hochschild, Jr., Richard C.; Dembinski, David G., Adjustable downdraft ventilator.
  3. Saeda Koichi,JPX ; Komada Minoru,JPX ; Nakamura Kenichiro,JPX ; Mitsuyama Toshio,JPX, Ball-threaded shaft anti-slipout type linear actuator.
  4. Robertson, Jon; Veater-Young, Simon; Hairsnape, Daniel, Charge deployment system for ordnance neutralisation.
  5. Nagai,Shigekazu; Hirose,Takeshi, Control system for electric actuator.
  6. Green, Rachael Marie; Dugger, Cory Wade; Springer, Jr., Jackie Dale; McCall, Adam Andrew; Gasper, Daniel Lee, Control systems for water-sports watercraft.
  7. Dreher Lincoln J., Electromechanical linear actuator.
  8. Nakamura Kenichiro,JPX ; Mitsuyama Toshio,JPX ; Noguchi Takashi,JPX, Limit switch mounting structure for a linear actuator.
  9. Morishima, Satoshi; Kawamoto, Kyoshi; Kobayashi, Yutaka, Linear actuator with abutment stoppers.
  10. Gasper, Daniel Lee; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Bryan Walter, Methods and apparatus for facilitating watercraft planing.
  11. Gasper, Daniel Lee; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Bryan Walter, Methods and apparatus for facilitating watercraft planing.
  12. Nakamura Kenichiro (Otsu JPX) Mitsuyama Toshio (Hirakata JPX) Kishida Makoto (Kyoto JPX), Stroke control device for an actuator rod of a linear actuator.
  13. Gasper, Daniel Lee; McCall, Adam Andrew; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Brian Walter; Wilson, Wayne Richard; Green, Rachael Marie, Surf wake system for a watercraft.
  14. Gasper, Daniel Lee; McCall, Adam Andrew; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Bryan Walter; Wilson, Wayne Richard; Green, Rachael Marie, Surf wake system for a watercraft.
  15. Gasper, Daniel Lee; McCall, Adam Andrew; Lopes, Timothy Michael; Munday, Bryan Walter; Wilson, Wayne Richard; Green, Rachael Marie, Surf wake system for a watercraft.
  16. Nakamura Kenichiro,JPX ; Mitsuyama Toshio,JPX ; Kishida Makoto,JPX, Thrust detecting device of a linear actuator.
  17. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  18. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  19. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  20. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E., Wake-modifying device for a boat.
  21. Sheedy, Darren S.; Huyge, Matthew J.; Myers, Michael D.; Schwenk, Zane E.; Ekern, David F., Wake-modifying device for a boat.

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