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Vehicle guidance system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06F-015/50
  • B62D-001/00
출원번호 US-0242241 (1988-09-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wible John E. (Plainesville OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • Caterpillar Industrial Inc. (Mentor OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 64  인용 특허 : 7


A navigation system for use in a self guided material handling vehicle provides guidance during operation in areas having densely stacked rows of containers and reduces the potential of deviation of the self guided vehicle from the desired path of travel. A laser signaling device is mounted on the v


A self guided material handling vehicle having a longitudinal axis, a frame and a load carrying apparatus mounted on the frame, said self guided vehicle being adapted to navigate along an underlying surface in response to instructions stored in an onboard computer based on information received from

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Field Bruce F. (Minneapolis MN) Kasper Joseph G. (Golden Valley MN), Automated guided vehicle.
  2. Wilkins ; John Thomas, Floor treating machines.
  3. Hyypp Kalevi (LuleSEX), Method of navigating an automated guided vehicle.
  4. Tsumura Toshihiro (7-21 ; Abiko 3-Chome Sumiyoshi-ku ; Osaka-shi ; Osaka-fu JPX), Path indicating apparatus of moving vehicle.
  5. Ahlbom Sten H. N. (Vstra Frlunda SEX), Self-piloting vehicle.
  6. Stephens Philip E. (Chelmsford GB2), Vehicle guidance and control system.
  7. Reinaud Guy F. (Dampiere en Yvelines FRX), Vehicle guidance means.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (64)

  1. Heiniger, Richard W.; McClure, John A., Adaptive guidance system and method.
  2. Heiniger, Richard W.; McClure, John A., Adaptive machine control system and method.
  3. McClure,John A.; Heiniger,Richard W.; Timm,John T. E.; Funk,Kent D.; Wong,Richard B., Articulated equipment position control system and method.
  4. Furuno, Hideaki; Tomioka, Yoshiharu; Yoshida, Yutaka, Automatic guided vehicle and method for drive control of the same.
  5. Shupp, Craig L.; English, James A.; Robertson, Timothy D., Automatic load positioning for a conveyor cart.
  6. Heiniger, Richard W.; Funk, Kent D.; McClure, John A.; Collins, Dennis M.; Timm, John T. E., Automatic steering system and method.
  7. Heiniger,Richard W.; Funk,Kent D.; McClure,John A.; Collins,Dennis M.; Timm,John T. E., Automatic steering system and method.
  8. Chiappetta, Mark J.; Frankel, James Paul, Autonomous mobile robot system.
  9. Bloomquist Leif Alan,CAX ; Hinton Eric Herbert,CAX, Autonomous vehicle guidance system.
  10. Whitehead,Michael L.; Davis,Cary, Carrier track loop for GNSS derived attitude.
  11. Chiappetta, Mark J.; Frankel, James P., Celestial navigation system for an autonomous robot.
  12. Feller, Walter J.; Whitehead, Michael L.; McClure, John A., Combined GNSS gyroscope control system and method.
  13. McClure, John A.; Stichter, Aaron C., Control for dispensing material from vehicle.
  14. Wennerström, Magnus; Andersson, Bänkt, Dust container.
  15. Janman David R., Electronic locating system for locating vehicles at assembly plants.
  16. Anderson, Noel Wayne, Enhanced visual landmark for localization.
  17. Webber, Mark R.; Jones, Keith R.; McClure, John A.; Roberge, Andre C.; Feller, Walter J.; Whitehead, Michael L., GNSS and optical guidance and machine control.
  18. Webber, Mark R.; Jones, Keith R.; McClure, John A.; Roberge, Andre C.; Feller, Walter J.; Whitehead, Michael L., GNSS and optical guidance and machine control.
  19. Webber, Mark R.; Jones, Keith R.; McClure, John A.; Roberge, Andre C.; Feller, Walter J.; Whitehead, Michael L., GNSS and optical guidance and machine control.
  20. Collins, Dennis M.; Brown, Michael D., GNSS contour guidance path selection.
  21. McClure, John A.; Heiniger, Richard W.; Funk, Kent D.; Timm, John T. E.; Wong, Richard B.; Collins, Dennis M., GNSS control system and method.
  22. Pollock, Colin J.; Burnell, Kirk, GNSS control system and method for irrigation and related applications.
  23. Roberge, André C.; Feller, Walter J.; Whitehead, Michael L.; McClure, John A.; Miller, Steven R., GNSS guidance and machine control.
  24. Reeve, David R.; Jones, Malcolm B.; Ramm, Andreas F.; Stichter, Aaron C.; Gattis, Joshua M., GNSS integrated multi-sensor control system and method.
  25. Guyette, Greg S.; McVay, Ian; Hennessey, Patrick H.; Collins, Dennis M., GNSS optimized aircraft control system and method.
  26. Whitehead, Michael L.; Badke, Bradley P.; McClure, John A.; Miller, Steven R., GNSS receiver and external storage device system and GNSS data processing method.
  27. Webber, Mark R.; Badke, Bradley P.; Feller, Walter J.; Miller, Steven R., GNSS superband ASIC with simultaneous multi-frequency down conversion.
  28. McClure, John A.; Collins, Dennis M.; Stichter, Aaron C.; Timm, John T. E., GNSS-based mobile communication system and method.
  29. Whitehead, Michael L.; Feller, Walter J., GNSS-based tracking of fixed or slow-moving structures.
  30. McClure, John A.; Collins, Dennis M.; Heiniger, Richard W., GPS derived swathing guidance system.
  31. Giannopoulos, Demetri; Wacyk, Ihor Terence, In-building navigation system.
  32. Angott, Paul G., Laser guidance assembly for a vehicle.
  33. Gutmann, Steffen; Eade, Ethan; Fong, Philip; Munich, Mario, Localization by learning of wave-signal distributions.
  34. Gutmann, Steffen; Eade, Ethan; Fong, Philip; Munich, Mario, Localization by learning of wave-signal distributions.
  35. Price, Robert J.; Brandt, Everett G., Machine control system and method.
  36. Kunzig, Robert S.; Taylor, Robert M.; Emanuel, David C.; Maxwell, Leonard J., Method and apparatus for managing and controlling manned and automated utility vehicles.
  37. Whitehead, Michael L.; Miller, Steven R.; McClure, John A.; Davis, Cary; Feller, Walter J., Method and system using GNSS phase measurements for relative positioning.
  38. Bellchambers,Andrew, Method of handling a load.
  39. Cato, Robert Thomas; Zimmerman, Thomas Guthrie, Mobile device tracking.
  40. Whitehead, Michael L.; Miller, Steven R.; McClure, John A.; Feller, Walter J., Multi-antenna GNSS control system and method.
  41. Whitehead, Michael L.; Feller, Walter J., Multi-antenna GNSS positioning method and system.
  42. Miller, Steven R., Multi-frequency GNSS receiver baseband DSP.
  43. Whitehead, Michael L.; Feller, Walter J.; McClure, John A.; Miller, Steven R., Multiple-antenna GNSS control system and method.
  44. Field Bruce F. (Golden Valley MN), Offsetting the course of a laser guided vehicle.
  45. Reeve, David R., Optical tracking vehicle control system and method.
  46. Reeve, David R.; Macdonald, Andrew John; Morrison, Campbell Robert, Optical tracking vehicle control system and method.
  47. Collins, Dennis M.; McClure, John A., Raster-based contour swathing for guidance and variable-rate chemical application.
  48. McClure, John A.; Collins, Dennis M., Raster-based contour swathing for guidance and variable-rate chemical application.
  49. Lindhé, Magnus; Haegermarck, Anders; Forsberg, Petter, Robotic cleaning device.
  50. Haegermarck, Anders, Robotic vacuum cleaner with protruding sidebrush.
  51. McClure, John A.; Collins, Dennis M.; Timm, John T. E., Satellite based vehicle guidance control in straight and contour modes.
  52. Lindhé, Magnus; Forsberg, Petter, Sensing climb of obstacle of a robotic cleaning device.
  53. Anderson, Noel Wayne, System and method for area coverage using sector decomposition.
  54. Anderson, Noel Wayne, System and method for area coverage using sector decomposition.
  55. Anderson, Noel Wayne, System and method for area coverage using sector decomposition.
  56. Whitehead, Michael L., System and method for augmenting DGNSS with internally-generated differential correction.
  57. Whittaker William L. (Pittsburgh PA) West Jay H. (Pittsburgh PA) Singh Sanjiv J. (Pittsburgh PA) Lay Norman K. (Peoria IL) Devier Lonnie J. (Pittsburgh PA), System and method for detecting obstacles in a road.
  58. Shaffer Gary K. (Butler PA) Whittaker William L. (Pittsburgh PA) West Jay H. (Pittsburgh PA) Clow Richard G. (Phoenix AZ) Singh Sanjiv J. (Pittsburgh PA) Lay Norman K. (Peoria IL) Devier Lonnie J. (P, System and method for detecting obstacles in the path of a vehicle.
  59. Nichols, Mark Edward; Gudat, Adam John; Piekutowski, Richard, Systems and methods for augmenting an inertial navigation system.
  60. Hiroki Sone JP, Travelling vehicle system.
  61. Whitehead, Michael L.; Miller, Steve R., Unbiased code phase discriminator.
  62. Macdonald, Andrew John; Reeve, David Robert; Morrison, Campbell Robert, Vehicle control system.
  63. Angott, Paul G., Vehicle guidance-maintaining horizontal laser.
  64. McClure, John A.; Miller, Steven R., Visual, GNSS and gyro autosteering control.
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