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Automatic watering zone switcher 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16K-011/22
출원번호 US-0282241 (1988-12-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Christon Thomas M. (Omaha NE) Richards Martin A. (Omaha NE) Scholz Eric H. (Bellevue NE)
출원인 / 주소
  • Rain Matic Corporation (Omaha NE 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 7


A device which switches water flow from an outlet sequentially between two other outlets automatically in response to turning the water supply on and off, by using hydraulic energy of the water, and energy from a spring to manipulate a pair of positions along a predetermined path into positions of a


A device for mechanically, automatically, and sequentially switching the flow of fluid from a pressurized source between two fluid outlets, which comprises: a body defining an interior cylindrical barrel having a circular cross-section; first piston means disposed in said barrel towards one end ther

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Frentzel Herman E. (Kentfield CA), Automatic valve for use with pool cleaning devices.
  2. Frentzel Herman E. (Kentfield CA), Automatic valve for use with pool cleaning devices.
  3. Lace Donald A. (5041 Galway Cir. Huntington Beach CA 92649), Check valve structure.
  4. van Haaften ; Lourens Theodor, Fluid distribution system.
  5. Bork ; Jr. Carl R. (Euclid OH) Steiss William C. (Parma OH) Tobbe William P. (Lyndhurst OH) Shufflebarger Earl D. (Mentor OH) Matousek Stephen (Chagrin Falls OH) Gardner Thomas J. (Kirtland OH), Pressure relief valve.
  6. Rosenberg ; Peretz, Remotely actuated valves and fluid distribution system including same.
  7. Baker Joseph R. (73 Fairview East Tequesta FL 33469), Zone selector and locking mechanism for sequencing valve.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Nies, Juergen; Duong, Ha Van; Michael, Vicky Ann; Boyle, Richard King; Carter, James Daniel; Boggs, Christopher R.; Durflinger, Nathan; Meves, Don; Koppes, Dana; Fickas, Eric, Combined water timer and manifold assembly.
  2. Zink, Gerald P., Flow controlled switching valve.
  3. Zink, Gerald P., Flow controlled switching valve.
  4. Hurst, James Walter, Fluid activated flow control apparatus.
  5. Hurst, James Walter, Fluid activated flow control apparatus.
  6. Alan Robinson ; William Knapp, High definition rain curtain.
  7. Andersen, Colton, High pressure fluid spray nozzle incorporating a flow controlled switching valve.
  8. Andersen, Colton, High pressure fluid spray nozzle incorporating a flow controlled switching valve.
  9. Andersen, Colton, High pressure fluid spray nozzle incorporating a flow controlled switching valve.
  10. Zink, Gerald P.; O'Connor, Neil C., High pressure fluid spray nozzle incorporating a flow controlled switching valve.
  11. Herbert, Kay; Parsons, Natan E.; Guler, Fatih, Multi-way valve employing two-state operator.
  12. Hu, Xin-Zhan; Gao, Wen, Shower head with dual switches.
  13. Chandran, Anand; Brimble, Robert Richard; Waible, Linda Kay, Water timer.
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