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Extraction process for removal of impurities from terephthalic acid filtrate 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C07C-051/43
출원번호 US-0361176 (1989-06-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Browder Larry W. (Kingsport TN) Medlin James C. (Kingsport TN) Spaugh
  • Jr. Art T. (Kingsport TN)
출원인 / 주소
  • Eastman Kodak Company (Rochester NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 113  인용 특허 : 2


A method for removing impurities from an oxidative terephthalic acid synthesis mother liquor containing acetic acid, water, corrosion metals, a metal catalyst and organic impurities, comprising the steps of (a) removing from the mother liquor by evaporation from 50-95% of the acetic acid and water c


A method for removing impurities from an oxidative terephthalic acid synthesis mother liquor containing acetic acid, water, corrosion metals, a metal catalyst and organic impurities, comprising the steps of (a) concentrating the mother liquor by evaporating from 50-95% of the acetic acid and water c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Roffia Paolo (Saronno ITX) Calini Pierangelo (Rho ITX) Tonti Sergio (Venezia Mestre ITX), Method of recovering in active form the catalyst for the terephthalic acid synthesis.
  2. List Ferdinand (Marl DEX) Orlowski Friedrich-August (Haltern DEX), Process for the purification of terephthalic acid.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (113)

  1. Kwon,Ik Hyun; Choi,Young Gyo; Song,Byung Jun; Ji,Jong Cheul, Apparatus and method for recovering acetic acid and catalyst in process for preparation of 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid.
  2. Lee Fu-Ming ; Lamshing Wiston, Apparatus for preparing purified terephthalic acid.
  3. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Carboxylic acid production process.
  4. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Carboxylic acid production process.
  5. Fornara, Wout; Gout, Martin; Sumner, Jr., Charles Edwan, Carboxylic acid production process employing solvent from esterification of lignocellulosic material.
  6. Janka, Mesfin Ejerssa; Sumner, Jr., Charles Edwan; Howard, Adam Scott; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Carboxylic acid production process employing solvent from esterification of lignocellulosic material.
  7. Fogle, III, Raymond Elbert; Sheppard, Ronald Buford; Upshaw, Timothy Alan; Wonders, Alan George, Dicarboxylic acid production with direct fired off-gas heating.
  8. Fogle, III, Raymond Elbert; Sheppard, Ronald Buford; Upshaw, Timothy Alan; Wonders, Alan George, Dicarboxylic acid production with enhanced energy recovery.
  9. Fogle, III, Raymond Elbert; Sheppard, Ronald Buford; Upshaw, Timothy Alan; Wonders, Alan George, Dicarboxylic acid production with minimal wastewater generation.
  10. Fogle, III, Raymond Elbert; Sheppard, Ronald Buford; Upshaw, Timothy Alan; Wonders, Alan George, Dicarboxylic acid production with self-fuel oxidative destruction.
  11. Gibson,Philip Edward; Parker,Kenny Randolph; Sheppard,Ronald Buford, Enriched carboxylic acid composition.
  12. Gibson,Philip Edward; Parker,Kenny Randolph, Enriched isophthalic acid composition.
  13. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph; Sheppard, Ronald Buford, Enriched terephthalic acid composition.
  14. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph; Sheppard, Ronald Buford, Enriched terephthalic acid composition.
  15. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph; Sheppard, Ronald Buford, Enriched terephthalic acid composition.
  16. Lin,Robert; de Vreede,Marcel, Extraction process for removal of impurities from an aqueous mixture.
  17. Lin,Robert; de Vreede,Marcel, Extraction process for removal of impurities from an oxidizer purge stream in the synthesis of carboxylic acid.
  18. Lin,Robert; de Vreede,Marcel, Extraction process for removal of impurities from an oxidizer purge stream in the synthesis of carboxylic acid.
  19. Lin,Robert, Extraction process for removal of impurities from mother liquor in the synthesis of carboxylic acid.
  20. Lin,Robert; de Vreede,Marcel, Extraction process for removal of impurities from mother liquor in the synthesis of carboxylic acid.
  21. Parker, Kenny; Janka, Mesfin; Shaikh, Ashfaq; Partin, Lee, Furan-2,5-dicarboxylic acid purge process.
  22. Fogle, III, Raymond Elbert; Sheppard, Ronald Buford; Upshaw, Timothy Alan; Wonders, Alan George, Integrated co-production of dicarboxylic acids.
  23. Colborn, Robert Edgar; Hall, David Bruce; Koch, Peter; Oeckel, Gerald, Liquid phase oxidation of halogenated ortho-xylenes.
  24. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward, Method and apparatus for drying carboxylic acid.
  25. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward, Method and apparatus for drying carboxylic acid.
  26. Lee Fu-Ming ; Lamshing Wiston, Method and apparatus for preparing purified terephthalic acid.
  27. Lee Fu-Ming ; Shang Wei-Teh Wade, Method and apparatus for preparing purified terephthalic acid.
  28. Lee Fu-Ming ; Lamshing Wiston ; Wytcherley Randi Wright, Method and apparatus for preparing purified terephthalic acid and isophthalic acid from mixed xylenes.
  29. Lin,Robert; de Vreede,Marcel; Sluijmers,Johannes Wilhelmus; De Boer,Martin; Woodruff,Thomas Earl, Method for oxidizing a slurry composition in a post oxidation zone in the presence of added steam.
  30. Colborn, Robert Edgar; Hall, David Bruce; Koch, Peter; Oeckel, Gerald, Method for the manufacture of chlorophthalic anhydride.
  31. Colborn, Robert Edgar; Hall, David Bruce; Koch, Peter; Oeckel, Gerald, Method for the manufacture of halophthalic acids and anhydrides.
  32. Colborn, Robert Edgar; Hall, David Bruce; Koch, Peter Alois; Demuth, Bernd Volker; Wessel, Thomas; Mack, Karl Ernst; Tatake, Prashant Anil; Vakil, Uptal Mahendra; Gondkar, Shyamal Bhaskar; Pace, John Edward; Won, Kwang Woong, Method of making halophthalic acids and halophthalic anhydrides.
  33. Colborn, Robert Edgar; Hall, David Bruce; Koch, Peter Alois; Demuth, Bernd Volker; Wessel, Thomas; Mack, KarlErnst; Tatake, Prashant Anil; Vakil, Utpal Mahendra; Gondkar, Shyamal Bhaskar; Pace, John Edward; Won, Kwang Woong, Method of making halophthalic acids and halophthalic anhydrides.
  34. Lamshing Wiston ; Lee Fu-Ming ; Wytcherley Randi Wright, Method to reduce carboxybenzaldehyde isomers in terephthalic acid or isophthalic acid.
  35. Parker,Kenny Randolph; Gibson,Philip Edward, Methods and apparatus for isolating carboxylic acid.
  36. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward, Methods and apparatus for producing a low-moisture carboxylic acid wet cake.
  37. Wonders, Alan George; Jenkins, Jr., Howard Wood; Partin, Lee Reynolds; Strasser, Wayne Scott; de Vreede, Marcel, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  38. Wonders, Alan George; Jenkins, Jr., Howard Wood; Partin, Lee Reynolds; Strasser, Wayne Scott; de Vreede, Marcel, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  39. Wonders, Alan George; Lavoie, Gino Georges; Sumner, Jr., Charles Edwan, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  40. Wonders, Alan George; Lavoie, Gino Georges; Sumner, Jr., Charles Edwan; Davenport, Bryan Wayne; de Vreede, Marcel; Tennant, Brent Alan, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  41. Wonders, Alan George; Lightfoot, Thomas Young; Sumner, Jr., Charles Edwan; Woodruff, Thomas Earl; Arnold, III, Ernest William; Fugate, Eric Jackson; Hitchcock, Charles Helton; Tennant, Brent Alan; Aycock, John David, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  42. Wonders, Alan George; Lightfoot, Thomas Young; Woodruff, Thomas Earl; Hitchcock, Charles Helton; Denton, David Lee; McCurry, Carl Norman, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  43. Wonders, Alan George; Lightfoot, Thomas Young; Woodruff, Thomas Earl; Hitchcock, Charles Helton; Denton, David Lee; McCurry, Carl Norman, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  44. Wonders, Alan George; Lin, Robert; Partin, Lee Reynolds; de Vreede, Marcel; Strasser, Wayne Scott, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  45. Wonders, Alan George; Lin, Robert; Partin, Lee Reynolds; de Vreede, Marcel; Strasser, Wayne Scott, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  46. Wonders, Alan George; Lin, Robert; de Vreede, Marcel; Partin, Lee Reynolds, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  47. Wonders, Alan George; Partin, Lee Reynolds; Strasser, Wayne Scott, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  48. Wonders, Alan George; Partin, Lee Reynolds; Strasser, Wayne Scott; de Vreede, Marcel, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  49. Wonders, Alan George; Partin, Lee Reynolds; Strasser, Wayne Scott; de Vreede, Marcel, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  50. Wonders, Alan George; Partin, Lee Reynolds; Strasser, Wayne Scott; de Vreede, Marcel, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  51. Wonders, Alan George; Partin, Lee Reynolds; Strasser, Wayne Scott; de Vreede, Marcel; Gupta, Puneet, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  52. Wonders, Alan George; Partin, Lee Reynolds; Strasser, Wayne Scott; deVreede, Marcel; Gupta, Puneet, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  53. Wonders, Alan George; Strasser, Wayne Scott; de Vreede, Marcel; Tidwell, J Thomas, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  54. Wonders, Alan George; Strasser, Wayne Scott; de Vreede, Marcel; Tidwell, J. Thomas, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  55. Wonders,Alan George; Jenkins, Jr.,Howard Wood; Partin,Lee Reynolds; Strasser,Wayne Scott; de Vreede,Marcel, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  56. Wonders,Alan George; Jenkins, Jr.,Howard Wood; Partin,Lee Reynolds; Strasser,Wayne Scott; deVreede,Marcel, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  57. Wonders,Alan George; Lavoie,Gino Georges; Sumner, Jr.,Charles Edwan, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  58. Wonders,Alan George; Partin,Lee Reynolds; Strasser,Wayne Scott; de Vreede,Marcel, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  59. Wonders,Alan George; Partin,Lee Reynolds; Strasser,Wayne Scott; de Vreede,Marcel; Gupta,Puneet, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  60. Wonders,Alan George; Partin,Lee Reynolds; Strasser,Wayne Scott; de Vreede,Marcel; Gupta,Puneet, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  61. Wonders,Alan George; Partin,Lee Reynolds; Strasser,Wayne Scott; deVreede,Marcel; Gupta,Puneet, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  62. Wonders,Alan George; de Vreede,Marcel; Partin,Lee Reynolds; Strasser,Wayne Scott, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  63. Wonders,Alan George; de Vreede,Marcel; Partin,Lee Reynolds; Strasser,Wayne Scott; Gupta,Puneet, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  64. de Vreede, Marcel; Partin, Lee Reynolds; Strasser, Wayne Scott, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  65. de Vreede,Marcel; Wonders,Alan George; Lin,Robert, Optimized liquid-phase oxidation.
  66. Lin, Robert; de Vreede, Marcel, Optimized production of aromatic dicarboxylic acids.
  67. Lin, Robert; de Vreede, Marcel, Optimized production of aromatic dicarboxylic acids.
  68. Wonders,Alan George; Woodruff,Thomas Earl; Sheppard,Ronald Buford; Strasser,Wayne Scott, Oxidation system employing internal structure for enhanced hydrodynamics.
  69. Wonders,Alan George; Woodruff,Thomas Earl; Sheppard,Ronald Buford; Strasser,Wayne Scott, Oxidation system with internal secondary reactor.
  70. Wonders,Alan George; Woodruff,Thomas Earl; Sheppard,Ronald Buford; Strasser,Wayne Scott, Oxidation system with internal secondary reactor.
  71. Woodruff, Thomas Earl; Wonders, Alan George, Oxidation system with sidedraw secondary reactor.
  72. Woodruff, Thomas Earl; Wonders, Alan George, Oxidation system with sidedraw secondary reactor.
  73. Wonders,Alan George; Sheppard,Ronald Buford; De Boer,Martin; Partin,Lee Reynolds; Fogle,Raymond Elbert, Polycarboxylic acid production system employing cooled mother liquor from oxidative digestion as feed to impurity purge system.
  74. Wonders, Alan George; Sheppard, Ronald Buford; Woodruff, Thomas Earl; De Boer, Martin; Fogle, Raymond Elbert; Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Polycarboxylic acid production system employing enhanced evaporative concentration downstream of oxidative digestion.
  75. Wonders, Alan George; Sheppard, Ronald Buford; Woodruff, Thomas Earl; De Boer, Martin; Fogle, Raymond Elbert, Polycarboxylic acid production system employing enhanced multistage oxidative digestion.
  76. Wonders,Alan George; Sheppard,Ronald Buford; De Boer,Martin, Polycarboxylic acid production system employing hot liquor removal downstream of oxidative digestion.
  77. Wonders,Alan George; Sheppard,Ronald Buford; De Boer,Martin; Fogle,Raymond Elbert; de Vreede,Marcel, Polycarboxylic acid production system employing oxidative digestion with reduced or eliminated upstream liquor exchange.
  78. Wonders,Alan George; Lin,Robert; Alexander,Leigh A.; Pell, Jr.,Thomas Michael, Polycarboxylic acid production system with enhanced heating for oxidative digestion.
  79. Lin,Robert, Process for energy recovery in processes for the preparation of aromatic carboxylic acids.
  80. Lin,Robert, Process for production of a carboxylic acid/diol mixture suitable for use in polyester production.
  81. Lin,Robert, Process for production of a carboxylic acid/diol mixture suitable for use in polyester production.
  82. Lin,Robert; Upshaw,Timothy Alan; Hall,Duane Alan; Parker,Kenny Randolph, Process for production of a carboxylic acid/diol mixture suitable for use in polyester production.
  83. Lin,Robert; Upshaw,Timothy Alan; Hall,Duane Alan; Parker,Kenny Randolph, Process for production of a carboxylic acid/diol mixture suitable for use in polyester production.
  84. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Lin, Robert; Gibson, Philip Edward, Process for production of a carboxylic acid/diol mixture suitable for use in polyester production.
  85. Parker,Kenny Randolph; Lin,Robert; Gibson,Philip Edward, Process for production of a carboxylic acid/diol mixture suitable for use in polyester production.
  86. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Lin, Robert; Gibson, Philip Edward, Process for production of a dried carboxylic acid cake suitable for use in polyester production.
  87. Lin, Robert; Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Process for removal of benzoic acid from an oxidizer purge stream.
  88. Lin,Robert; Gibson,Philip Edward; Parker,Kenny Randolph, Process for removal of benzoic acid from an oxidizer purge stream.
  89. Gibson,Philip Edward; Parker,Kenny Randolph; Jenkins, Jr.,Howard Wood, Process for removal of impurities from an oxidizer purge stream.
  90. Gibson,Philip Edward; Parker,Kenny Randolph; Jenkins, Jr.,Howard Wood, Process for removal of impurities from an oxidizer purge stream.
  91. Parker,Kenny Randolph; Lin,Robert, Process for removal of impurities from mother liquor in the synthesis of carboxylic acid using pressure filtration.
  92. Parker,Kenny Randolph; Lin,Robert, Process for removal of impurities from mother liquor in the synthesis of carboxylic acid using pressure filtration.
  93. Sheppard,Ronald Buford; Tennant,Brent Alan; Woodruff,Thomas Earl; Lin,Robert, Process for the oxidative purification of terephthalic acid.
  94. Sheppard,Ronald Buford; Tennant,Brent Alan; Woodruff,Thomas Earl; Lin,Robert, Process for the oxidative purification of terephthalic acid.
  95. Sheppard,Ronald Buford; Tennant,Brent Alan; Woodruff,Thomas Earl; Lin,Robert; O'Meadhra,Ruairi Seosamh, Process for the oxidative purification of terephthalic acid.
  96. Lin,Robert; O'Meadhra,Ruairi Seosamh; Sheppard,Ronald Buford, Process for the production of purified terephthalic acid.
  97. Hindmarsh Eric (North Yorkshire GB2) Turner John Arthur (Cleveland GB2) Ure Alan Macpherson (Cleveland GB2), Process for the production of terephalic acid.
  98. Hindmarsh Eric (North Yorkshire GB2) Turner John A. (Cleveland GB2) Ure Alan M. (Cleveland GB2), Process for the production of terephthalic acid.
  99. Hindmarsh Eric,GB2 ; Turner John Arthur,GB2 ; Ure Alan MacPherson,GB2, Process for the production of terephthalic acid.
  100. Sumner, Jr.,Charles Edwan; Gibson,Philip Edward; Lin,Robert; Fugate,Eric Jackson; Arnold,Ernest William, Process for the purification of a crude carboxylic acid slurry.
  101. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph; O'Meadhra, Ruairi Seosamh, Process to enrich a carboxylic acid composition.
  102. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward, Process to produce a post catalyst removal composition.
  103. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward; O'Meadhra, Ruairi Seosamh, Process to produce a post catalyst removal composition.
  104. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward; O'Meadhra, Ruairi Seosamh, Process to produce an enriched composition.
  105. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward; O'Meadhra, Ruairi Seosamh, Process to produce an enriched composition.
  106. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Process to produce an enrichment feed.
  107. Karanjgaokar, C. G., Recovery of aromatic carboxylic acids and oxidation catalyst.
  108. Lin,Robert; Bellner,Steven Paul, Steam recompression in carboxylic acid processes.
  109. Parker, Kenny Randolph, Terephthalic acid purge filtration rate by controlling % water in filter feed slurry.
  110. Sheppard,Ronald Buford; Sumner, Jr.,Charles Edwan; Tennant,Brent Alan, Two stage oxidation process for the production of aromatic dicarboxylic acids.
  111. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Versatile oxidation byproduct purge process.
  112. Gibson, Philip Edward; Parker, Kenny Randolph, Versatile oxidation byproduct purge process.
  113. Parker, Kenny Randolph; Gibson, Philip Edward, Versatile oxidation byproduct purge process.
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